Pirate Valkyrie Poten

Chapter 425 Soldiers Out of Mary Joya

Chapter 425 Soldiers Out of Mary Joya
One year has passed quickly since Oka established the New World Government.

In just one year since the establishment of the New World Government, the kingdoms that joined the New World Government have doubled in size.

The government of the Confederate States, originally composed of more than 100 countries, has become a new world government composed of more than 200 members of the Confederate Kingdom.

The more than 200 kingdoms supporting the original world government have also increased or decreased into more than 40 kingdoms.

These more than 40 countries are all loyal to the original world government, and they are all people related to the nobles.

Of course, Oka is no longer calling these more than 40 countries. His general trend has been established, justice is already on his side, and his layout is basically completed.

This mainly depends on his various preferential policies, the tax has been reduced to N times the original, and he has sent heavy troops to encircle and suppress the pirates to protect those kingdoms from the harassment of the pirates.

And these were all done under the leadership of the army general Sabo. First, Oka wanted him to be a general who truly seized power, and he also sent troops to garrison those alliance kingdoms.

The navy sent troops from the Red Dog, Yellow Monkey, and Aokiji to the four seas and the new world to encircle and suppress the pirates.

Today, one year later, it is the first time that Oka has held a real New World Government Conference.

This is different from the last meeting of more than 100 kingdoms that joined the kingdom. Not to mention that there are more than 200 kingdoms members present this time, it is said that the purpose of this time is different.

Last time, it was only to determine some policies and guidelines for the new world government, but this time it is the real parliament, which first determines the policies and guidelines of the previous time, followed by some future arrangements, and then conquers the original world government.

After all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the place where you lie on the couch cannot allow others to sleep!

Of course, almost no one in the whole world knows that the new world government is going to hold a world conference.

Let’s not talk about Oka holding a meeting openly, just say that the last time the New World Government held a meeting, those small and medium-sized pirate forces suffered unprecedented blows, and even were destroyed.

Now that Oka is coming to such a meeting again, who doesn't know that after a year of expansion, the New World Government is stronger than ever. If you don't pay attention, even the power of the big pirates may be wiped out in an instant.

All over the world, the great sea route, etc., whether it is the original world government, those big pirate forces, or the newly added pirates, all do not want to know what Oka, the head of the new world government, is going to do.

One after another, they attracted confidants to discuss, just like Brother Doffer Mingming, who had lost his former calm at this time, frowned and said, "What is this brat doing now?"

"My lord, people should find out what the purpose of this meeting is as soon as possible. Otherwise, after a year of development, the New World Government has already gained power. We need to be prepared."

In the site where Kaido is located in the New World, someone also said, "Captain, is this brat going to attack us?"

Kaido said domineeringly: "Whether it's against us or not, as long as that kid dares to come, I will let him go around, hum!"

No wonder Kaido was so angry, last time he was seriously injured by Oka, and with his resilience, he had to recuperate for half a year, which was enough to see how much he hated Oka.

"Both, do you want to inform your lord about this matter?"

Mary Joya, in a luxurious room of the world government, there were three old men sitting, and one of them asked.

Apparently he was the three surviving five old stars, and they also affirmed that Oka's plan this time was not small, after all, it was the first time.

Come again, the fool also knows what's going on, besides, Oka has already made Wu Laoxing feel very troublesome.

Now with the huge power of Oka, although it is not sure whether Orka will find the pirates like last time, but who can say for sure!

"I think, should we wait for the exact news before reporting to the lord? The lord has passed the news. His matter is at a critical juncture. If we go to disturb him without evidence, I'm afraid the lord will be angry!"

Another five old star frowned and said.

"Okay, then dare to dispatch all CP0 and CP9 to find out what this kid is going to do."

The other two five old stars nodded and said.

Oka first asked Long to publicly say at the headquarters of the new navy: "The good life of the people of the world government is coming, the life of democracy is not far away, and the nobles will disappear."

Then let the world news reporters leave before returning to the big meeting room to hold an important meeting with only member kingdoms.

"Are you really going to start?
You have to think about it clearly, is the Lord going to open war with the world government? "

After the meeting, Long followed Oka, came to Oka's office, and asked.

Although he had discussed with Oka and agreed with Oka, but now it was a real war after all, and he had to confirm with Oka again.

"Yes, this time, do you want to go together?"

Oka looked at the dragon seriously, and said.

After all, with the full support of Oka, the New World Government has become extremely powerful after a year of development, and Oka no longer wants to make trouble.

If the original world government is still allowed to exist, then his efforts to develop the navy and army will be in vain, right?
Besides, he didn't want to wait any longer, he really wanted to know if he could return to Earth after breaking this world.

"Okay, now that you've made your decision, I fully support you."

Long saw Oka's confident expression, and he was not joking, so he said.

"Well, let people prepare, and let Sabo pay attention to the movements of various countries, I don't want someone to come out and drag me down now.

If there are really people who are obedient and contradictory, let Sabo take action immediately and destroy these people.

Although they don't need to take action this time, their territory must be guarded, otherwise, we will be in danger. "

Oka nodded and said.

After all, although the army of the original world government is three or four layers lower than the army of the new world government, its strength is still acceptable. world government.

For more than 800 years, the original world government has ruled everything. In these hundreds of years, many forces have been destroyed and reorganized, but the world government has never been shaken.

Even in the darkest age, the world government is as stable as Mount Tai.

But now, Oka is attacking the world government openly and aboveboard.

For a time, all the forces and the world government were surprised.

They never expected that this meeting of the new world government would actually attack the original world government.

This made some happy, but also surprised and angry!
The happy thing is that all the pirate forces, after all, the strength of the original world government is obvious to all, after all, it has existed for 800 years.

The ones who were surprised and angry were the Tianlong people and the five old stars behind the world government.

This Oka is too presumptuous!
(End of this chapter)

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