Starting from the swordsman, go to the heavens

Chapter 150 Conscription in Bingzhou

Chapter 150 Conscription in Bingzhou
Liu Bei and others went straight to Shangdang, made some adjustments, and then began to gather troops and prepare to attack Taiyuan!

There are many elite soldiers in Bingzhou, everyone practices martial arts, and resists aliens with the power of a state, and as long as they pull out the banner of resisting aliens, many people will join the army!

Liu Bei bluntly said that he would counterattack the alien race and summon elite soldiers. Immediately, everyone rushed to register first, and tens of thousands of soldiers were recruited soon!

And all of them are strong troops who have practiced martial arts and can directly go into battle to kill the enemy!

The money spent is nothing compared to those jewels!
Liu Bei allocated troops and horses, and Gao Yi's subordinates increased to 5000!And the horses and armor are complete!


However, after more than a month, after Gao Yi's training was completed, Liu Bei had already established himself in the party, and even Taiyuan County sent people to ask Liu Bei to settle in and drive out the aliens!

Not only soldiers and horses, but also Liu Bei's fellow countrymen Jian Yong, styled Xianhe, Sun Qian, styled Gongyou!Jia Kui, a native of Bingzhou, is named Liang Dao!Let's go!
Sun Qian and Jia Kui are skilled in internal affairs and left to handle government affairs. Jian Yong is smooth and good at diplomacy. Liu Bei wants him to be a lobbyist to persuade Wu Heng to vote!

Now in Taiyuan County, not only Wuheng is in trouble, but also Baibo army is in trouble. Not far away, there are millions of Heishan troops in Taihang Mountain, who come out to loot from time to time!
Gao Yi said to Liu Bei:
"Brother Xuande came here in the name of recovering Bingzhou and expelling the aliens, so he won the hearts of the people of Bingzhou. The aliens have been in trouble in Bingzhou for a long time, and they are full of conflicts with our Han people. If they surrender, it will have a great impact on the hearts of the people!"

Liu Bei suddenly realized, but he had some doubts:
"Thank you Yingchuan for the reminder, but Wuheng has a lot of troops and is often recruited by the princes. If you don't go and surrender, you don't know what to do next."

As a native of Bingzhou, Jia Kui directly remonstrated:
"Nowadays, the foreign races in Bingzhou are mainly Wuheng and the Southern Huns. The Southern Huns were conquered by the big man and moved to Bingzhou. Unfortunately, they were only taken back in name. Now they are mainly against the hostess, basically occupying all the land in Bingzhou, bullying and enslaving our people at will!

Now if they want to regain Bingzhou, they must subdue Wuheng and the Xiongnu, otherwise they will surrender and rebel if they see an opportunity, and they will lose the support of Bingzhou people in an instant! "

Gao Yi is very satisfied with his deduction, and these foreign races among the princes, even though they verbally surrendered, it was only for the benefit, and the land they occupied was not in any way!
"Conquer? We not only have to subdue them, but also enslave them. Now that there are few Han people in Bingzhou, a lot of land is barren, and foreigners don't know how to farm. Who will cultivate the land!

We will go to the Hetao Plain in the future, where fertile soil is everywhere, where can we find so many people to cultivate it? "

Liu Bei looked worried and said:

"It's not in line with my style of benevolence and righteousness. For small countries of foreign races, just let them pay tribute directly!"

Gao Yi sneered and said:
"Brother Xuande, do you know how many territories Xianbei has in the northern grasslands? How many troops?"

Seeing everyone's unconcerned expressions, Gao Yi continued:
"Nowadays, the Guangxianbei clan occupies a territory equal to half of the Han Dynasty, and everyone of the foreign race is a warrior, so they can pull out hundreds of thousands of troops at will, and they don't need food and pay. They bring their own rations, all by robbery." Grab the offerings!"

Everyone looked unbelieving, Jian Yong said doubtfully:

"Since the foreign race is so powerful, why are all the foreign races around the big man vassalized, and they are not afraid of my big man!"

