God Eye Courier

Chapter 118 Unconditional Support

Chapter 118 Unconditional Support

Seeing that the fat man was quite sensible, Ye Xuan left the office satisfied.

No matter what, the problem of the source of jade has finally been settled. Otherwise, if he wants to open a jewelry store, he has to go to the battle himself, open his clairvoyant eyes and look for rough jade, so he doesn't have to continue his own cultivation. waste time.

When he returned to the jewelry store, Ye Xuan saw a large group of reporters and media personnel surrounding the door, carrying cameras to take pictures of the interior and exterior of the jewelry store, and some reporters surrounded Zhang Min and Wu Keke, Ask them questions.

From the looks of it, they were all reporters from the media and TV stations in this city.

"Mayor Cui's efficiency is really high. He invited so many media so quickly." Ye Xuan sighed.

In fact, Ye Xuan had asked to be published on TV tomorrow, so he had to finish the interview, write a manuscript, and edit the report by tonight. Therefore, Mayor Cui did not dare to delay for a moment and started to do it immediately.

Moreover, Yancheng City is so big, it is not so easy to find news. I heard that Mayor Cui commissioned these media reporters to run faster than anything else. If you miss the opportunity and let your opponent snatch the headlines, you will regret it That's too late.

Last time Zhang Min’s robbery in an antique shop was so serious, and this time I learned that she is going to open a new jewelry store. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is going to compete with Wanfu Jewelry Store. If the interview is good, it will definitely be able to Write a breaking news!

Therefore, the enthusiasm of these people escalated immediately, and Zhang Min was completely surrounded, and the microphones of the media and TV stations were raised in front of Zhang Min, and she was a little at a loss.

Finally pushed through the crowd and squeezed into the store, Ye Xuan saw Zhang Min was surrounded by reporters, answering questions constantly, her words were very generous and decent, and besides being a little bit at a loss at first, now she is not panicked at all , apparently the interview has been around for a while.

Wu Keke was the same, but she was not as calm as Zhang Min. Knowing that she hadn't reacted yet, how could Ye Xuan call so many reporters with one call?This relationship is too hard.

"Our other boss is here, you go and interview him." Seeing Ye Xuan walking in from the outside, Zhang Min and Wu Keke quickly pointed to him as if they saw a savior.

Although these reporters came here for the opening of the new jewelry store, the questions they asked became more and more outrageous and gossip. They even asked if they had boyfriends.

But media reporters are the last thing to offend, and they have to rely on them for publicity, so you can't show them color with a cold face.

The reporters also saw that they couldn't find anything else from these two beauties, and followed Zhang Min's hand, as if they had discovered a new continent.

Because Ye Xuan is so ordinary, there is nothing special from top to bottom, but such an ordinary-looking person is actually the owner of a jewelry store. You must know the cost of opening a shop in this prime location, the land price plus For decoration and so on, you can count it up to [-] million.

Ye Xuan is able to open a shop here at such a young age. If something is discovered from him, it will definitely be a big news!
These reporters immediately swarmed over and surrounded Ye Xuan tightly, and then there was a burst of spotlight flashing, which almost blinded people's eyes.

"Sir, may I ask which wealthy family you are from?" A female reporter asked first, her eyes lit up.

"Hehe, my name is Ye Xuan, I'm not a rich second generation, just an ordinary citizen." Ye Xuan smiled lightly, with a very gentle tone.

But when these people heard it, their eyeballs widened.

If you are not a rich second generation, then you are starting from scratch, which looks similar to a college student who just graduated. Without help, how can you start your own business and open a store?
And even if Zhang Min in the back is the real gold owner of the jewelry store, then she can't look at Ye Xuan as a bad guy, after all, Ye Xuan can't even be called a handsome guy.

All the reporters were keenly aware of this, and asked one after another: "Mr. Ye, can you talk about how you obtained such a large amount of funds to start a business and open a store?"

"Mr. Ye, our newspaper office can sincerely invite you to do an exclusive interview. Please tell the story of your journey from an ordinary person to a jewelry store owner!"

"Mr. Ye, since you are not the second-generation rich man, why don't you take the liberty to ask if you are the illegitimate son of a rich man in Yancheng? Or do you have any close relationship with the beautiful woman behind?"

Seeing that the last person who asked the question was a reporter from an entertainment gossip newspaper, Ye Xuan couldn't help but frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Please ask me something related to opening a store. I'm sorry that I won't answer the above questions."

Even illegitimate children, being adopted, etc. have come out, Ye Xuan can't laugh or cry in his heart, do these reporters really want to make big news so much?

