God Eye Courier

Chapter 190 The Mysterious Old Man

Chapter 190 The Mysterious Old Man
The night wind was cold, but the air conditioner of this taxi was broken. The driver apologized repeatedly and decided to charge Ye Xuan 15 yuan less for the fare.

Ye Xuan smiled lightly, expressing his understanding, but the little girl was shivering from the cold, she opened her arms and hugged Ye Xuan's waist tightly, and lay down in Ye Xuan's arms.

After a brief conversation, Ye Xuan learned that her name is Gu Qianqian, her father's name is Gu Binghe, an associate professor of the Department of Literature at Huada University, her mother's name is Yang Shuying, an associate professor at Huada University's Music Department, and her grandfather's name is Gu Chongyang. He retired at home before and brought her up single-handedly.

The Gu family lives in Jinyuan District, Chaoyang District, only ten minutes away from the Golden Leopard KTV.

After arriving at the station, the driver smiled shyly, "I'll fix the air conditioner tomorrow, and you are the last group of customers tonight."

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, looked up at the stopwatch, took out a 50 yuan bill, and said softly, "You don't need to look for it."

In fact, the amount shown on the stopwatch was 63 yuan, but the driver had already bluffed and charged Ye Xuan 15 yuan less, so he had to give up.

After getting out of the car, Gu Qianqian took Ye Xuan's big hand and ran towards the entrance of the building where he lived, "Big brother, I will definitely ask my parents to thank you well, and you must teach them a lesson like a lifesaver."

Ye Xuan snickered in his heart, this little girl thinks a lot, she's really a big kid.

The Gu family lives on the twelfth floor, and it takes only one minute to get there by elevator. Gu Qianqian walked to Room 1, stood on tiptoe and rang the doorbell.

After a while, a woman in an off-white pullover opened the anti-theft door and picked up Gu Qianqian. Two lines of hot tears flowed from her red eyes, and she raised her right hand as if to hit Gu Qianqian, threatening: "Bear boy!" , I told you to run, we are so anxious, will you run again next time?"

This woman should be Gu Qianqian's mother, Yang Shuying, who was so excited when she saw her daughter that she forgot to thank Ye Xuan.

A gentleman in his 30s with red-rimmed glasses walked to the door wearing slippers, first touched Gu Qianqian's croissant, then held Ye Xuan's hand enthusiastically, bowed and said, "Mr. My daughter is back, please come in quickly."

Ye Xuan glanced at the shelf where the slippers were placed behind the door, and said with a smile, "I'd better change my shoes first."

Gu Binghe smiled and said: "You are welcome, I just made dinner, today you can eat whatever you want, tomorrow we will treat you to a big meal."

"Mr. Gu, you are too polite."

After Ye Xuan changed his slippers, he followed Gu Binghe to the sofa and sat down. Yang Shuying carried her daughter directly to the bathroom, and the mother and daughter bickered over whether to take a bath or not.

Gu Qianqian wanted Ye Xuan to say a few words about his parents, but he also felt that his body was dirty and uncomfortable, so he had to listen to his mother and take a bath first.

Ye Xuan sat on the sofa, without any restraint, and did not show too much novelty. His eyes swept away, and he was attracted by a photo on the wall of the living room.

If there is only a family portrait hanging on the green wall, in addition to the three members of the Gu family, there is also an old man with a gray beard. He looks like he is in his 50s and wears a double-breasted robe. This person is probably Gu Chongyang.

Ye Xuan pretended to look back casually, and pointed to the family portrait on the wall, "This old man is Qianqian's grandfather, right? She told me that my grandfather was missing, and she wanted to bring a jade card to look for him. What's going on? Son?"

Gu Binghe suddenly changed his face, his face was troubled, and he sighed heavily before saying: "Don't mention it, a few days ago my father and my daughter-in-law had a big quarrel because of disagreement over educational ideas, and he actually left a letter to leave home away.

I don't have any relatives here at all, he usually only has two chess friends, who can he go to find this time? After 24 hours, I called the police and posted a missing person notice, but there has been no news until now. "

After a pause, Gu Binghe said again: "That brat Qianqian actually ran out with a jade token. That jade token is my father's treasure. It is said to be a piece of ancient jade worth hundreds of thousands. Money is nothing. The most important thing is Yes, if I lose the jade token, my father will kill me when he comes back."

Ye Xuan deliberately showed a sympathetic expression, and asked again: "Does the old man have any hobbies? Or he wants to take the opportunity to travel to other places to relax."

Gu Binghe pondered for a while, then Fang said: "When I was a child, my dad liked to hang out, and every time he came home he was drunk and didn't tell me where he went, but after Qianqian was born, he stayed at home and occasionally visited Panjiayuan antiques. market, but rarely buy antiques.”

"Mr. Gu, I'm actually a private detective. If you trust me, you might as well let me investigate the old man's disappearance. In fact, I still have three cases of affair on hand, but today I rescued Qianqian, and I have a fate with her. I can't bear to see her." She kept crying looking for grandpa."

"Oh, I see." Gu Binghe suddenly realized that no matter whether Ye Xuan was a private detective or not, he should ask Ye Xuan to investigate his father's disappearance, and no matter what the result was, he would send Ye Xuan a generous reward after a while. remuneration.

