Start a company to make games

Chapter 100 Left 4 Dead!

Chapter 100 Left 4 Dead!

As time went on, the praise continued to skyrocket.

"From a small studio to the king of the industry, from sales of 5000 sets, but now I sell [-] million sets. From a few unknowns to now countless fans. From no one cares, to now monopolizing game awards..."

"The game experience in the developing country of this game is great!"


competition is over!

As expected, the champion was won by Sumo Shichiro.

The host put the championship trophy in the hand of Sumo Shichiro, and read the manuscript: "Master Sumo Shichiro, the hardcore fantasy adventure RPG "The Brave of the Fat House" produced by Sumo Shichiro, although the picture is not gorgeous, but the setting is very cute. Hi, it makes people have a suppressed sense of humor."

"The 30-year-old social animal reincarnated in a different world, with super high abilities, and the thrill of being invincible! The price is that being touched by a woman will continue to reduce HP, and you will die if you touch it."

"On the one hand, it satisfies the adventure and brave dreams of people in our society. On the other hand, in order to break the curse of being unable to pick up girls, players will also try their best."

"From a brave man in a fat house to a rich and handsome man, from losing blood when he meets a woman, to sitting in a harem!"

"This is "The Brave of the Fat House", a powerful motivation for players!"

Hearing the host's introduction, Liu Xiong couldn't help laughing himself.

It is worthy of being an old oil field who has been in the corpse company for decades, Sumo Shichiro does have two brushes.

At least it sounds like this "The Brave of the Fat House" is very interesting.

Unfortunately, the game development country did not win the championship.

But what the host said next made this regret disappear in an instant.

"In addition to Mr. Sumo Shichiro, our organizing committee has decided to grant free development qualifications for the 'Lost Little Bookboy' PZ console!"

"The Lost Little Book Boy's "Game Development Country" is a game that cultivates a small game studio and gradually develops into the overlord of the game industry."

"Although the body of the game is small, it is very interesting to play."

"Many judges said that this simple little game has an incredible addiction once you get started!"

"Next game! Next game! Next game!"

"Before you know it, a few hours have passed... This "Game Development Country" is an out-and-out time killer!"


Excellent games have achieved excellent results. With "Game Development Country", Feimeng successfully obtained the development qualification of PZ console for free.

In the office of the organizing committee, when Liu Xiong got the PZ host development tool, someone finally asked tentatively: "Excuse me, could you be Mr. Liu from Feimeng Game Studio?"

Now that he was recognized, Liu Xiong admitted it generously.

The room was suddenly filled with laughter.

The organizing committee said flatteringly: "Under the leadership of Mr. Liu, Feimeng Games has produced several great games in a row."

"Originally, we have been looking forward to when Feimeng will come to the PZ platform for development?"

"Haha, I didn't expect Fei Meng to participate in the creative competition anonymously and successfully get the qualification. I'm so happy."

"Then, is Feimeng's next game going to be on the PZ platform?"

Liu Xiong gave an affirmative answer.

"Since I have obtained the development qualification of the PZ platform, I must give it a try. The theme of the game will be kept secret for the time being."


The holiday ended soon, and everyone who was tanned returned to Feimeng, and a new round of game development was about to start.

As early as in Hawaii, after returning from the PZ organizing committee, Liu Xiong had already started to prepare for the new game.

So as soon as he returned to Feimeng, Liu Xiong could directly hold a meeting to study Feimeng's next game.

Before the meeting, Liu Xiong took an inventory of his current assets.

Excluding the legends that are still paying back and the working capital that needs to be retained, the budget that Liu Xiong can give for the new game is 2 million yuan.

The figure of 2 million yuan is not too much for the development of a large-scale game.

However, if this fund is used reasonably, it is enough for Feimeng to develop a good 3D game.

Generally speaking, the funds are not much, but enough to spend.


At the beginning of the meeting, Liu Xiong first explained the general direction of Feimeng's new game to everyone.

"The theme of today's meeting is already clear to everyone. Yes, today we are going to decide on our next game."

Since the advent of the legend of blood, everyone has been idle for so long, and it is because they are eager to fight.

Hearing what Liu Xiong said, everyone applauded enthusiastically.

After sincere and warm applause, Liu Xiong said: "PZ mainframe is the mainframe with the highest market share, and entering the PZ mainframe market has been my goal all along."

"Fortunately, we happened to meet the PZ console creative contest, and got the qualification to develop PZ console games for free."

"This leaves a large amount of development licensing fees, and I will use this development licensing fees to strive to make our game better!"

After applauding, Xiao Lin eagerly asked, "Boss, are you going to make a big production on the PZ platform this time?"

Liu Xiong smiled and nodded to confirm: "Yes, Feimeng has already accumulated sufficient capital, technology, experience and market foundation."

"This time, we're going to make a big deal!"

Everyone applauded enthusiastically.

Of course, it's not all compliments to the boss.

To a large extent, it is also the desire of all Feimeng employees to make a first-line masterpiece!

After patiently waiting for the applause to stop, Liu Xiong continued to speak.

"As you all know, my ideal Feimeng game world is built with the Feimeng game platform as the core."

"Now the Feimeng game platform has a daily peak of more than 120 million online users, which is a very good start."

"But among the more than 120 million online players, the game Legend of Blood contributed more than 95% of the players."

"And then there are still a small number of players who use the Feimeng game platform to connect with King of Fighters and War of the Three Kingdoms."

"As for the blood lion, since the blood lion does not have an online function, there are very few players who use the Feimeng game platform to play the blood lion."

"For the better development of the Feimeng game platform, we urgently need new games to diversify the ecosystem of the Feimeng platform."

After a pause and a sip of tea, Liu Xiong summed up step by step: "For this reason, Feimeng's new game will be a game that attaches great importance to the player's online experience."

Kobayashi raised his hand to speak, and asked, "We attach great importance to player networking? It won't be another online game, right?"

Liu Xiong recalled the fear of being dominated by a 1-cent point card, and couldn't help shaking his whole body!
Shaking, Liu Xiong shook his head again and again.

"It's not an online game. In fact, I have already conceived a rough idea of ​​the game this time."

"Fei Meng's new game is called "Left [-] Dead"!"

Left 4 Dead, Left [-] Dead!

(End of this chapter)

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