"I heard that your jewelry store is about to open. I don't know Mr. Ye, what do you think about opening a store? Or what are your expectations for the future development of your jewelry store?" While the other reporters were stopped by Ye Xuan, a bald man The reporter immediately asked.

"I'm naturally very optimistic about the opening of our jewelry store." Ye Xuan smiled and continued, "As for what expectations are there for its development, of course it will become bigger and stronger, and even become a top international chain store."

"The current jewelry industry in this city is basically monopolized by Wanfu Jewelry. Mr. Ye, if you open your business rashly, will Wanfu let you grow bigger and stronger?" At this time, another reporter asked a very tricky question.

If ordinary people encountered such a question, they might not know how to answer it, but Ye Xuan was different. He just took a deep look at the reporter, and then slowly said: "Wanfu Jewelry, I didn't let go at all." In the eyes, given time, they will close their doors very soon."

Ye Xuan's tone was very flat, but upon hearing his words, the reporters present were in an uproar.

It is too arrogant to openly declare war on Wanfu Jewelry in front of so many news media, and to shut down the opponent, right?
Moreover, Ye Xuan's voice was so calm that people couldn't help but choose to believe what he said, it was not a joke.

If a person who can say such a thing is not a fool, then he has a great background.

But as we all know, behind Wanfu Jewelry Shop is the Lu family, one of the top ten families in Yancheng. If you dare to fight against them, isn't that courting death?

And now Wanfu Jewelry has occupied the jewelry market in this city, and has even opened chain stores in other cities, and Ye Xuan's jewelry store has just opened, let alone confronting Wanfu, it's good if he doesn't lose money and close down in a short time.

Afterwards, the reporter asked some questions related to the new jewelry store, and Ye Xuan answered them one by one without leaking anything.

Seeing that the questioning was almost over, these reporters left with excitement. They wanted to go back and write articles immediately to grab the headlines. This is not a small breaking news.

When all the people left, Zhang Min looked at Ye Xuan anxiously and asked, "By the way, how is the issue of supply going?"

"Of course there is no problem if I take the shot. The company can guarantee the supply to us, and the supply contract with Wanfu Jewelry will also be terminated." Ye Xuan said with a smile.

"Are you really going to declare war on Wanfu Jewelry?" Wu Keke stared wide-eyed, looking at Ye Xuan incredulously, "Now that we have just opened, why not just confront them like this?"

Zhang Min also said with some concern: "Yes, Ye Xuan, I think we should act steadily and cut off their jadeite supply right now, which may lead to retaliation."

"Anyway, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Since we opened a jewelry store, we will definitely have a fierce battle with Wanfu Jewelry Store. Only one of our two families will survive." Ye Xuan said, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"You're so crazy." Zhang Min's eyes were full of shock, he didn't expect Ye Xuan to declare war with Wanfu so soon.

"I'm not crazy, I'm paving the way for our jewelry business to become bigger and stronger." Ye Xuan said, with a smile on his face, "Even if we don't declare war with them, they won't let us go , since we want to close Wanfu, then we have to defeat them openly."

His tone was full of self-confidence, and at this moment, he carried an indomitable momentum.

Zhang Min was also stunned for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Ye Xuan, since you have made this decision, I will support you unconditionally."

Her eyes were shining with splendor, and she stared straight at Ye Xuan, making Wu Keke beside her couldn't help but wonder secretly if Sister Min fell in love with this man.

After the matter was over, Ye Xuan and Zhang Min returned to her home. Although it was already evening, for the opening of the jewelry store, the two of them were still busy writing invitations, arranging the opening ceremony, etc. Set for three days.

Therefore, during these three days, Ye Xuan did not do other things for the time being, and devoted himself to arranging the opening ceremony with Zhang Min.

On the other side, in a certain villa of the Lu family, a middle-aged man was smoking a cigarette with a gloomy face, while reading a newspaper, he suddenly jumped up and cursed: "Draft Ye Xuan, my son's life has not been with you yet!" Forget it, now you dare to open a jewelry store to compete with us, it’s really embarrassing!"

The headline on the front page of that newspaper was the news that Ye Xuan's jewelry store was about to open.

And this middle-aged man is Lu Ziang's father Lu Cai, who is gnashing his teeth at this moment, full of hatred for Ye Xuan.

After Lu Ziang died on the night of the engagement reception, Lu Cai immediately concluded that Ye Xuan must be the murderer, but he went to the police station and issued a reward of 5000 million. Knowing that Ye Xuan is still safe and sound, it almost drove him crazy!
Seeing that the murderer who killed his son was not caught, but now came out to open a shop in a big way, Lu Cai's eyes were red as if he was about to kill someone, which frightened the other people in the villa to dare not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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