Chapter 53 Fighting Li Mochou
The three of Gao Yi walked all the way, a little beggar nearby saw the three of them, his face showed joy, he turned his head and ran away, Cheng Ying saw it, and wanted to use his lightness skills and catch up!

Gao Yi stretched out his hand to grab her and said:

"Let him go. Since Li Mochou is looking for us, let her come. I have no grievances or enmity with the Beggar Gang. Why bother the tired Beggar Gang members to be poisoned to death by Li Mochou!"

He walked into a restaurant and said:

"Xiaoer, just serve up good wine and good food!"

Gao Yi ate and drank to his heart's content, the two daughters looked worried and restless!From time to time, he looked outside the door, afraid that Li Mochou would come in suddenly!

Sure enough, halfway through eating, the door curtain suddenly moved, and the two girls were startled, and they wanted to grab weapons!After a closer look, Yeluyan and a young man came in together!
Yeluyan saluted and said:

"Sir, this is my elder brother Yeluqi. He has practiced martial arts with masters since he was a child. His martial arts are rare in the world. Hearing that sir and others are preparing to fight Li Mochou, I specially ask elder brother to help!"

Gao Yi looked at the enthusiastic Yeluyan, and was moved. He met by chance, and he cared so much for himself after only teaching piano music for three days!
Gao Yi cupped his hands at the two of them and said:
"Thank you for your help, but I'm sure I can deal with Li Mochou!"

Yeluqi stepped forward and bowed:

"Sister She is unreasonable, please forgive me, brother Gao, brother Gao is strong in swordsmanship, but he doesn't need help, today I was brought out by my sister, and I saw that there seemed to be an artistic conception on the tree, I was shocked, I came to see you specially, With Brother Gao's swordsmanship, how could Li Mochou be an opponent!"

Gao Yi took a closer look at Yeluqi, and found that this person was tall and tall, with a steady pace, and his every move was smooth and smooth. He obviously had profound internal strength, and he could discover the artistic conception he left behind, and his mental state must be quite good!

"Young master Yelu, thank you for your support!"

Lu Wushuang couldn't help asking in surprise:
"What is the artistic conception? Why didn't I feel it."

Cheng Ying also said in horror:
"Those who comprehend the artistic conception are all the top masters in the world. I didn't expect Brother Gao to be so powerful!"

Lu Wushuang said in surprise:
"The best in the world? Isn't that about the same as Li Mochou?"


Yeluqi and Cheng Ying are a little embarrassed!

Yeluqi still explained:

"Li Mochou doesn't count. What Miss Cheng means is that Huashan was a person who was considered one of the best in the world when he was discussing swords!"

Lu Wushuang exclaimed:
"Ah! Brother Gao is so powerful!"

Gao Yi...

I'm a little embarrassed that you praise me so much!
Yeluqi said:

"The way of artistic conception, I also heard from the teacher, enter the martial arts with the heart, every move is like the heaven and the earth! Therefore, when fighting against people who have no artistic conception, they will naturally be invincible!"

Gao Yi said:
"It's actually not difficult to comprehend the way of artistic conception. If you want to blend your mind and mind, and the virtual and the real, as long as you can immerse yourself in it all the time, you will understand it after a long time!"

Yeluqi sighed:
"Moving the mind is already difficult, but it takes a long time to realize it, which is even more difficult! Therefore, people who understand the artistic conception are rare in the world!"

Gao Yi said:
"Actually, there are shortcuts!"

Several people were startled and asked urgently:

"What a shortcut!"

Gao Yi untied Yaoqin and stroked it gently!said:

"Since Miss Yelu called me sir, I have a piece of music here that I can teach you! The way of artistic conception is in it!"

The tabletop was too high, so she simply pushed away the table and chairs and sat cross-legged, with Yaoqin lying flat on her lap.

The sound of the piano sounded, sometimes impassioned, sometimes gentle and elegant, slowly jumping like pearls and jade, first like the splashing of a spring, then like a group of flowers competing for beauty, and slowly the spring flowers fall, a desolate and chilling sound!

A few people were intoxicated, their hearts moved with the sound, and they were immersed in another world. When the sound of the piano slowly dissipated, they just woke up like a dream!

