Chapter 304 Live Handstand Kissing
No matter what you study, what you pay attention to is a state of mind.

I have a peaceful mind and can learn everything quickly, especially roller skating, which is highly entertaining.

As long as you get rid of the shred of timidity in your heart, it's really not difficult at all.

It just so happens that the char siew meat acts as the coach, and beginners can easily do this, because it is really safe, and the whole person is always under the cover of the thick body of the char siew meat, without the slightest fear of falling.

And I'm excited, after all, it's the teaching of barbecued pork, but I'm teaching people skating as a coach with such a cute and cute appearance. As a beginner, I can't get nervous at all.

The whole person was extremely relaxed, and naturally devoted himself wholeheartedly into it.

In such a state, I learned it without knowing it, and it took more than half an hour.

At the moment when the barbecued pork let go of the beginners, and at the moment when the beginners shuttled quickly on the roller skating rink, the crowd boiled instantly.

The opening ceremony of the entire roller skating rink directly ushered in another peak, and almost everyone was excited.

Fans including Shan Da Wang also had almost the same reaction. The key point is that the char siu pork really taught people, and they had to accept it.

Only the king of the mountain had a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly, and his whole body was stiff.

Unbelievable, unbelievable, these thoughts are followed by doubts... This fucking char siu pork is pretended to be a human!

Or those beginners are pretending to be skating, but in fact they have been skating for a long time, but they just put on a play with char siu pork.

Yes, that must be the case, otherwise there is no way to explain what is going on now.

After a while, the king of the mountain gradually came back to his senses. At this moment, Lin Yang also looked at him.

The two of them suddenly, there was such a sense of tit-for-tat at the scene.

"Hey, hey." The char siew meat also passed, and it flipped somersault in a flashy manner, and fell steadily to stand in front of the king of the mountain.

In an instant, everyone was stunned, something happened, and the barbecued pork was going to cause something.

The boiling crowd unknowingly quieted down a lot.

The audience was enveloped in an extremely strange atmosphere.

On the side, the general live broadcast commentary of the game started again.

"Here we come, a wonderful scene is coming."

"Now that the char siew meat has finished the teaching, we can see that the mountain owner has locked on to the king of the mountain, and the char siew meat also rushed to the king of the mountain with a sudden attack."

"Look, the supporters of the King of the Mountain are retreating strategically. The plot is quite clear, and the King of the Mountain has lost the wind from the very beginning."

"Live upside down and kiss with Qiuqiu, will King of the Mountain keep his promise? Or will he run away like last time?"

"Insert an advertisement, the excitement will continue later."

This anchor is so dedicated that he actually did things like inserting commercials.

However, the current situation is indeed relatively peaceful... Lin Yang Barbecued Pork stood in front of the King of the Mountain, and the King of the Mountain looked livid and calm. Although the atmosphere was suppressed, it was not time to erupt.

But many people nearby couldn't wait: "What is the king of the mountain doing? Hurry up and kiss Qiuqiu on his head."

"That's right, King of the Mountain, don't try to run away this time, we have already blocked the road."

"That's right, King Shan, if you don't kiss Qiuqiu today, you won't be able to leave."

The crowd was excited, and everyone made up their minds that they must let the king of the mountain kiss Qiuqiu.

But Qiuqiu is a dog, a border shepherd raised by the King of the Mountain himself, how can the King of the Mountain get rid of his mouth?
I'm really going to kiss him, and he won't be able to hang out in the live broadcast circle in the future.

A lifetime of fame cannot be ruined overnight.

"Shanzhu, your barbecued pork is really good. I have seen it today." The king of the mountain smiled and opened the bragging mode directly, without mentioning the kiss on his head.

Lin Yang was not polite at all: "You don't need to say that the barbecued pork is amazing, you can just stand on your head and kiss Qiuqiu."

In an instant, all the crowds around were boiling.

This is the moment people are waiting for...either to watch the Shan Dawang live broadcast and kiss Qiuqiu, or to watch the scene where the Shan Lord is beaten to death by the Shan Da Wang after the char siu pork injures someone.

Now that everything is known, people are naturally excited, especially those fans of char siu pork. Seeing the scene of char siu pork as a coach teaching people to skate, the enthusiasm for char siu pork is naturally stronger than before.

This shows that their vision is not wrong, which is also a sense of accomplishment for them.

It's exactly the same as watching your idol beat others to the ground with your own eyes.

Anyway, at this moment, everyone is watching, shouting, and even roaring.

"Don't be dazed, King Shan, hurry up and kiss on your head."

"Qiuqiu is waiting, King Shan, are you still acting stupid?"

"Anyway, he's also a great anchor, so if he can speak well, don't make what he says sound like fart."

There were bursts of roars, and they all pointed their finger at the King of the Mountain.

The king of the mountain was so angry that he really wanted to leave and ignore it, but after trying it, he found that it was impossible...everywhere was blocked by people, and he couldn't leave at all.

Obviously the fans did it on purpose, they made it clear that they wanted to see him embarrassing. After all, seeing the big anchor kissing upside down with his own eyes is quite exciting no matter what.

They don't care if the king of the mountain will withdraw from the circle because of this, they just want to have fun anyway.

And it was the King of the Mountain himself who caused this incident in the first place, so who can blame him?

"Hey, hey." Char Siu Rou yelled twice, and then patted himself on the chest at King Shan in full view.

A bystander commented: "Char Siu Pork: Can you be as responsible as Ben Bao?"

The crowd roared with laughter, at this moment the King of the Mountain really wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

But no matter what, we still have to face the reality. After all, people need face and trees need skin.

"There's no need to do it so badly, right?" The King of the Mountain said suddenly, his voice was cold, and he said this to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang replied lightly: "The things you said out of your own mouth, it turns out that I have done absolutely nothing?"

The King of the Mountain clenched his fists instantly, and took a step forward to stare at Lin Yang at a close distance: "Does this have to be the case?"

Lin Yang ignored it, and turned his eyes straight to the border animal beside him, Qiuqiu.

Needless to say, this dog is actually quite cute and likable.

If he opened his mind, it is not impossible for Lin Yang to be with him.

It's a pity that this little Bianmu followed the wrong person at the beginning, so he didn't even need to think about it, he must have been acting as a money-making machine for the King of the Mountain for a long time.

"What exactly do you want?" The King of the Mountain asked again in a cold voice, with a vaguely aggressive aura.

Lin Yang shook his head and pointed at Qiuqiu: "Fulfill what you said yourself, do a live handstand, and kiss this Qiuqiu."

A ruthless look flashed in Shan Dawang's eyes, and he finally resisted the urge to do something.

"You will regret this!"

"It doesn't matter if I don't regret it later, the key is today, you must take action for what you said."

"Stand on your head, kiss Qiuqiu, right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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