Survival on the Ice Road at Sea: Obtain a copy system at the beginning

Chapter 62 Mental Power Improvement, Forgotten Skills

Chapter 62 Mental Power Improvement, Forgotten Skills

Chu Linfeng returned to the bed and carefully read the instructions of the potion for improving mental power.

[Spiritual power potion can increase the total amount of mental power of the user by three times, and double the strength.After taking it, the user will enter a two-hour sleep period and will not wake up during this period. Please prepare in advance. ]
"Increase the total amount by three times, I understand, what does this intensity mean?"

The strength of mental power has appeared in novels he has read, but he doesn't really understand it.

Moreover, mental power is something invisible and intangible, so how is the strength calculated?

After thinking about it for a while, I still didn't understand, so I just didn't want to.

Anyway, it's good, so why bother?

Holding up the medicine bottle, just as he was about to drink it, Chu Linfeng suddenly remembered that he had forgotten a skill - Summoning Ice Spirit.

This skill was his main combat power against polar bears at that time, but he forgot about it when he got the Skeleton King of the Five Elements later.

"My dog's brain, how could I forget it?"

"Remember that the duration of ice spirit summoning is half an hour? Increase the total amount by three times, that is one and a half hours."

"No, no! Bingling will not consume mental power continuously, it should be for a fixed time."

"Forget it, let's take the medicine first."

This time, without any hesitation, Chu Linfeng drank the medicine in one gulp, then closed his eyes and squinted.

Soon, the effect of the medicine took effect, causing him to fall into sleep.

in a dream.

He was suspended in a space surrounded by pitch black and filled with white light spots in the air.

After a few breaths, the light spots began to move clockwise, gradually forming a large halo.

And after the halo was formed, the number of light spots began to increase significantly, and quickly joined the halo.

But as the number of added light spots became larger and larger, the halo could no longer accommodate so many light spots, so those that couldn't squeeze in began to gather up and down the halo, also rotating clockwise.

This situation made Chu Linfeng a little confused and a little scared.

Until all the light spots gathered together to form a halo twice as big, Chu Lin woke up from his dream violently.

The moment he opened his eyes, he suddenly felt a little different. It seemed that he was particularly refreshed after waking up, and the gas and confusion did not exist anymore.

"Could the dream just now be my spiritual world? The light spot is the spiritual power?"

"But isn't this the game world? How can it be... No! This is not the game world, that letter is definitely true!"

"In this way, it feels like this world is a hodgepodge world, as if it has all the possibilities."

After contemplating for a long time, Chu Linfeng interrupted his train of thought with a urge to urinate.

Just as I got up to pee in the mobile toilet, I remembered that my bucket and the mobile toilet were still outside.

"Uh... forgot to clean the toilet."

He quickly put on his hat and put on his armor, opened the door and got out of the car.


As soon as I went out, the cold air of minus [-] degrees hit my face, and soon penetrated the cotton clothes, and the cold wind penetrated along the collar of the clothes.

Fortunately, the room is very warm, but it doesn't feel particularly cold.

First stretched himself, took a few mouthfuls of salty fresh air, and looked around for a week.

The deep blue water remains unchanged. When there is no wind, the fluctuations of the waves are very small. At first glance, it will not feel that the sea is moving.

And in this vast sea, on the light blue icy road, he was still alone, as if there was no other person in the world.

He raised his head and squinted his eyes to glance at the sun, feeling that there was nothing to see.

Dull, monotonous, lifeless.

Sighing, he walked to the mobile toilet placed on the edge of the icy road.

Fortunately, the mobile toilet is still there, not lost.

This is a treasure now, it can defecate and pee in the house, avoid freezing into a popsicle, and never throw it away.

But having said that, there is no hair on the whole road, unless monsters or people who come behind steal the toilet, it is not easy to lose it.

Tie the iron bucket with the other end of the iron hook rope, put half a bucket of seawater in the sea, and then start to clean the toilet.

Everyone knows that the salt content of seawater is too high, so the temperature cannot reach a certain low temperature, and seawater will not freeze.

Therefore, brushing the toilet with sea water will not leave a thin layer of ice inside.

After a few clicks, Chu Linfeng sent the mobile toilet back to the house, and took out five catties of dog food, two liters of water and a small iron bucket by the way.

'Septwolves' hasn't drunk water today, and dogs that lack water will also have problems.

Seeing the owner holding food and water, the 'seven wolves' all jumped on Chu Linfeng, sticking out their tongues and wagging their fluffy tails, looking really cute.

"Okay, okay, you go to the side first, otherwise I can't pour water for you."

Touching their heads one by one, the 'septwolves' obediently took two steps back.

After pouring water into the bucket and spilling dog food on the ground, Chu Linfeng was so cold that he went back into the house.

"It's still warm in the house, and I will get a pet to stare at the sea on the other side later, so I don't have to go out to suffer from the cold."

Mumbling, he saw the survey glasses on the table.

"By the way, forget about this thing."

I reached out to pick up the glasses case and looked it over, there was nothing special about it.

Open the lid, inside is a pair of eyes with a black plastic frame, and there is a small manual on the glasses.

"The survey glasses have a perspective effect, and can detect whether there are materials nearby, just wear them directly."

After reading this passage, Chu Linfeng's first reaction was - can this thing see through?

If it's true, wouldn't it be possible to see through the woman... Ahem, no decent person would do that.

"Can you survey nearby supplies? Yes! There are rarer supplies in the ice road, but they are extremely difficult to find.

Now with this pair of survey glasses, wouldn't it be possible to see directly under the icy road? "

Chu Linfeng's eyes lit up, and he immediately jumped out of the car, ready to try the effect of the glasses.

But as soon as the front foot landed, I heard the 'seven wolves' screaming.

Turning their heads, they saw a black shadow rushing towards them at an extremely fast speed about 500 meters away in front of them.

"Fuck! This speed is too fast, it's absolutely inhuman!"

Chu Linfeng's pupils shrank, and he immediately used the "Summon Ice Spirit" skill.

The long-lost Bing Ling reappeared, his strong and transparent body blocked Chu Linfeng's sight.

"Go and deal with the enemy running over in front of you."

As soon as the order was issued, Bingling rushed towards Chu Linfeng's back with his thick ice legs.

"Fuck! It's the other way around, it's opposite me!"

Seeing Bingling rushing towards the back, Chu Linfeng was so frightened that the corners of his eyes twitched.

Ice Spirit is different from other pets, and also different from the Five Elements Skeleton King. It has no IQ, but a pure skill body, so it just rushed forward in front of it according to the order just now.

The order was changed, and Bingling ran right this time.

But in such a short ten seconds, the black shadow had already run to a distance of more than 200 meters in front of them.

He ran more than 200 meters in ten seconds, twice as fast as Su Shen!

(End of this chapter)

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