Gao Yi secretly thought, it's a pity that Swordsman is a ensemble of qin and flute, if Yingying is not here, who can play it with me!
Watching the people wake up slowly, Gao Yi made a silent gesture, and saw Yeluqi closed his eyes and immersed himself, as if he had realized something!
After waiting for a while, Yeluqi opened his eyes and said gratefully:
"Thank you, Brother Gao, I don't know what this song is, but it actually made my mental state improve!"

Gao Yi said:
"This song is called Xiaoao Jianghu, and it is indeed helpful for understanding the artistic conception. In fact, this song is not necessary. As long as you have a hobby, you can devote yourself wholeheartedly, whether it is martial arts, or piano, chess, calligraphy and painting! As long as the mind is in harmony, it will naturally improve the state of mind !"

Yeluqi gave a salute and said:
"Thank you sir for clarifying your doubts. If you get a word from your husband, you will benefit endlessly!"

Gao Yi took out a music score and handed it to Yeluyan, saying:

"This is the sheet music of The Swordsman. If Ms. Yelu achieves something in the piano in the future, you can try to play it!"

Yeluyan said in surprise:

"Sir, are you really going to give me such a precious score?"

Gao Yi smiled and said:

"It is indeed for you, but whether you can play it depends on your future achievements!"

At this time, a woman's voice came from outside:
"Master, the sound of the piano is coming from here!"

Another female voice said:

"Such a master of qin art, a melody of the qin can make me understand something, I must experience it!"

Lu Wushuang was startled and said:

"Li Mochou is here!"

Hong Lingbo said outside the door:

"People from the beggar gang said that Junior Sister and the others are also in this restaurant, I don't know which room they are in!"

Li Mochou said:

"She can't run away, go to the Qin Yi master first!"

Before Gao Yi could speak, Yeluqi got up and said:

"Mr. Don't bother to do it. I'll go meet Li Mochou first!"

Said start and walked out of the room!

Gao Yi thought to himself, this family has the confidence of being fascinated!I have a good sense of Yeluqi, go out and have a look, don't let him lose his life!

Gao Yi walked out of the room, only to see Yeluqi draw out his long sword, and said loudly:
"But Chilian Fairy Li Mochou, junior Quanzhen sent Yelvqite to ask for advice!"

Li Mochou glanced casually and reprimanded:

"Go away!"

Immediately, a floating dust hit it, and the floating dust was poured with internal force, like strips of steel wire, making a tearing sound!

Yeluqi was shocked and did not dare to underestimate it, he dodged hastily, holding the sword formula with his left hand, and stepped on his left foot with a "Dingyang Needle" to stab from the side, which is the authentic Quanzhen sword technique.This move is full of energy, energy, strength, style, strength, all are just right, it seems ordinary, but it is really rare to practice to such a flawless level!
Li Mochou saw that Yeluqi easily dodged her own attack, and was able to return her own blow, she didn't dare to underestimate it, she immediately turned the floating dust and used the handle of the floating dust to strike at the long sword!

Ding!When the weapons collided, the two of them were shocked!Yeluqi took two steps back and thought to himself, this Li Mochou has such deep inner strength!
Li Mochou put away the floating dust and said:

"Good work, I don't know who you are from the Quanzhen Sect, why are you trying to embarrass me!"

Yeluqi didn't answer, he raised his sword and stabbed again, Li Mochou knew that this man was a formidable opponent, so he stepped sideways and swung his whisk back.Yeluqi saw gray shadows flickering, and the whisks were coming from left or right, in all directions.

Yeluqi had very little experience in combat, and it was the first time he encountered a strong enemy at this time, so he immediately braced himself up and dealt with it with all his strength.In an instant, the two performed more than forty moves.

Li Mochou's attack was getting closer and closer, Yeluqi narrowed the circle of his sword and focused on parrying, seeing that the defeat was complete, but Li Mochou
Want to get it right away, but it doesn't work.

She couldn't help admiring:

"The boy is so pure in Quanzhen martial arts, it's almost as good as the Quanzhen Seven Masters!"

(End of this chapter)

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