Douluo Qingyun sword fairy

Chapter 79 The second requirement

Chapter 79 The First Request

Half an hour later, the black blood finally drained away, Dugu Bo's dark green hair returned to normal gray color, his skin returned to the blood color that a normal person should have, and all the toxins have been excreted from his body up.

Xiao Yu was already sweating profusely, but his hands were still waving on Dugu Bo's body non-stop, pulling out all the Xuanbing Liehuo needles that were stuck on Dugu Bo's body, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

The treatment has ended, but the medicinal properties of the two immortal poisonous herbs are still subtly changing Dugu Bo's physique.

Although these two extreme fairy poisonous herbs are overbearing, after neutralization, they can already become treasures absorbed by the human body.Coupled with Xiao Yu's spiritual guidance, the effects contained in them were slowly absorbed into Dugu Bo's body, and settled in the meridians and bones of his whole body.

Dugu Bo felt the bubbling hot currents crazily flowing in his body, the pain caused by the backlash of toxins had been significantly relieved, and the 91-level bottleneck that had not been broken through for many years showed signs of breaking.Both his soul power and physique have been enhanced with a more obvious feeling.

You know, after level ninety, every level is a huge bottleneck, and Dugu Bo has stayed at this level for a full ten years.How could this sign of a breakthrough not make him ecstatic?
"Now I owe this little monster a huge favor!"

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo's impression of Xiao Yu improved obviously, and he became much more cordial.

Only a crisp sound of "click" was heard, and Dugu Bo successfully broke through level 92!
Dugu Bo gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his face was full of joy and disbelief.

Xiao Yu on the side complained: "Old monster, isn't it too early to be happy now? It's just a level up of soul power, which makes you so happy. You should feel your body first!"

Xiao Yu's slightly teasing words rang in Dugu Bo's ears. Dugu Bo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at his hands.

The originally withered and old arms became full of vitality at this time, as if the whole person was more than ten years younger.He then clenched his fists tightly, a sense of power surged into his heart, and he swung hard at the rock beside him.

He only heard a loud "boom", and he punched a small hole in the hard rock.

"My physical strength has actually increased so much! It's almost on par with a Titled Douluo who possesses an attack-type beast spirit!"

Xiao Yu explained: "That's right, these two herbs are absolutely poisonous, as long as ordinary people get close to them within ten meters, they will freeze or turn into ashes, let alone eat them.

However, the so-called yin and yang restrain each other, when these two extreme herbs are put together, they will neutralize each other, greatly reducing the toxicity, and that is the only chance to take them.After taking it, the two toxins of ice and fire will be mutually exclusive and complement each other. While eliminating toxins in your body, it also has the effect of transforming your body. If you use some special methods to absorb them, you can achieve the effect of invulnerability from fire and water. "

"What a fire and water invulnerability!" Dugu Bo felt that his physique had become stronger, and his eyes kept shining!
"It's just that part of the fire poison and cold poison of these two fairy herbs still remain in your body, and the power of the combination of the three is much more powerful than your original poison!

If they gather in you again, you will suffer many times as much as before! "

"What did you say?"

Dugu Bo was startled suddenly, his eyes gradually turned cold and he asked, "Are you saving me or are you harming me?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Old monster, listen to me first. The main reason why you were backlashed by the toxin before is because you did not handle the poisonous art properly, allowing the toxin to fuse with yourself, even though your soul power can Mobilization and suppression, but they have already become a part of your body, so they will cause great damage to the body.

But if there is a container to store the toxins and isolate them from the qi in the body, then all problems can be solved easily. "

Dugu Bo is also a great expert in poisoning. Hearing Xiao Yu's words, he immediately understood, his eyes lit up, "Then the Qi refining method you gave Yanyan earlier can isolate the poisonous gas from the gas in the body?"

Xiao Yu nodded, and said: "That's the reason. That set of Qi refining method can not only strengthen the practitioner's body, prevent all poisons from invading, but also store the toxins in the body in the dantian, separating them from the Qi in the body. , allowing you to mobilize at any time without hurting yourself.”

Dugu Bo looked at Xiao Yu with a restrained look in his eyes, "Little monster, I owe you a big favor! There are not many people who can make me admire, you are one of them. I, Dugu Bo, always mean what I say, and I promise you three No questions asked!"

Xiao Yu smiled lightly and said, "Okay, then I'm going to make the first request now."

Dugu Bo frowned slightly, with an amused look on his face, "Little monster, your favor as a Title Douluo is Chinese cabbage? Just use one so casually? Tell me, what do you want?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "My first request is that I want to stay in this Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye for a while and borrow some of the herbs here."

Dugu Bo couldn't help being taken aback, and asked: "There are many herbs here that even I don't know, you don't want to say you know them all, do you?"

