I really want to be unremarkable

Chapter 66 066. I'm most afraid of the teacher's sudden concern

Chapter 66 066. I'm most afraid of the teacher's sudden concern

"Lu Xing, come with me to the office."

Hearing this, Huang Xing's original drowsiness suddenly disappeared.

What do you fear the most when you were a student?
Did you fail the exam?Is the homework not finished?Or was he arrested for watching movies on the classroom computer?
No!It is most afraid of the sudden concern of the head teacher!
Huang Xing quickly thought about whether he had made any mistakes in the morning self-study.

But it's not right, firstly he didn't doze off, secondly, he didn't make small talk, and thirdly, he didn't read comics, why did the layman behind bars look for him?
Could it be that something happened with Xia Zhu?But that doesn't call him alone.

"Go quickly, it's not necessarily a bad thing." Wen Ruyu comforted him cautiously when he saw that he was a little nervous.

Hearing this, Huang Xing had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod. After taking a deep breath, he walked to the teacher's office.


As soon as he entered the office, there were quite a few male teachers inside who were puffing, and the pungent smell of smoke made Huang Xing cough a few times.

Enduring the choking smell, Huang Xing covered his mouth and nose and walked to Lao Tan's desk to wait for his explanation.

However, Tan Jianbin was sitting at the table smoking a cigarette, obviously not in a hurry to speak.

Seeing this, Huang Xing swallowed silently and asked, "Teacher Tan, what can I do for you?"


He responded casually, and saw that after Tan Jianbin took the last puff heavily, he crushed the sparks from the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

After doing this, he let out a long breath, turned around and looked at the ordinary boy in front of him.

It has been almost three years since I took this class by myself.

But in his impression, Huang Xing has never been a student with a strong sense of presence, neither a top student who needs to be cultivated in the class, nor a poor student who needs to be paid attention to.

It is rare to see him participating in group activities on weekdays. He always seems to like to stay silently in a corner alone, as if he doesn't care about anything.

However, Tan Jianbin has seen countless people at any rate.

He carefully looked at Huang Xing's demeanor and expression, and felt that although this boy looked indifferent, there was a depth and maturity in his eyes that did not belong to his age.

Like the tip of a mysterious iceberg, there are many unknown sides hidden under the sea.

Although I have been teaching for many years and have seen many students with personality, it is very rare for Huang Xing to be this type.

No wonder Lao Xia asked me to take care of him more.

Recalling the news sent to him by an old acquaintance last night, Tan Jianbin couldn't help being a little surprised. You must know that this old acquaintance of yours is not an ordinary person. world.

Looking at it now, this student is really unusual, Lao Xia's vision is really vicious.

Thinking of this, he raised his glasses frame with his fingers, and the eyes he looked at Huang Xing unconsciously became a little more appreciative.

"Lu Chen, how's your study going?"

Hearing this, Lu Xing was stunned for a moment, then replied in a daze: "It's okay, isn't it?"

"Oh... Did you encounter any difficulties in your studies?"

"Uh, it's all okay, but the math is a bit bad."

"Oh, mathematics..." Tan Jianbin stroked the stubble on his chin. Mathematics has indeed always been the weakness of many students.

So he thought for a while, then took out a class report card from his desk.

He skillfully smeared some saliva from his tongue, opened the report card and checked it in order of grades.

However, when Tan Jianbin saw one of the grades, his eyes that had become cloudy due to years of erosion suddenly lit up.

"By the way, you can ask classmate Wen Ruyu to tutor you in mathematics. She has almost a perfect score in mathematics." Tan Jianbin took out her copy from the report card and handed it to Huang Xing.

Seeing it, Huang Xing took a look, and found that in addition to the results of Wen Ruyu's recent exams, it also included ranking changes, teacher evaluations and so on.

Of course, the most conspicuous among them is her ridiculously high math scores.

"149, 147, 148, 149..."

Looking at the rows of astronomical numbers on her report card, Huang Xing felt a sense of suffocation for the first time.

Holy crap, is this still human?

Seeing the shocked expression on the normally calm young man, Old Tan laughed and said, "Xiao Lu, do you know where her one and two points are deducted?"

Hearing this, Huang Chen twitched the corners of his mouth in a daze, and said half-jokingly: "Yes, the teacher is afraid that she will be too proud?"

"Hahaha, that's about the same as you understand it. I've read her test papers. She sometimes omits a few intermediate steps when answering questions, and then she will be deducted one or two points."

When he said this, Tan Jianbin laughed out loud, obviously he was proud to have such a top student in the class.But he laughed a few times, then pondered for a while and said: "But, this girl is a bit biased."

After speaking, he called up a detailed list of Chinese scores from the computer desktop and pointed it to Huang Xing.

"Look, look, why is her Chinese score only 90? You have more than 120."

Speaking of this, he pointed to a single item in the report card and said: "Look at her reading questions, I don't know what's going on, she always does a mess."

Huang Chen squinted his eyes and found a reading comprehension question with a total score of 20 points, but Wen Ruyu always only got around 5 points, and couldn't get a third of it.

"Well, Chinese reading really shouldn't just get this point."

Huang Xing nodded. In fact, he wanted to say: Aren't you able to get a lot of points for reading?

Tan Jianbin let out a long breath and sighed: "She seems to have a wrong idea for the question. There was a question before, 'Why did the author emphasize that the curtains are light blue here', guess what she answered?"

"She actually wrote: because the curtains in the author's house are blue!"

Speaking of this, Old Tan knocked on the back of his hand bitterly and said, "Look, can this be the correct answer?"


Huang Chen pursed his lips and snickered a few times, but what she said was not necessarily wrong.

However, he still stood up straight and said seriously: "I remember she used to be a science student, right? Maybe she was influenced by science thinking?"

"Well, maybe."

Speaking of this, Tan Jianbin sighed, then pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it up: "She was originally a top student in science class, when she proposed to change classes, the grade group even held several meetings for this." There was a lot of debate in the decision-making committee, and finally Director Tao agreed to transfer to us under her own strong insistence."

Huang Xing listened to his words silently. This weather-beaten middle-aged man seemed to be talking to himself, but the truth contained his self-esteem as a class teacher.

Old Tan spat out a smoke ring, leaned heavily on the back of the chair and said, "Hiss, so I think you two can help each other, what do you think?"

"... Me?" Huang Xing pointed to himself with some doubts.

But he looked at the serious expression on Lao Ban's face, and agreed: "All right... let me try."

Hearing this, Tan Jianbin nodded in satisfaction, tapped the cigarette butt on the ashtray a few times, and said with a "hiss": "Then, have you encountered any problems in life? You can still eat the food in the cafeteria. Are you used to it?"

"Uh..." Huang Xing was a little confused, did the prisoner take some wrong medicine today, why did he suddenly care so much about himself?

"Eating is okay, not hungry."

"Oh, that's good." Old Tan put the cigarette in his mouth again, and puffed a few times.

Seeing this, Huang Chen asked tentatively: "Teacher, is there anything else? Otherwise, I'll go back to the classroom first."

"Um...don't worry."

After speaking, Tan Jianbin was stunned for a moment, but soon the expression on his face suddenly became a little darker for some reason.He let out a long breath, and put out the sparkling cigarette butt in the ashtray.

"By the way, what's your relationship with Xia Zhu?"

A few wisps of exhaled smoke lingered in front of his quaint mirror frame, covering the deep eyes behind him that had been polished by the years.


PS: You can show your love to your favorite characters on the character card every day~
 Thanks to "Brilliant cjh" for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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