Chapter 51
After Oka was rescued by Karp, the battle between Oka and MOM spread all over the world the next day, and every faction had a newspaper in their hands, with photos of Oka and MOM fighting on it. , and there is a brief introduction about Oka.

"Father, are you so optimistic about this kid? From the very beginning, you have been so interested in everything about this kid." Marco said to a man with a white beard.

That's right, he is Whitebeard Edward Newgate, the helm of the Whitebeard Pirates, known as "the strongest man in the world". . .That kid is very interesting. I have a feeling that he will be the person I will be in this world again. Besides, Marco, don’t you think he is already stronger than you? You don’t want to kill this kind of person all at once. Then he will be your nightmare. For this kind of person, you can either be a friend or a stranger. Don’t be an enemy of this kind of powerful person. It’s too annoying. Being missed by this kind of person, sleep I can't sleep well, I'm looking forward to meeting that kid, and I feel like I'll be meeting him soon.

"Dad, are you thinking too much? He is a navy. It is so possible for him to meet you, unless he is here to catch you. Huh, as long as he comes to catch you, I will make him come and go." Marco saw the white beard. Oka's evaluation was so high, and he felt a little dissatisfied.

"Okay, my son has courage, come on, fight him when he comes, let others see how good my son with white beard is." White beard couldn't hear Marco's dissatisfaction, but Relieve him, after all, is it his son or not.

And at the other end of the new world, there was a strange-looking man who was looking at the newspaper in his hand with interest, and said to himself: I don't know if you can kill me. . .

In Wanguo, where the BIG MOM pirates are located, Cracker and Daifuku looked at the newspaper in their hands angrily, wishing to kill the kid in the newspaper. It was this nasty kid who hurt their mother.

"Ah... I can't bear it, I want to avenge my mother" someone in the cracker shouted loudly when they saw the kid in the newspaper.

"Okay, Gala, your name is Guiming, don't overpower yourself and go to seek revenge on him, he is not something you can defeat, wait until your mother recovers from her injuries, then you are still afraid that you will not avenge your mother?" Kataku When Li heard Gala say that he wanted to seek revenge from Oka, he immediately stopped him.

"Understood, Brother Katakuri, hey, I won't let him go if I see it next time." Hearing Katakuri's words, Gala also knew that he was not Oka's opponent, but he still said the cruel words of.

"Master, I didn't expect that brat to be so powerful that he could even fight to a draw with that old hag, MOM," Virgo said to Doflamingo.

"Wow haha... This kid is really interesting. It seems that we have another opponent or a friend." After Don Quixote Doflamingo finished laughing, he turned to Virgo and said, "I'm going to treat this kid right now." Come up with a plan, friend or foe.

"Yes, master" Virgo said.

Oka, who was in a coma from the outside world, didn't know about it. When Oka woke up, he found that he was no longer on a navy warship. He remembered that both sides fell in the final battle between him and MOM. He just fell. He was carried back to the warship by Karp at the next moment. Oka remembered that as soon as he got on the warship, his mind relaxed and he passed out.

Oka turned his head and looked around, and found that the room he was in turned out to be in the villa of the old man Kapuna. Oka got up and stretched his body, the bones all over his body creaked, Oka knew that he must have been lying on the bed for a long time , otherwise there would be no such sound.

Oka went out of her room, went to wash up, and went downstairs, and saw that there was no one in the villa. Oka came to the garden and saw that the housekeeper was busy pruning flowers and plants. Oka went forward and asked the housekeeper, saying: Grandpa Kado, where is the old man Kapu?
"Oh, Master Oka, you're awake, great, you're finally awake? Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something to eat? The master has gone to the Navy Headquarters for a meeting." Kado heard someone calling him from behind. , turned around and found that Oka was standing one meter behind him, asked Oka happily, and told about Karp going to the Navy headquarters for a meeting.

"Oh, how long have I been sleeping, Grandpa Kado? I'm really hungry when you say that, so please go and get something to eat, thank you, Grandpa Kado." Oka heard that Garp was The meeting was over, and he stopped paying attention to Karp. When Kado asked him if he was hungry, Oka realized that he was really hungry, so he asked Kado to prepare some food for him to pad his stomach.

"Okay, Master Oka, I'm going to get you something to eat right now. Oh, you have been in a coma for three days since the master took you back to Marlin Vanduo. During these three days, the master has been with you in your room until I was called to a meeting by the Navy Headquarters just now." Kado told Oka about the fact that Oka returned to Marin Vandor and fell into a coma for three days, and also told Oka that Garp had been accompanying him in his room. card to listen.

Oka did not expect that he had already returned to Marlin Vandor on the third day, and this time his soul was so severely injured that he even let himself enter deep protection. One, this is what Oka did not expect, since he came to this world and came out of the island, and it was the most serious injury he suffered after the completion of the martial arts.

Oka waited for Kado to get him something to eat, and then sat on the recliner where Karp often sat to check his body. Oka scanned his body with his spiritual sense and found that the trauma he had suffered during the battle with MOM before was healed. It's almost done, and the scabs should fall off in a few days. The five viscera shifts before the internal injury have recovered after Oka's coma. On the contrary, after this battle, Oka's zhenyuan has solidified a lot. It is estimated that the pill will be formed in a short time.

At that time, Oka will not be seriously injured like this time when he fights with any of the Four Emperors. It can be said that either the opponent is seriously injured or slightly injured, and it is definitely no longer Oka himself who is seriously injured and ends the battle. .

But this time the soul was wounded, which made Oka very upset. Ever since he knew that there was a pill to increase the soul in the Valkyrie Book, Oka had been looking for medicinal materials for refining the Shenyuan Pill, and since the establishment of the Jiji Trading Company, Orka has been It has been two or three years since the medicinal materials for refining Shenyuan Dan and other medicinal materials were drawn into an atlas and handed over to the Jiji Trading Company to collect enough or posted on the underground black market for rewards. Orca still does not know if he has found it.

Oka was wondering if he should go back to Haha Island or Long Island to have a look, um, so it was decided, Hui Long, to use this injury as an excuse, haha. . . . . .Oka laughed as he thought about it, thinking he was too clever.

(End of this chapter)

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