Pirate Valkyrie Poten

Chapter 2 Cultivation and Awakening

Chapter 2 Cultivation and Awakening

The next morning, Oka woke up and dragged the wood back and ran along the beach. He didn’t use internal energy, but only performed the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu. Sit up, squat against the wood, each group should not be less than 500 times, until you can't move, then stop, rest for a while, then start hitting the wooden pile 10000 times, and kicking the pile 10000 times.Didn't stop to eat until noon.take a break.

In the afternoon, Oka began to enter the forest to find a large-scale wild animal in actual combat, practice martial arts moves, and exercise a sense of crisis, so as to awaken the domineering power of knowledge and knowledge. life-saving method.

Going deep into the forest, I don’t know how many meters, it really made Oka hit a valley, the valley is very big, the trees are tall, and surrounded by mountains on three sides. , the ones to guard are also animals in the valley, okay?not myself.

The further he entered the forest, Oka found that he might have entered the territory of some kind of beast or a large herd animal, and there was no sound of other animals around.

Sure enough, before Oka walked 30 meters, he heard, oh. . .Woo. .Accompanied by the howling of wolves, the pack of wolves made pattering footsteps and approached from all around.After a while, Oka was surrounded by a pack of wolves. Oka glanced over and found dozens of wolves surrounding him, and not far away was the wolf king guarded by twenty or thirty wolves.

Oka knew that this battle would be very difficult for him, and he might be injured or even die. He saw that each wolf was two meters high, and the wolf king was even more terrifying. It might be mutated, with a height of 4 or 5 meters.

bang. . .bang. . .Oka, who had never faced such a scene before, his heart pounded violently, his breathing became disordered, and a sense of tension and fear filled his mind, causing Oka's body and consciousness to slow down unconsciously.

This kind of fear originating from human instinct is the natural reaction of human beings in the face of life and death crisis. In the face of this situation, Oka tried to calm himself down. If he is afraid of wolves, then he will face What about the General and the Four Emperors who have fruit abilities?Only when the heroes meet on the road can the brave win.

At this time, only the wolf king was heard in the distance. . .With a whining sound, the pack of wolves surrounded by Oka rushed over in an orderly manner. Oka hurriedly transported the body guard of the Nine Suns Sutra, and used the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill to use the Eighteen Palms of the Lifting and Landing Dragon, stepping on Lingbo Wei Step forward, draw a circle with the left, and move the flying dragon in the sky with the right palm, and hit it directly. I saw a few wolves in front of Oka being shot and flew out. Lingbo moved slightly to the left, turned sideways and slapped Long Zaitian with his right palm, and Oka slapped his back to see if he couldn't survive. Prajna Kungfu is running, and the surrounding wolves are gradually decreasing, and Oka's physical strength is almost reaching its limit. After all, Oka himself has Nine Suns Divine Art to protect his body, but his physical strength is not that of an adult, just an 8 or 9-year-old little child.

Oka stopped and exhaled heavily, too tired, no, I have to find a way to get out, Oka thought.After all, there are still many wolves around, with their mouths wide open, grinning, showing sharp teeth, not to mention there is a bug called the wolf king.

Woohoo. . .Hearing a sound, the surrounding wolves gave way, and Oka saw the wolf king walking in front of Oka with graceful and steady steps, staring at Oka with a haughty and disillusioned gaze.

Oka knows that the most critical moment is coming, when he will either die or say goodbye to this world. Oka hastily circulated Jiuyang Zhenqi in order to avoid being suddenly attacked by the wolf king. As expected, the wolf king rushed to Oka In front of Ka, Oka hurriedly stepped on Lingbo and walked to the side to avoid it, but it was still a bit late, and his back was still injured, a few wolf paw prints, ah. . .The pain made Oka unbearably exhale.

At this time Oka saw the wolf king rushing towards him again, Oka hurriedly slapped the flying dragon in the sky, and another move Qianlong in the abyss, only to see the wolf king was slapped several meters away, Oka sighed in one breath.

The wolf king in the distance stood up angrily and thought, underestimating this little bug, and being shot by this little bug, the king was very angry, and the consequences would be serious, so he rushed to Oka with anger.

Oka saw the wolf king rushing towards him, and prepared another move, Flying Dragon in the Sky, and waited for the wolf king to charge before shooting. Dodging, the wolf king dodged, but the surrounding wolf cubs couldn't dodge, and several wolves were shot out. The wolf king saw that his men were killed by this little bug again, and the flames of anger burned in his eyes, and he quickly rushed to the ground. Oka attacks, left, right, and back. Almost every time he attacks, Oka gets an extra wound. The wolf king attacks quickly. The left side was injured, and the right side was injured when hiding behind. After a while, Oka's whole body was covered with injuries, full of blood, like a bloody man.