Ever since he discovered the Binghuo Yangyan, he discovered that there are many herbs here that he didn't know. He also tried to test the medicinal properties of these herbs, but the previous experiment also made him taste the unforgettable taste of his life. Pain, if it wasn't for his own strength, he would have been poisoned to death long ago.

From then on, when Dugu Bo came here again, he only took the herbs he knew.He really didn't want to believe that the teenager in front of him would recognize those herbs that he didn't even know.He also knew what treasures might be in these herbs.

"How difficult is it? If you want to learn, I can teach you!" Xiao Yu said narrowly.

The reason why he dared to talk to Dugu Bo so unscrupulously was because he had already figured out Dugu Bo's temper.

Although this notorious Poison Douluo speaks fiercely, his nature is not very bad. As long as he doesn't threaten him or offend him, he won't just make trouble for anyone.

After Xiao Yu observed the Binghuo Liangyi eyes with the technique of looking at qi, he was startled.

This Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye is actually full of Dragon Qi!

You must know that only dragon spirit beasts or soul beasts can have dragon aura.

Xiao Yu also had some guesses about the reason for the formation of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

It is very likely that during the last Dragon God War, two dragon beasts with ultimate ice and ultimate fire fell in the Sunset Forest, and their bodies were buried here. After a long time, the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye was formed.

The dragon aura here is so strong, maybe we can find that one!

"Anyway, I don't have anything to do. Let's see what tricks you can come up with." Dugu Bo raised his head slightly, and slowly followed Xiao Yu.

"what ever."

Xiao Yu didn't care about him either, Xiao Yu used the qi-watching technique to find out where the dragon aura was strongest nearby, and at the same time introduced the herbs here to Dugu Bo.

The first thing that caught his attention was a large pale pink flower growing on the bank where the ice and fire springs meet.

There is a strange pink light shrouded around the flower, no leaves, the stem is three feet long, the flower is huge, the diameter is enough to have a full foot, each petal looks crystal clear, the pale pink flower with water mist Swaying gently, the stamens are lavender, like purple diamonds inlaid there.

Xiao Yu was still more than ten meters away from the flower, but he could still smell the faint fragrance.Although the fragrance spreads far away, it is not strong, and the faint fragrance is as touching as the fragrance of a virgin.

"This is the fairy product of Youxiang Qiluo. It is the nemesis of all poisons. It has the effect of neutralizing all toxins. It cannot detoxify itself, but it can counteract poisons. The fragrance is quiet and elegant. Within the range where it is located, any poison has no effect , its aroma has the effect of neutralizing all poisons.

This is the Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum, which is a neutral fairy herb. It can be eaten to move the limbs, blood to the eight veins, and can practice the indestructible body of the vajra.

This is the eight-petal fairy orchid...

This is Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower...

This is Qiluo Tulip...

This is……"

While introducing it to Dugu Bo, Xiao Yu collected all the immortal herbs that he saw along the way into the emerald jade pendant.Although he has never seen many fairy herbs, he can recognize them naturally after reading "Strange Stories from Gods and Demons" and "Qingyun Pharmacopoeia".

Dugu Bo's eyes turned red when he heard it.He didn't know the functions of these herbs before, so he naturally didn't care much about them.

But now after listening to Xiao Yu's explanation, knowing the preciousness of these medicinal herbs, almost every plant can be compared with the most treasured soul bone in the soul master world, how can he still calm down, and immediately roared red-faced: "Little Monster, you are enough, I have so many fairy herbs here, which one will not cause the soul masters on the mainland to loot, but you searched so many at once, robbery!"

"Dangtang Poison Douluo actually backtracked, how did you promise me before? Do you want to go back on your word now?"

Xiao Yu said in a calm voice, bent down and stretched out his hands with a nonchalant face, and picked the herbs he needed, not worried at all that Dugu Bo would play tricks.

Dugu Bo wants to cry but has no tears, he is completely leading the wolf into the house!

Dugu Bo really had the urge to kill and silence him now, but he quickly suppressed him again.

"Forget it, this little monster is the savior of Yanyan and me after all. Although the fairy herbs are precious, they are not as good as my granddaughter. Let's treat it as his reward!"

Looking at Xiao Yu, Dugu Bo could only think of four words in his mind at this moment, the future is boundless!
It's a pity, Dugu Bo sighed inwardly, his granddaughter's age is far behind him, otherwise, he would have to match them up, even if it means cooking raw rice first.

At this time, Xiao Yu noticed an inconspicuous corner. Although it looked inconspicuous here, the Dragon Qi was the strongest in the eyes of the entire Binghuo Liangyi.

"I finally found it!"

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(End of this chapter)

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