Warcraft players in Marvel

Chapter 85 Consumption Test (3 more requests for tickets)

Chapter 85 Consumption Test

"Odin's gift is not bad."

Well, Ye Ming got a new weapon, which is a bit of a show.

"Yes, it belongs to me now."

"Then let's begin."

Just being polite, Gu went straight to the point, opened the door and returned to Karma Taj.

Isn't it showing off a bit too much?
Quickly put away the staff, and followed Gu Yi to the library.

"You already know the basics. This is a book I wrote, which contains detailed records and my personal understanding of time magic. You can learn some simple time magic."

"Isn't there something more advanced?"

"You have learned a little too much. For the real strong, it is more important to study the abilities you have learned. Time magic is just to facilitate your return to the planet Azeroth."

What the Ancient One said makes sense, at least for now.

Powerful people usually only master one or two kinds of powerful powers. Even the powerhouses at the level of the heavenly father don't have that much energy, and they have to cultivate too many power systems at the same time.

The most powerful of the Ancient One is Karma Taj's spells and time magic, and the same is true for the future Doctor Strange.

Odin has racial powers, as well as lightning magic; so does Thor.

Ye Ming is also considering whether to major in one direction.

However, with the miraculous talent brought by account occupations, it shouldn't be a big problem to practice at least four occupations at the same time, right?
Then, time magic, just treat it as a tool for the time being!

It seems that Kama Taj's spells have not been practiced much except for the mirror space and the portal.

He took the book and thanked Gu together.

"If there is anything you don't understand, let's ask together in ten days."

As soon as Gu finished speaking, he left directly.

Ye Ming returned home with the book in his arms, and then entered the sage time again, reading and studying for ten consecutive days.

Ten days later, I had roughly grasped the basic principles of time magic, and asked for advice with a few questions.

The time is too short, so it can only be regarded as a big understanding; but it is no problem to leave time energy on the body.

As for other time magic, it is really not so easy to learn.

Niu X's time magic, he didn't learn any of it.

No matter what time it is now, ten days have already arrived, so I quickly opened a portal and went to Karma Taj.

As expected of a master of time magic, Gu Yi was waiting for him opposite the portal.

"Good evening, His Holiness."

"It seems to be in good hands."

What Gu Yi said was not bad, Ye Ming just smiled.

It's definitely not comparable to Doctor Strange.

As soon as he got the time gem, he was able to fool Dormammu. At his level, he can only be regarded as having a superficial understanding.

After a brief exchange with Gu Yi, Gu Yi answered some of his doubts, and this time the question and answer is over.

Gu Yi didn't teach much, and as for Ye Ming, he didn't want to learn more deeply for the time being.

I just wrote down most of the content—maybe when I become stronger in the future and I have mastered the knowledge of the four major professions, I can study the mysterious time magic again.

With excitement, I returned home.

Although they stayed at home for ten days, the beautiful girls rarely communicated with each other, and they couldn't find anyone when they came back.

Sylvaran went to the Flame Scar Farm to do research, and Artemis helped him take care of his disciples in the afterlife—today is Saturday again.

The most worrying thing was Luyena, a girl who "teamed up" with Daisy to become a street hero at night after finishing her work in the studio during the day.

"Xiaona, what time is it?"

"Honey, I'll be right back, Hell's Kitchen is not a good night!"

"Okay, tell Daisy, don't think that you can run around outside every day after graduation. From next week, except for weekends, you will study at home obediently at night."

Regardless of Daisy's voice coming from the phone, she hung up directly.

Called Sylvaran again, and after a few minutes, she returned home with Artemis.

As a result, the girl Luyena didn't get home until almost 11 o'clock!

After scolding her a few words, Sylvaran is still the most obedient, and Artemis is also good.

"Honey, Eddie said that with great power comes great responsibility! Let us help others if we have the power!"

Ye Ming is so depressed!

Isn’t this a famous quote from the old version of Spider-Man’s uncle, Ben Parker?
How did it become what Eddie said now?
a bit messy~
"My dear, the energy crystal can maintain a normal portal for a long time. The portal I opened between the two farms lasted for nearly ten days, and the energy was only used up about 0.3%."

Sylvaran interrupted their boring home chat and started talking about business.

"The energy of the energy crystal is huge, but the special portal connects two completely different worlds. The energy consumption issue must be tested. Before the test is completed, don't enter it at will. Don't rush back to get herbs Or to improve strength or something, the test won't take long."

"You know, the yield of the first batch of herbs planted on Homeworld is not bad, and the Skrulls have also started planting these plants in many places! According to them, many of these plants can replace the very high-value plants in the universe. plant."

"That's good. It's getting late, so let's get some rest. We'll start testing the special portal tomorrow."

The next day

Everyone came to the afterlife, remade a maintenance magic circle, and started a new test.

As a result, the test results made Ye Ming very depressed.

The maintenance of the portal between the two worlds consumes too much energy crystal!

A crystal full of energy can only last for more than four days!
Energy crystals are very expensive, one piece costs hundreds of thousands of gold coins~
According to Ye Ming's estimation, this energy consumption should be related to the time difference between the two worlds.

If these four days are calculated according to the time of Azeroth, it should be more than a year; and a normal portal, a piece of energy crystal, should be able to last for ten years.

Then, the sum of the time differences between the two worlds multiplied by the maintenance time, compared to ten times the energy consumption of ordinary portals, is almost the total energy value of the energy crystal.

The calculation results and the conclusions drawn are basically the same - Azeroth is more than a year, but in the Marvel universe, the maintenance time of the portal is only a little more than 4 days.

Regardless of whether this speculation is correct or not, the facts are right in front of us.

When the energy crystal was about to be completely exhausted, Ye Ming replaced it with the energy block extracted from the starship, and the maintenance time was even shorter, only one day!
Hey, sure enough, the energy crystals of Azeroth are also very high-end gadgets.

However, no matter what, maintaining the special portal is enough for the time being~
"Maybe when traveling in the universe, we can find some durable energy sources instead of energy crystals."

A. Themis looked at the depressed Ye Ming and said.

"Well, you can visit other civilized planets in the future."

Good idea!

Remember that the Sovereign's steel-titanium battery mentioned in Guardians of the Galaxy is very powerful!

And it's not too expensive?
The small pack of batteries stolen by the little raccoon is only 25 star coins?
In comparison, it is much cheaper than energy crystals!

Azeroth's gold coins are relatively more valuable than star coins!

It's a pity that I forgot to ask the collector if I have to sell it last time...

As for the infinite gems~
Do you want to try the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?
Just think about it for a second, forget it!

It would be bad if Thanos was brought over.

Ye Ming is not too worried about his own safety, but the earth may be in trouble!

Even, will a magical item like the space gem lead to any strange connection between the two universes?

Burning Legion or something, let the heroes of Azeroth resist.

(End of this chapter)

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