Chapter 481 Corruption Inside Story
In the blink of an eye, another half an hour passed, and everyone present was stunned and no one said a word.

Lin Yang also understood thoroughly that all the breakthroughs were with Liu Shi, the wife of the deputy village chief.

If you really want to get the deputy village chief out of prison, the key lies in how this Mrs. Liu thinks.

Frowning and pondering for a while, Lin Yang looked down at Qin Xiaorui who was curled up in his arms and fell asleep unknowingly, took a deep breath, looked up and stared at Liu Shi: "Why don't we talk for a while alone?"

Everyone paused, and Liu's eyes had an extremely strange light.

Fortunately, after a few seconds, Mrs. Liu nodded, and then greeted the others: "You all go to your room and go to sleep."

Everyone got up one after another, and in a blink of an eye, only Lin Yang, Liu Shi, and Qin Xiaorui, who was drowsy in Lin Yang's arms, were left.

"Come on, what do you want to talk about?" Mrs. Liu took the initiative to speak, with a faint sense of resistance in her tone.

Lin Yang took a deep breath again, and said in a solemn tone: "Actually, it's useless to say more about some things. Now I will ask you, do you want to rescue the deputy village chief?"

Liu frowned and didn't speak, but the expression was clearly: Isn't this fucking nonsense?If I don't want to, I can't sleep most of the night?Is it playing with you here?
"Think about it?" The other party didn't speak, Lin Yang could only take the initiative to find something to say: "I think you should also think about it, but it's useless to just think about this matter, you have to find a way, and start from reality to solve the root cause question."

"Only by completely solving the problem can we save people."

"Otherwise, all ideas are empty talk. I think you must understand this truth better than me. After all, you are so much older than me, and..."

"How do I know if you're deliberately tricking me?" Liu's sudden words interrupted Lin Yang's voice.

Lin Yang was stunned, frowned and stared at Liu Shi for a few seconds, smiled wryly but said solemnly: "I definitely can't guarantee this to you, after all, if you really don't believe me, then of course it's useless for me to say anything." .”

"But what I want to tell you is that I really want to help a little now, at least as long as reason and legal principles allow, I will help if I can."

"If this is not the case, then I can say nothing, don't care about anything, I will just wait for the heavy rain to stop and leave, and then I will bring some things tomorrow to thank you."

"Is that okay? I can't get involved at all. I can ignore the deputy village chief's affairs."

After Lin Yang finished speaking, the air in the room fell into silence once again.

Mrs. Liu kept frowning and hesitated all the time. She opened her mouth several times but couldn't speak, and her eyes flickered in various ways.

Simply called an anxious person.

Unknowingly, another half-hour passed, and finally, Lin Yang couldn't take it anymore, it made it look like he was meddling in his own business.

Forget it, I'd better bring something to express my thanks during the day, and then...

"He embezzled a sum of money." Suddenly, Liu said.

And these words were really shocking to Lin Yang.

Anyway, Lin Yang was stunned on the spot: "Corruption...corruption? How much?"

Liu's face was heavy, and he frowned tightly. After another moment of hesitation, he said, "Three, more than 30."

More than 30?Lin Yang paused, this deputy village head is really good, embezzling more than 30 yuan?

If you say more, say less, you are really in a very embarrassing situation.

Speechless.Lin Yang thought for a while, and asked further in detail: "Tell me the specific situation, what is the more than 30 yuan, and how did the deputy village chief embezzle it?"

At this time, Liu's face became more serious, and his eyes became more entangled.

But it's already reached this time. Anyway, Lin Yang also knew about the 30 yuan embezzlement by the deputy village head. What else can't be said?

Liu naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, and also understood that there was no room left at this time, so he could only tell everything in one breath.

"It... is actually the field outsourcing."

"He took 37 yuan from people on the condition that everyone in the village outsource their fields."

"Then he, he also asked for hundreds of thousands for others."

"Is there anyone else?" Lin Yang was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Who else is there?"

"The village director, the deputy village director, and the village party secretary."

Hehe, Lin Yang was convinced, and after a long time, it turned out to be the fucking thing?

No wonder these people were all wearing a pair of trousers, and they all went to destroy his vegetable garden with the deputy village chief that night. It's true that they were tied up in a boat by money.

In that case, the deputy village head is still the one taking the lead?

And now the village director, the village deputy director and the village party secretary are all fine and nothing has happened, which means that nothing has been completely revealed, at least the deputy village chief hasn't confessed to these people?

Yes, the whole thing should be like this.

But Lin Yang really didn't understand, what was going on in the head of the village chief, and he was still holding on to it at this time?

Not to mention staying in prison for the New Year's Eve, the key is to let so many people in the family ignore it?

Don't think about anything else, just grit your teeth anyway?Can he handle it?Who can withstand such strict scrutiny these days?

What's in your head, you don't understand the reason why you should be strict when you resist and be lenient when you confess?

Simply!This really doesn't look like a person who can do things!
"Is there any more?" Lin Yang frowned and asked Liu Shi.

"No more." Mrs. Liu quickly shook her head: "I've said everything, that's all, there's nothing else."

"Then what about the hundreds of thousands of dollars? Are you still here?"

Mrs. Liu bowed her head and said nothing.

Lin Yang's heart sank, obviously, the money was gone.

"Has all this money been used up?"

Mrs. Liu replied in a low voice: "This... these few months are expensive, especially... especially during Chinese New Year."

Relying on his uncle, why is it so expensive, hundreds of thousands spent in a few months?

Really Nima spends money like water, anyway, the money obtained from corruption is not money?
Lin Yang really had a headache, and even regretted it a bit. If he knew earlier, he shouldn't have asked about this matter.

But at the same time, he also knew that even if he didn't ask about this kind of thing now, he would inevitably be involved sooner or later.

After all, he is the next village chief, and the previous deputy village chief is corrupt, so once the higher-ups start an investigation, can he, the village chief, ignore it?
At that time, no matter what, I have to help move around. Now that I know, at least I can make preparations in advance.

But there is one thing, it is basically impossible to get people out after such a incident!
(End of this chapter)

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