Chapter 371
After walking a short distance, Chu Linfeng discovered something happened directly in front of him.

A lot of monsters appeared from nowhere, representing monsters as big as cars, rushing towards this side.

And it is also obvious that the monster attacks in the air have become more frequent.

"It seems that my guess is right, that guy is definitely in front, otherwise how could he block the way?"

Muttering something, Chu Linfeng raised the staff in his hand and summoned more than 200 skeletons directly in front of him.

The back of Xuanwu is very big, and more than 200 skeletons can stand on it.

Except for Xiaoshi, Xiaogu, and Xiaotaotao, no intelligent skeletons were summoned this time.

But it doesn't matter to him, his purpose is to test how high the attack power of those monsters is?
And you can't always expect Xuanwu to withstand all monsters, it consumes too much and is easy to be defeated in the later stage.

In the face of an unknown big boss, it is absolutely impossible to be careless. If there is a slight mistake, it will easily lead to the annihilation of their entire army.

At this moment, the monster that suddenly appeared is still some distance away. What Chu Linfeng needs to do is to summon more skeletons during this gap and classify them.

After a delay of more than ten seconds, he breathed a sigh of relief and directly summoned 500 skeleton soldiers.

So the percentage of mental power consumption has decreased, but he still feels his brain is empty after summoning so many in one breath, and the feeling of his mental head being suddenly pulled away is particularly obvious.

Fortunately, there was only some slight dizziness, and then two artifacts that restore mental power began to provide it with mental recovery.

In just over 20 seconds, his mental strength returned to its peak state again.

Raising his head and squinting his eyes at the crowd of monsters rushing towards him, Chu Linfeng gritted his teeth and waved his staff, directly facing the ground beside Xuanwu, and summoned the largest number of skeleton soldiers in his history, a total of 3000.

Such a huge number almost filled the side of Xuanwu's protective shield, where the densely packed white skulls made one's scalp tingle.

And summoning such a huge number also caused Chu Linfeng's mental strength to drop instantly, his eyelids drooped obviously, and he felt particularly sleepy.

Fortunately, both the staff and the necklace were continuously restoring his mental strength and did not let him fall asleep.

At this time, those monsters the size of cars had already narrowed the distance between the two sides, and they could be seen clearly.

Those are rhinos with three horns.

That's right, it's a rhinoceros with three horns on its nose. In addition to the one on the nose, there are two on it, but these two are much shorter than the middle one.

After seeing the appearance of the monster clearly, Chu Linfeng's face became solemn in an instant.

He might not be afraid of other monsters, but this kind of tank monster with rough skin and thick flesh is definitely the last thing he wants to encounter.

Although my own skeleton soldiers are all level eight, facing such a large herd of rhinos, let alone counterattack, I am afraid they will not be able to withstand their collision.

Especially seeing the plants on the ground being trampled into meatloaf usually made him even more nervous.

dong dong dong...

The ground began to vibrate obviously, and the sound was also very loud, which shows that the number of rhinos in this group is definitely not small.

"Grandma's a leg, what should I do now? I can't stand up to those rhinos even if I summon so many skeletons!"

Chu Linfeng frowned, clenched his fists, and sweat was dripping on his forehead.

At this time, Xuanwu's body suddenly said: "Master, don't worry, although the impact force of these rhinos is strong, they still can't break my protective shield."

Hearing this, Chu Linfeng couldn't help but feel relieved, and then his brain started to work rapidly for a while, and he came up with a solution.

Since he couldn't collide head-on with the rhinos, he used Xuanwu's protective shield as a protective layer, and then let those legal skeletons that could use spells attack inside.

"That's why the mage-type skeletons are required to prepare and advance to the front of Xuanwu."

Chu Linfeng's order had been issued, and more than 3000 skeleton soldiers came out, and there were probably nearly 1000 mage skeletons.

"Huh? How did you summon so many mages this time?"

Chu Linfeng was slightly taken aback.

According to the previous ratio, this time, he summoned so many skeletons, it would be good to have 1/7 of the Mage-type skeletons appear, but unexpectedly, there were nearly 1/3 of them.

This is the first time ever!
"All the skeletons with IQs who can communicate with me normally are listed and gathered on the right side of Xuanwu."

Besides being pleasantly surprised, Chu Linfeng wanted to see how many intelligent skeleton soldiers he could summon this time?

Since the luck is good enough to summon so many mage-type skeletons, it must have an IQ.

As expected, among the more than 3000 skeleton soldiers, they walked out again, and nearly 50 skeletons all bypassed Xuanwu and stood on the right side of Xuanwu.

Chu Linfeng was overjoyed!
A happy smile appeared on his face.

Originally, he planned to release all the skeleton soldiers in one go to fight against the rhino group, but he didn't expect that there would be nearly 50 intelligent skeletons, and he would almost lose these treasures.

In such a short time, the triangular rhinoceros on the opposite side had rushed to a position 500 meters in front of them.

At most, it will take half a minute for a collision to occur.

"Except for the skeletons with IQ, as well as the skeletons of the mage department and the bow and arrow department, all the skeleton soldiers attack!"

With an order, a group of skeleton soldiers waved all kinds of weapons in their hands, and rushed out of Xuanwu's protective shield head-on.

Keeping these skeletons is not of much use at all, it is better to let them resist for a while, the attack of the rhino group can be considered as a relief for Xuanwu.

A moment later, the rhino group and the skeleton soldiers collided.

As a result, no surprise, those skeletons couldn't resist the charge of the rhinos at all, and they were trampled into bone scum in the blink of an eye.

"Mage-type skeletons kill me!"

As the voice fell, all kinds of magic flew out from the front of Bai Sensen's skeleton, directly passed through the protective shield of Xuanwu, and bombarded the front rhinoceros.

It's a pity that the rhino's skin is rough and thick, and the first round of attacks did not have the effect of killing, and not a single rhino fell to the ground.

But it's not useless. Many rhinos slowed down in a panic because they blocked their sight with spells, which directly reduced the overall charge speed.

Chu Linfeng was not in the mood to care about these guys messing around, but ordered bows and arrows again, and the skeletons shot at the flying monsters in the sky, assisting the flying lizard skeletons in the air.

As for the IQ skeletons on the right side of Xuanwu, Chu Linfeng didn't order them to do what?
These guys are all intelligent, and they are also the main force who can follow them to fight in the later stage, so they can't lose in the early stage.

(End of this chapter)

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