Gao Yi sneered and said:
"That's the power and prestige of the strong men of the past. Why is there a saying that one Han is better than five Hus? Because of the mentality, my Han army now sees everyone of the foreign race fighting for the first, and the foreign race sees my regular Han army. Everyone is chilled!
But now the Han court is in chaos, and the foreign races are tempting. As long as I show my weakness, the foreign races will riot in an instant, and they will all take control of the Central Plains! "

Moreover, the Jin Dynasty that destroyed the Sima family in the future is mainly the Southern Huns. If they are not disabled first, they will become stronger in the future, and they will be the biggest threat to the Han people!

Everyone was skeptical, but Liu Bei was facing Gao Yi and his trust. Gao Yi said everything along the way, so he asked directly:

"Yingchuan, do you have a plan?"

Gao Yi said coldly:
"Fighting all the way to the past, the foreign races captured all of them as slaves for ten years, sent them to the rear for farming, and distributed them to the land after ten years. When they get used to farming, they will naturally become civilians under our army!"

Seeing that Liu Bei still hesitated, Zhang Fei said loudly:
"Brother, why are you still hesitating, so I will lead my subordinates to capture them all!"

Gao Yi nodded his approval to Zhang Fei, and said to Liu Bei:

"Everyone of the foreign race practices martial arts, and their combat power is astonishing, but I have some methods to make them weak, and they will no longer be as brave as before, and they can only be enslaved by my Han nationality!"

Just use the Beiming Divine Art to increase the cultivation base of your soldiers. The people here don't cultivate the artistic conception, just use external force to advance to the next stage. When everyone advances to the ultimate stage, you can sweep the world by yourself. At that time, you want luck value It's not easy!
Liu Bei made up his mind at this time and issued an order:

"In this case, based on what Yingchuan said, you, Yingchuan, led Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong to lead [-] troops, stationed in Taiyuan, and took full charge of the battle in Taiyuan County!"

Gao Yi was taken aback for a moment, and he actually put himself in charge, and quickly declined, but Liu Bei repeatedly persuaded him, Liu Bei has just joined the Shangdang, and it is the critical time to regain the hearts of the people and win over the aristocratic family, how could he leave at this time!

Who else could lead troops to attack Taiyuan except Gao Yi, but Gao Yi had no choice but to go to Taiyuan in command!
Taiyuan is the most chaotic place in Bingzhou, with aliens, Han army, and rebels!Qiqi is fighting for the top here, the people here are in dire straits, and the ten rooms are empty!The people are miserable!

Local tyrants also form formations to protect themselves, a village is a fortress!
Gao Yi's army set off to Jinyang, Taiyuan's prefecture, and passed by Qi County. The county magistrate Chen Qu met him, and he understood that the Baibo Valley, where the Bo army was stationed, was more than a hundred miles to the west. The Baibo army attacked Hanoi, and now they were fighting Dong Zhuo. Can fight down!

Gao Yi's heart moved, and he asked:

"Magistrate Chen, do you know the specific information of the Baibo Army?"

Chen Qu replied:

"General Gao, the Baibo army claims to have gathered [-] troops, but they have no more than [-] soldiers ready to fight. Now they are all heading to Hanoi, and the valley is full of old and young women and children! There are only a few thousand defenders!"

There are 10 people, and there are still [-] strong. The Baibo army generals Guo Tai, Yang Feng, Han Xian, Li Le, and Hu Cai are all worthy of use!
Gao Yilue made up his mind after thinking about it. The Baibo army is stationed right between Shangdang and Jinyang. If they fight against other races, they will harass them later, which will cause great harm!

So Gao Yilang said:
"Guan Yu, lead 3000 troops, occupy the Baibo Valley first, and send a message to wait for the Baibo army to return to help. Remember not to kill too many people. Chen County ordered you to go with Guan Yu's army. I will go to ambush near Jieshan Mountain and wait for the Baibo army to return. Annihilation in one fell swoop!"

Guan Yu glanced at Gao Yi. Although he was convinced by his methods, Gao Yi still refused to recognize his elder brother as the lord, so he had a big opinion, but he dared not disrespect the military order, and clasped his fists and replied:

(End of this chapter)

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