mine in my dream

Chapter 318 The Wall Is Alive

Chapter 318 The Wall Is Alive

Li Yu walked to the passage of hell. It can be said that he knew that there were tigers on the mountain, so he went to the mountain of tiger.

The moment Li Yu walked to the passage of hell, several other figures quietly entered another passage.

These people were sneaky, their steps were very light, and they didn't make any sound.

Or... they have no footsteps at all, and they don't make any sound at all.

Li Yu didn't know about this, he was walking in the maze.

Logically speaking, the playground has been abandoned for a long time, so the maze should be completely dark.

But this maze is very strange, there is a small light at a distance.This small lamp emits a pale yellow light, illuminating the shadows here.

Besides, the labyrinth had a very penetrating quality.

Ordinary mazes are made of bricks, stones, or cement.

And this labyrinth, on the walls of the labyrinth, is covered with a layer of silicone-like stuff.

To the touch, this thing gives people a feeling... as if it is human skin.

Li Yu took two or three photos with his mobile phone, and he was sure that it was a dead object, so he was relieved.

It seems that this is also a trick of the maze builders, deliberately keeping them from touching the wall.

To walk the maze, the most important thing is the right-hand rule.As long as you touch a wall with your right hand and never leave it, you will definitely be able to walk out.

Since the wall was soft and creepy to the touch, Li Yu took out a pen from his pocket and walked forward along the wall.

There is always a way to use the right-hand rule.

This walk takes half an hour.

Li Yu's legs were sore from walking, but he still didn't make it to the exit.

This is not right.

Li Yu stopped panting.He analyzed it, and with his own footsteps, he probably traveled seven or eight miles in half an hour.

How big is this maze?How big is this haunted house?How big is this playground?
Did you really encounter a ghost hitting the wall?

Li Yu thought about it, took a pen and made a mark on the wall.

Ten minutes later, Li Yu saw the mark and found himself back to the original point.

Li Yu frowned: "Is it really a ghost hitting the wall?"

He thought for a while, took out a piece of yellow paper from his body, and drew a talisman on the yellow paper.

This spell was learned from Wang Fugui, it can make people sober and not be confused by evil things.

Li Yu took the spell with him and walked again.

As a result, after 10 minutes, I still saw the mark.

Strange, this means that it's not a ghost hitting the wall. Could it be that... there is no exit in this maze?
Li Yu shook his head: "No, it's still not right. If there is no exit in the maze, where did the entrance go when I came in just now?"

Li Yu decided to check all the forks.

When he encountered a fork in the road, he would make a mark.When you go the second time, you will choose another path.

Ten minutes later, Li Yu suddenly heard footsteps in front of him.

Li Yu was startled, and quickly found a corner to hide.

The sound of footsteps was intermittent, as if someone was staggering.

Li Yu thought to himself: It's finally here.Sure enough, there are ghosts here.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, the other party was not Ling Yaoyao, but something like a drunkard. Li Yu felt that he could handle it.

If it doesn't work, just take a risk and catch the other party. In this way, you can also ask the way out.

Li Yu tiptoed to follow.

While walking, Li Yu found that he didn't make any sound at all, and he was very satisfied with himself.

Soon, Li Yu saw the person in front of him.

The figure of this person is somewhat familiar.Li Yu stared at him for a while, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

This man...why does he look so much like himself?
Li Yu quickened his pace to follow, and he patted the man on the shoulder lightly.

The man looked back in horror.

Li Yu was stunned when he saw his face.

This person looks exactly like himself, and there is no difference in his movements and expressions.This is simply a replica of myself.

And the gaze of the flesh body seemed to have not seen Li Yu, and directly passed him, looking at the darkness behind Li Yu.

Li Yu looked at the physical body in a daze: "Could it be...my soul is out of my body? But it shouldn't be, this physical body seems to have its own consciousness. If he still has consciousness, then what's the matter with my soul?"

When Li Yu was in a daze, his body limped forward again.

Li Yu looked at his other self, feeling terrified.

He followed the physical body for a while, and suddenly found that the physical body was repeating the original movements like a programmed program.

Take three steps and stagger.After walking five steps, I looked back in a panic.

Li Yu felt that this physical body was just an empty shell, but it was tampered with, so it just turned around with the same frequency and movements.

He thought for a while, and his soul got into his body.

At this moment, Li Yu's soul seemed to have reached a safe place, where he could finally live under the protection of his body.

But in the next second, the physical body took a step forward, throwing Li Yu's soul away.

Li Yu Huan Yang actually failed.

Li Yu suddenly remembered the reminders from the nightmare world: In the maze, people will become inhuman.

Li Yu felt uneasy: Is this what the nightmare world means?My body and soul are separated, so... I am no longer human.My body has become a corpse, and my soul has become a ghost?
When he was in a daze, suddenly there was another sound of footsteps behind him.

Li Yu looked back and found a man in black with a charm on his forehead, covering half of his face.

The man in black said faintly: "Li Yu, your yang life is over, come with me to the Yin Division."

Li Yu said in horror: "Who are you?"

The man said: "Black and white are impermanent."

Then, he reached out and grabbed Li Yu.

Li Yu took out the bow of the god arm, who knew that the opponent quickly shot and grabbed Li Yu's bow, Li Yu fought for a while, and found that he was not the opponent's opponent at all.

Suddenly, Li Yu noticed that Black and White Wuchang was wearing a pair of sneakers.

This is outrageous.

Immediately afterwards, he realized that the sneakers looked familiar.

"Are you a Vatican?" Li Yu asked tentatively.

The person opposite paused, then tore off the spell on his face: "It's boring, how did you guess it?"

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off his cold sweat and said, "Sister, what are you kidding me about? Scaring me in this kind of place? Scaring people to death. Why are you here?"

Fan Ling said with a smile: "Yie Changsu said, Li Yu, this guy, has been a little weird recently, let us follow you, and you are here."

Li Yu looked around and said, "Where is Wang Fugui? Why can't you see anyone?"

Fan Ling said: "They are..."

Before the words fell, Li Yu clearly saw that two hands stretched out from the wall, pulling the Vatican into the wall.

Li Yu was shocked and went to pull Fan Ling.

At this time, most of Fan Ling's body went in, and Li Yu only dragged one leg.

He hugged Vatican's leg tightly, trying to drag Vatican out.

At this time, two more hands stretched out and grabbed Li Yu as well.

Li Yu's soul was stuck to the wall, he felt that the wall was alive, and this wall was longing for their souls.

(End of this chapter)

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