The capital city is the lifeblood of the national economy, and private detective agencies are not uncommon. It is difficult to verify whether Ye Xuan is a private detective, because detectives in Huaxia are usually very mysterious.

Ye Xuan made this suggestion, maybe he just wanted to get a reward in a high-sounding manner.

Gu Binghe didn't feel disgusted by this, after all, without Ye Xuan's rescue today, her daughter might be ruined, and Ye Xuan looked dignified, so maybe she could really help find her father.

"Mr. Ye, it's great that you are willing to help. No matter whether you can find my father or not, I will definitely thank you with a lot of money."

Ye Xuan shook his head with a smile, "We don't have a basic salary in this line of work. We find talented people to collect money. Don't mention the money. Tell me about the old man's situation first. The more detailed the better, I can analyze it."

Ye Xuan opened the memo on the phone seriously, preparing to write down relevant information.

Gu Binghe said, "My dad was born in 1958. When he was young, he worked in the countryside. Later, he went to the city to start a small business. He made a lot of money. He paid for my university education and bought me a house. He usually I'm a little irritable..."

Ye Xuan listened carefully, and soon discovered a problem. Gu Binghe actually had no impression of his hometown in the countryside. He had never seen his father's relatives since he was a child, and he hadn't even seen his mother's face. This is not normal at all.

Looking at the family portrait again, Ye Xuan was almost sure that Gu Chongyang was a cultivator who changed his appearance and lived in seclusion.

Yang Shuying took her daughter to the living room, lowered her head and said, "Actually, I put an extra spoonful of salt that day, but the old man threw the plate and the bowl, and ran away. He didn't come back after this trip, and everyone scolded me when it spread. Not filial."

Gu Qianqian shook Ye Xuan's arm, "Big Brother, you are so powerful, you will definitely help me find Grandpa."

Ye Xuan patted her head, and said in relief: "Don't worry, I will try my best to find your grandfather. These few days, you have to go to school obediently and listen to the teachers and parents, otherwise your grandfather will definitely be disappointed in you when he comes back."

"Well, I see." Gu Qianqian nodded obediently.

Ye Xuan said again: "Mr. Gu, when your father left, he told Qianqian that he could only be found with a jade badge. What is the origin of the jade badge?"

Gu Binghe asked his wife to put the jade plaque on the coffee table, looked at it several times, and shook his head blankly, "This is the jade plaque he brought back from Panjiayuan. He usually loves it so much that he won't let us touch it. He gave it to Qianqian before he left." , I really don’t know the origin of the jade plaque.”

As expected of being a music player, Yang Shuying guessed, "Could it be, could it be that this is a token of love between Dad and his first love? He's going back to find the memory of his first love."

"If it's really that simple, why didn't he tell me? Would I stop him?" Gu Binghe gave his wife a blank look. These days, he always thought that his wife left his father in anger, so the relationship between the couple was tense.

Yang Shuying turned her face away awkwardly, folded her hands on her chest, and said nothing.

The see-through eye failed, and Ye Xuan couldn't tell whether the jade plaque had spiritual energy, so he had to ask Gu Chongyang's room to check.

Gu Binghe readily agreed, and took Ye Xuan to his father's room. Ye Xuan observed carefully. To be honest, he was not a person with a delicate mind and strong reasoning ability. He used to see the essence of things with clairvoyance. Not used to it.

"This is the old man's favorite book?" Ye Xuan was a little disappointed. There were "Cai Tan Gen", "5000 Years Up and Down", "Things of the Ming Dynasty" on the bookshelf, and there was not even a Taoist booklet.

"Yes, besides watching TV shows, he usually reads books. Why don't you take these books back and study them."

"Don't be so troublesome, don't you mind if I flip through these books?"

"I don't mind, I'm idle anyway, I'll search with you, maybe I can find a clue."

Ye Xuan and Gu Binghe each held a stack of books, flipping through each page carefully, expecting to find a photo map or something, but to their disappointment, the old man didn't even have a bookmark in his book collection.

After a busy night, Ye Xuan was only sure of one thing. Gu Chongyang was not an ordinary person, but a cultivator. As for where Gu Chongyang was, he had no idea at all.

Gu Binghe asked him to eat at home, but he ate dozens of skewers at the KTV, and couldn't drink the pork rib soup at all, so he had to make excuses, get up and leave.

Before leaving, Gu Qianqian stuffed the paper butterflies and peace knots she cut into Ye Xuan's hands as a souvenir.

As soon as Ye Xuan got out of the elevator, his phone rang. When he opened it, the caller was Yang Lingtian.

"Ye Xuan, where did you go for a walk? The injury hasn't healed yet, so it's inappropriate to wander outside." Yang Lingtian said with concern.

"I happened to save a lost little girl when I went out, and now I'm taking her home, and I will rush over to meet you in a while, do you two want to stay overnight?"

"It's rare to come out to play once, of course it will be all night, the video game city and movie theater above the KTV, come here quickly, we will wait for you."

Fu Yunsheng's excited shout came from the other end of the phone, and Ye Xuan replied with a smile, "Understood, I'll go back right away."

He hung up the phone and smiled helplessly, not understanding what the three elders were up to.

When Ye Xuan took a taxi back, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, but the two army masters were still excited, and they dragged him to the video game city on the fourth floor to have fun.

"Yunsheng, help me find someone."

(End of this chapter)

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