I really want to be unremarkable

Chapter 109 109. When Every Dog Licks Dies

Chapter 109 109. When Every Dog Licks Dies

[Gain popularity +99 due to Xia Zhu's resentment]

[Gain popularity +99 due to Xia Zhu's resentment]

[Gain popularity +99 due to Xia Zhu's resentment]

"What the hell? Didn't you just go after talking for a while?"

Huang Xing, who was far away from the playground, received a series of system prompts with a dazed expression.



"Woo~~~ What does that guy mean! Why don't you let me in?!"

Xia Zhu dragged out a long ending, and bashed the neat bed sheet with her small fist shamefully and angrily to vent.

She really never thought that one day she would be locked out of the space for no reason?

"Why don't you allow me to see your space? They just want to know more about you, so let's give you some praise..."

Xia Zhu pursed her mouth in grievance, and there were waves of light in her watery eyes.

Afterwards, she slowly hugged her legs, put her chin on her knees, and muttered in a resentful tone: "That guy really hates you to death, because you make him like you so much, but you don't even let me in... ..."

It was already boring for Xia Zhu to stay alone in the infirmary. He originally wanted to go to his space to learn more about his hobbies and thoughts, and then give him a like and leave a comment.

As a result, this servant directly closed the door for you without saying a word, and you can still praise him.

Angrily knocking on the heart thief's head a few times, Xia Zhu pouted and blew on the hair on her forehead and lay down on the hospital bed.

"so boring……"

Turning back and forth a few times on the bed bored, she suddenly sat up again with an idea, and opened Huang Xing's information interface.

She swiped a few times with her fingertips on the screen, then took a screenshot and sent it to a male classmate in her friends list.



On the other side of the screen, an otaku who is doing his best in Summoner's Canyon is blasting into the earphones at this moment: "Orphan jungler can come to the road to see your mother??? The other side is arresting your father three..."

At this moment, there was a sudden "ding dong" on his mobile phone, and he received a QQ message.

"Fuck, who the hell... Girl, girl, girl, goddess sent me a message?!"

The moment he saw the note on the screen, the canyon killer ignored the pile of ** symbols on the screen, and directly threw the character back to the spring and hung up.

Then he wiped his hands and opened the chat box carefully, wanting to see what the goddess had sent him.

Goddess: Are you there?

Goddess: Which drama is this? (picture)

After seeing the picture sent by the goddess, Licking Dog A's expression froze for a moment.

The picture shows an anime girl with blue hair and double ponytails. In addition, this girl also has a pair of eye-catching mechanical ears.

Hey, isn't this who?
Licking dog A stroked his chin and clicked his tongue, then used his rich knowledge of the two stinging apes to quickly search for the character's name and the anime it belonged to.

So, just when he was about to send the specific fan name and character name, the vigilance of being a licking dog made him hesitate again.

After all, that show is good-looking, but it is a typical masterpiece of otaku.

The style...it's not very suitable for girls.

What if I tell her the truth rashly, and after she reads it, she thinks I'm a pervert and blackmails me, what should I do?
Moreover, why is the goddess interested in this kind of otaku works?

...Wait, is she hinting at me?
"Hey hey hey hey..."

Some romantic scenes popped up in my mind, and Licking Dog A couldn't help laughing wretchedly.

So, he typed a row of messages in the chat box with a "tap-tat-tat"——

Licking Dog A: Goddess, can I ask why you want to watch this?

Goddess: Oh, because my boyfriend likes that very much, so I want to watch it with him too/Shy
"Oh, no wonder, so it's because of her boyfriend...?"




Collapsed collapsed.

Licking dog A's mentality really collapsed!
He never expected that the reason why the goddess would take the initiative to contact him was because of her boyfriend! ! !

What's the matter?What the hell is going on!
When you are carefully busy licking your goddess, your goddess has unknowingly become someone else's licking dog, or the kind that others can wag their tails and spin around when they throw a bone!
Is there anything more heartbreaking for a licking dog than this?Are we shameless as dog lickers?

Thinking of this, Licking Dog A was filled with grief, and his heart was filled with grief and indignation.

Hehe, damn it, is it a dog?
Even if I die today, I lick dog A, and I have to give you a limit one-for-one exchange!



Licking Dog A: Haha, that film is called "****", which requires seed resources.

Goddess: Huh?What's the meaning?Is it hard to find?

Licking Dog A: Well, but if your boyfriend likes this series very much, then you really need to watch it.

Goddess: Yes, you think so too, right?This way I can have a common topic with him~
With a "bang", there was a miserable cry from the table of Licking Dog A.

However, he can't just fall down, he still has a great wish to fulfill in his heart!
So he went on to write—

Licking Dog A: Oh, it also has other series called Father Love ○ Mountain, Prison ○ Ship, Fate ○ Space, ○ Beast, Battle of Light ○ Shadow, you can watch all of these, so your boyfriend will definitely be very happy. happy
Licking Dog A: Day ○ Campus (6 episodes)

Goddess: Uh, so many/horrified
Licking dog A: How much?More is right!These are classics, your boyfriend must have seen them all!
Goddess: Really?

Licking dog A: By the way, remember to add an "infantry version" Tag when searching
Goddess: /question
Goddess: Although I don't understand it very well, thank you!


Licking Dog A almost wanted to cry.

He finally waited for the moment when the goddess thanked him.

However, why is he not happy at all, and even really wants to cry?
Because the only and only time the goddess thanked me was because of the goddess' boyfriend!

And what's even more exaggerated is that not only is she trying to lick her male god by herself, but she also pulls her licking dog to help her lick the male god together! ! !

So true, so sad!

Somehow, Licking Dog A especially wanted to smoke a cigarette right now.

So, after closing the chat window.There was only a crisp sound of "crack" in his hand, and a faint flame appeared in front of Licking Dog A's eyes.


He took a deep breath of the choking tobacco, feeling the burning nicotine pooling in his lungs.

After that, he unskillfully spit out a smoke ring into the air.


Watching the thin smoke ring float higher and higher with the wind, and finally disappear in the air.

Licking dog A suddenly thought of a saying: "People are mortal, either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai."

At the same time, he also remembered that a famous commentator named Lu Shuren once said: "When a dog dies, no couple is innocent."

But every time a spineless licking dog dies, the whole couple will be buried with him!


Today's battle report:

Summer Bamboo Licking Dog-1
Huang Chen's deadly enemy +1
(End of this chapter)

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