With the passage of time, Oka's nine yang and nine yin zhenqi also bottomed out, his body became more and more disobedient, the more he was injured, and his consciousness began to blur. He wondered if he was going to die again. In the 21st century, you haven't found a girlfriend, your parents haven't had time to be filial, and you think that you will die after only three days in this world?I am not reconciled, very unwilling, I don't want to die so uselessly.

Just when the final blow of the wolf king was about to reach Oka, Oka closed his eyes and planned to say, ah~~`, when he shouted the last sound in his heart, a force burst out of his body and rushed towards Oka's surroundings. Seeing the wolf king rushing towards Oka, he fell directly to the ground, rolled his eyes and passed out, and the surrounding wolves also fainted.

Oka waited for a long time without seeing the wolf king kill him, thinking: Does the wolf king have to wait until night to eat himself as dinner?He opened his eyes and saw that the wolf king and the pack of wolves had fainted, their eyes widened, and wondered if there were still people on the island, so he called out: Is there anyone?No one answered, and shouted again: Is there anyone, did you help me just now, but after shouting for a while, no one answered, and wondered what in the world of One Piece could make creatures unconscious, and Oka stared, Awakening the domineering color can make the creatures stunned unconsciously.
Anyone who has awakened the domineering look has the potential to be a king. Does he have the potential to become a king? Oka Mimi thought.No matter, stop the bleeding first, then recover your strength, and get out of here quickly, the smell of serum is too strong here, maybe some big beasts will come again later, I really have to die, Oka sits down cross-legged, and runs the Jiuyang Zhen After a quarter of an hour, Oka recovered about [-]% of his strength, stood up, walked up to the wolf king, performed the Nine Suns Divine Art, and pressed the flying dragon on the wolf king's head in the sky, and saw the wolf king seven times. Kong bleeds to death. If the wolf king knows that he is dying for no apparent reason, and sees the King of Hades, he must shout: I am so unjustly dead. I don’t know if there is a King of Hades in this world. Who cares?

Oka dragged the wolf king to the beach quickly. He didn't want to fight again. About 10 minutes later, he arrived at the stone edge where he usually trained. Yinzhenjing’s Healing Chapter Healing wounds. When I was fighting with the wolf king just now, my internal organs were a little injured. If it is not treated in time, it will leave sequelae. There is no way to deal with traumatic injuries. I can only wait for scars to form. Will there be traces? I don't know, I'll talk about it later.

When Oka woke up again, it was already dark, the internal injury had healed, the Nine Yang Divine Art True Qi had recovered, and the Nine Yin True Qi had also grown a lot. Then Oka got up and got a wooden knife, attached to the Nine Yang True Qi. The corpse of the wolf king began to be dissected, the wolf skin was separated, the internal organs were removed and buried, so as not to attract wild animals, and then the wolf meat and wolf skin were washed in the sea, put on the cave shelf, and prepared to be roasted on a fire. The wolf meat can be eaten. Dried wolf skins can be used as quilts or clothes.

Oka ate wolf meat, recalling just now, where his flaws were, where his strengths were, and how his domineering aura was aroused. The situation, every move of the battle with the wolf king and the final reconciliation, resulting in an unyielding spirit, yes, the spirit can also be said to be soul power, Oka slowly tried to communicate with the spiritual power in his brain, through continuous After a lot of attempts, he finally managed to get a trace of spiritual power, and saw a force that was invisible to the naked eye emanating from Oka's side and rushed to the surroundings.Then Oka slowly turned this trace of spiritual power, from the hair to the thickness of rice grains.Overlord color domineering can also be freely controlled, but to be as powerful as the hero Karp, you need to practice a lot.

What made Oka the happiest was that when he was colluding with spiritual power, he accidentally let him open the space on the back of the Valkyrie Book. There was a message letting him know that the size of the space is determined by his own ability. Now he can only Open the space of 10 squares, if that space can be turned into a world that day, it is the time for him to become a god.But it’s only 10 cubes in size, and Oka is also happy. The food you usually find doesn’t need to be taken back to the cave and placed directly in the space.

At this moment, a heat flow suddenly flowed out of the body, Oka quickly withdrew his thoughts, performed the exercises, and began to carry Zhou Tian. After 10 Zhou Tian and 36 Zhou Tian passed, the heat flow also stopped. The wolf king meat is caused by eating pheasant and hare before, but this wolf king will have energy, well, pay attention to this aspect when hunting next time, I didn’t expect this wolf king meat to make Jiuyin Zhenjing worse A little big, let the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu step into the sixth layer, which is equivalent to the limit of the second layer of the human body in this world.Really good stuff.

(End of this chapter)

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