Chapter 292 Compensation for Villagers
Everyone's eyes were different, and they looked at Lin Yang with more or less elusive expressions.

After all, Lin Yang had promised them many things before.

It is agreed that they will lead all of them to make a fortune and create a future together.

But now that the garment factory is gone, Lin Yang is suddenly and invisibly placed in an embarrassing situation.

The air is silent, although people don't say it, but Lin Yang can feel it.

The night wind blew, and the coolness hit, Lin Yang wiped the black ash on his face, glanced at the burnt hair on the char siew meat next to him, and smiled at the constantly blinking eyes of the char siew meat.

"Everyone come here." Lin Yang got up to greet, gathered all the villagers together, calmed down his thoughts a little bit, and said loudly: "Don't worry, everyone, natural disasters and man-made disasters are inevitable, but I will fully bear the responsibility of compensating everyone for their losses."

"Tomorrow. When I go back tonight, I will make a total calculation, and I will give everyone a satisfactory explanation tomorrow."

"Hey." Char Siu Rou echoed, as if shouting at people, Ben Bao won't ignore you either.

Lin Xiaoyu stood in the distance and stared at Char Siew Pork's naive look. She wanted to laugh but couldn't. She could clearly see that the villagers were all very depressed.

There is basically no change because of Lin Yang's words, after all, the clothing factory is gone.

compensation?After all, Lin Yang was the one who suffered the heaviest loss. How much can he compensate?

Maybe he can't even take care of himself.The villagers basically think so, how can they not feel depressed?
Anyway, I won't be able to sleep tonight, and it's doomed to be difficult all night.

The village chief reached out and patted Lin Yang on the shoulder twice, then pulled Lin Yang aside, and said with a gloomy expression, "Don't blame them, they all pointed at this garment factory for dinner, but it turned out to be a mess, alas. "

"Actually, they don't blame you, it's just that this matter is too disturbing."

The village chief shook his head repeatedly as he said that, such a big garment factory would be gone if he said nothing, it was more than just a disturbance.

Lin Yang was sure, at least calmer than anyone else present, anyway, he was the backbone, and at this moment he must shoulder a big responsibility, trying to take all the responsibilities on himself.

Especially the issue of compensation for the villagers, he must do it properly.

Otherwise, he will be in a very embarrassing situation for a long time in Shushan Village.

After hearing his thoughts, the village chief couldn't help but feel a little worried: "The factory is gone, what compensation do you get?"

Lin Yang smiled wryly: "It's okay, I still have some spare money on hand, it's not a problem to take it out to compensate the villagers, at least to appease their depressed mood first."

The village chief's eyes flickered strangely, there are so many people, if they really need to pay compensation, it will be a lot of money.

It wasn't that he was worried that Lin Yang wouldn't be able to get it out, but that the village chief felt that Lin Yang wasn't to blame for this.

It should be shared.

Reasoning is indeed such a reasoning, but there are some things that cannot be reasoned with. The village chief thinks that they should be shared, but others may not think so.

Lin Yang understands this very well, so he thought of paying for compensation by himself, at least to stabilize all the villagers first, so as to prepare for a comeback in the future.

Not long after, on the way back, Lin Xiaoyu asked, "Brother, do you really want to pay for it yourself?"

Lin Yang nodded: "It must be compensated, and the villagers must not be chilled."

"But it's not your fault at all. You didn't start the fire, and it's you who suffered the most. It's pretty good if you didn't hold them accountable for why the clothing factory caught fire..."

"You can't say that." Lin Yang interrupted, turned his head and glanced at Lin Xiaoyu with a solemn expression.

"Although the cause of the fire has not been ascertained, it must have nothing to do with the villagers. They all count on the garment factory to eat and earn money."

"In addition, I won't hurt my bones if I pay this money out, but if the villagers don't have this compensation and no source of income, they will have a very difficult time, and they may even not be able to eat."

"Hey." Char Siew Pork suddenly said in agreement.

Lin Yang smiled and reached out to touch the pork head twice, looked up at the dark night sky, his eyes flickered, and he thought for a moment.

It was late at night, and everything was still.

Lin Xiaoyu stared at Lin Yang silently, opened her mouth several times to speak but stopped, and swallowed her words every time they reached her mouth.

Char Siu Rou kept blinking his big eyes beside him, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, Lin Yang took a deep breath and said, "We were born here and grew up here. Every plant, tree, flower, and tree here is our home."

"We are in the same homeland. At this time, the villagers need help the most. I can't escape. Xiaoyu, do you understand?"

Lin Xiaoyu seemed to understand, but nodded in a daze.

Lin Yang turned his head and smiled: "Is it perfunctory?"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" immediately: Benbao testifies, she is just perfunctory you.

Lin Xiaoyu also smiled and said: "No, I just don't know what to do, but I think it makes sense anyway."

Lin Yang is helpless, forget it, go back and have a good rest, think about it again, and discuss the compensation with the villagers tomorrow, and then revive the glory, and create another industry that can make Shushan Village rich.

There is always a way, nothing to be afraid of.

The night is deep, and all things sleep.The dawn comes from the east, and the night ends.

Lin Yang came to the village early in the morning and together with the village chief gathered all the villagers together to discuss compensation.

However, everyone looked at each other and were very silent.Even if someone wants to express their opinion, they don't know how to speak.

It's one thing to want compensation, but you have to lose face if you want compensation, which is very complicated.

Anyway, the village chief didn't intend to say that.The scene was quiet, and the atmosphere became quite subtle unconsciously.

In the end, Lin Yang smiled and said: "It's nothing, they are all a family in the same home, so just speak up if you have anything to say."

"After all, the garment factory is indeed gone now, but life must go on. For the sake of life, there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

People peek at each other, but it's still not easy to open their mouths.

Anyway, Lin Yang has feelings, and they can't be unjust. Many things are like this, mutual.

"We don't want compensation." Shitou suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Last night, my sister and mother were rescued by Lin Yang. We don't want any compensation."

Hearing this, the village chief's eyes were filled with relief.

Lin Yang shook his head: "No, one yard is one yard, and the compensation is as much as it should be."

"Not only do you have to get it, but you have to get enough. Each of you must take care of yourself, and then you can help me when I need people to find another industry."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang directly took out his mobile phone: "Come on, everyone line up and proceed one by one, and pay as much compensation as you should."

Seeing this situation, Shi Shi pulled his sister over and turned around to run away, just not wanting this compensation!

(End of this chapter)

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