Chapter 426
No, this nima can't let the char siew go in again, otherwise the miasma will get out of control again, so who the hell knows what will happen?
Thinking of this, Lin Yang immediately put down his cell phone and rushed all the way at the fastest speed.

But he was obviously too late, otherwise it wouldn't have been so long before he caught up.

The fact is that, in a blink of an eye, the brown bear ran to the landslide, directly shuttled through a pile of rocks, and soon reached the entrance of the cave, and burrowed in without hesitation.

Then, the barbecued pork quickly chased to the entrance of the cave.

Immediately, all the fans in the live broadcast room were anxious.

"Come on, is it possible that history is really going to repeat itself?"

"It can't be like this, you can't go in with barbecued pork."

"It's over, damn it, I guarantee it will take less than a minute, and the char siu pork will be chased away by the brown bear again."

"Damn it, it can't be so bloody, can it? Can you change the plot?"

"Char Siu Pork: Director, get out of here, I ordered you to change the plot."

While many fans are discussing, the braised pork has also arrived in front of the hole.

At first, the fans thought that the char siu pork was waiting for the braised pork, and then the mother and son joined forces to go in together. Unexpectedly, this time, everyone was wrong.

Including Lin Yang, he never expected that the two guys, the barbecued pork and the red roast pork, did not enter the cave, but stayed at the entrance of the cave and discussed countermeasures in a low voice.

Seeing this scene, the fans were not calm.

"What is this for? Start outsmarting?"

"Hahaha, I knew it would definitely not be that kind of bloody plot. Look, these two guys didn't go in."

"I didn't go in, but what are they doing now? Who will translate for the translator?"

"Char Siew Pork: Mom, you go in. Braised Pork: No, son, you go in. Barbecued Pork: No, you come in. Braised Pork: No, you come."

"Upstairs, get lost and die."

"Don't make trouble, the braised pork is already moving, let's see what it wants to do?"

The attention of all the fans was instantly focused on the braised pork, and the guy ran away quickly and disappeared from the drone's lens in a blink of an eye, and he didn't know what he was doing.

The char siu pork continued to guard the entrance of the cave, motionless and silent, as calm as waiting for a rabbit.

Fans wondered: "I'm a little confused, what is this for?"

"Who isn't confused? I just need to know what the fuck these two guys want to do."

Not to mention the fans, even Lin Yang doesn't know what the two of them are planning.

Lin Yang didn't bother to think about it, he just took a look at the scene through the camera of the drone with his mobile phone, then put away his mobile phone and continued to run wildly.

Fortunately, those two guys still have self-knowledge. After suffering a loss, they both knew that the hole could not be entered casually, so they began to think of other ways.

And no matter what the method is, as long as the two guys don't enter the hole.

This at least delayed Lin Yang's time to arrive at the scene.

However, no one thought that after a while, the braised pork returned to the entrance of the cave with a pile of hay, and he didn't know where to get a lighter.

"My mother, it's messy."

"Huo Gong? Is it so awesome?"

"These two guys once again refreshed my understanding of giant pandas."

"Double bamboo shoots, you actually used fire to attack the little brown bear, hahaha..."

While the fans were messy and excited, the braised pork had been tossing several times and then used a lighter to ignite the haystack, then blocked all the hay in the hole, and sealed the hole with a wooden board, making it thick and thick All the smoke ran into the cave.

The roast pork thief blinked his big eyes, his eyes were filled with excitement, and he was obviously ready to smash the brown bear at any time.

The whole model of retribution.

The braised pork is even worse, and a stick was found from the side as a weapon, which is more fully prepared than the barbecued pork.

Everyone was looking forward to it, and after waiting for a while, the roar of a brown bear came from the cave.

It's coming, the roar is getting closer and closer, the brown bear is coming, it came out of the cave with extremely manic anger.

boom!Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the brown bear knocked open the plank and really ran out of the cave.

In an instant, the barbecued pork roared and immediately rushed to the brown bear.

And the brown bear was obviously caught in the miasma, and became extremely angry and manic under the smoke. This time, it was not afraid at all, so it naturally didn't run away, and took the initiative to fight the moment the char siew meat rushed up.

In a blink of an eye, the two big guys collided fiercely, tearing, biting, and giving full play to the wildness in their bones.

Seeing the braised pork, his blood boiled with excitement, he yelled loudly, and even picked up his stick to rush forward to join the battle group.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another roar sounded from the side.

The braised pork turned his head and froze for a moment.

Many fans in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

A group of brown bears stood among the rocks nearby.

And the size of each is bigger than the other, and the eyes are more fierce than the other. There are about twenty of them.

"Nimma, the brown bear army is here?"

"After the calf, the char siu pork will be smashed by the brown bear in turn."

"It's not fair, it's really bullying the few with the more."

"Depending on his uncle, the young bear doesn't talk about martial arts, and the two-on-one that was agreed, how can this be turned into twenty-on-two?"

"Hey, you young bears who don't talk about martial arts, you can do it yourself."

Booing and booing, the fans are also worried about the char siu pork at this time. After all, there are more than 20 brown bears. .

At this moment, Lin Yang arrived, but it was of no use. He was instantly shocked by those 20 brown bears.

He froze on the spot and didn't dare to move, he just felt a million muddy horses galloping past in his heart: What the hell is going on with this?
Roar!With a sudden roar, the most majestic brown bear moved, opened its teeth and claws, and rushed towards the braised pork.

The rest of the brown bears followed closely behind and locked on the braised pork in the first place.

As a result, more than 20 brown bears all pounced on the braised pork, and the scene was so shocking that it was hard to see in a century.

The fans were worried, and Lin Yang was in a hurry, but the braised pork was smart, and had no intention of fighting against so many brown bears with one enemy, so he turned around and ran away with a loud roar.

The speed is so fast that he is obviously ready to run away.

At the same time, the same is true for the char siu pork. After kicking the big brown bear away with a sudden kick, he didn't hesitate to come up with a 36 plan to go, slip!
In an instant, the fans were in a mess, but at the same time they were completely relieved.

"Yes, that's how it is. Hit if you can, and run if you can't. Face is nothing, life is more important."

Fans spoke, but Char Siu Pork and Red Roast Pork didn't need fans to remind them at all. They even abandoned Lin Yang in order to escape...

(End of this chapter)

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