Gnolls can't practice martial arts

Chapter 14 Building Dams (3)

Chapter 14 Building Dams (3)

A large part of the Gnoll players who are not familiar with hunting are catching frogs and mice, trying to fill their stomachs, gaining the approval of Gaz, the Gnoll NPC lakeside hunter, and officially joining the Broken Tooth Tribe.

On the dam site, lunch is over, and there is still a lot of food left. In the afternoon, send some jackals out to hunt, and then the food for dinner can be prepared.

The 'workers' at the dam site rested for an hour, and then continued to work under Kerr's command, picking out [-] gnolls who performed well in hunting, led ten by Rush and Holt, and continued to the river Go north and south to hunt.

Ogres are powerful, goblin murlocs and kobolds are weak, and gnolls are in the middle, which is more suitable for work.

Soon, some long logs were cut and sharpened, nailed deeply between the south bank of the river and the hills, the direction was perpendicular to the river, and then along these stable wooden stakes, a two-meter-thick, four-meter-high wall was slowly The base was built, one meter of which was the foundation, and three meters above the ground.

It is composed of many materials, including:
A boulder that can only be moved by an ogre,
Gravel and clay dug by goblins and kobolds,
The long weeds that the murlocs cut from the river,

The medium-sized stones carried by the jackals,
Branches with leaves cut by the gnolls,
. . . . . .

This wall extends from the river bank to a hill dug out for a short section, with a total length of six or seven meters.

After completing the wall, the wolf man, the ogre and the murlocs cooperated to build a simple pontoon bridge in a river shallow, made of wood and stones.

Kerr led the 'workers' to transfer to the north bank of the river through the pontoon bridge, and began to mine quarry here and prepare the building materials here.

By evening, several large stone piles had been prepared here.

The hunting wolves brought back six or seven wild boars and deer, and a grizzly bear about three meters high was carried back. This bear was shot in the eye by the wolves led by Holt, and then attacked from the side and cut off its legs Killed after the muscle.

This bear is estimated to be level 7. It can be hunted without damage. Hult is really good at hunting, and it is worth cultivating.

The work was stopped, and the five captains were asked to take their younger brothers back to the south bank of the river to prepare dinner. Kerr stayed on the north bank and made a rough estimate. The dam wall on the north bank was still a little short of material. It seems that these guys will have to work overtime at night, muttering With a sound, Kerr also returned to the south bank of the river, ready to choose his own dinner.

At this moment, there was a silver figure flying from south to north in the sky, it was a young silver dragon of not too big or too small.

Seeing this scene under his feet, the silver dragon was very strange, and said to himself:
"Eh? What are these ogres and gnolls doing?" [Dragon Language]

The silver dragon circled in the air for a while, then landed secretly on the top of the hill, turning into a beautiful silver-haired woman.

She looks at the camp below:
"Ogres, gnolls, goblins, murlocs, kobolds? So many evil races mixed together? Are they also the minions of the evil red dragon in the northern mountains?"

The silver dragon took a closer look at the wall being built.

"At this location, they are going to build a dam? How could the Red Dragon build a dam?"

After thinking about it, this silver dragon decided to show up and ask directly. As long as she pays a little attention and doesn't get close to these ogres, she will not be in danger.

"Cloud Mist Technique!"

Silver Dragon released a spell next to this camp, and a dense fog enveloped a range of more than ten meters outside the goblin camp, and then she turned into a prototype and jumped towards the cloud and fog.

I saw a silver dragon with a torso more than three meters long, stepping on a cloud of thick fog, and asked condescendingly:

"Who told you to build the dam?" [Common Language]

Long Wei radiated, and the goblins, kobolds, and murlocs in the camp all got down, only the wolves were calm, and the ogres were eager to try.

Two identification techniques were thrown out at the same time, which were the skills of Kerr and Brawny Drag Racing.

Kerr was surprised that the silver dragon could stand on the cloud, while looking at the appraisal result:

Name: Emilia

Race: Silver Dragon

Rating: 18
Life: 190/190
Magic: 180/180
Power: 23
Agility: 12
Constitution: 19
Intelligence: 18
Perception: 18
Charisma: 12
Active Skills: Freezing Breath, Protection From Evil, Mage Hand, Prestige, Cloud Mist, Cat's Grace

Passive Skills: Cloud Stepping Instinct, Bite Instinct, Claw Instinct, Wing Instinct, Tail Sweeping Instinct, Change Instinct

'Nimma!So many skills! ’ This idea came from Kerr and the big man racing and the audience in the live broadcast room at the same time.

With a spear in his right hand and a skewer of grilled fish in his left, Kerr walked forward while eating:
"It's me! Broken Tooth Kerr! Let the tribe I lead build this dam!" [Low Common Language]

In fact, Common Language and Low Common Language basically communicate with each other, but "wild monsters" usually don't master the correct grammar, so they all speak Low Common Language, so Kerr communicated with this silver dragon.

Even though this silver dragon has a lot of skills, Kerr feels that if they fight, he can win, but the dam may not be able to be repaired, and the silver dragon is a lawful and good camp, and may help gnolls establish trade relations with humans in the future .

Yinlong looked at this very ordinary gnoll in surprise. He didn't look very strong, but he could subdue so many ogres?

Does he have other evil existences?Yinlong continued to ask:

"Gnoll! Who is your leader? Who helped you control these ogres! Who told you to build the dam?"

Kerr quickly finished the grilled fish and said:

"No one can control me! I killed the ogre leader and subdued these ogres! I am the king of this territory! Who are you! If you dare to stop me from building a dam, I will kill you !"

Silver Dragon hesitated watching this self-proclaimed King Gnoll break his teeth, how could he actually kill an ogre leader?

Moreover, it should be impossible for the gnolls in the chaotic camp to build dams. This gnoll is a bit different. Now that he met his silver dragon, he neither ran away nor commanded the ogres and wolves to rush up and attack actively.

As soon as he thought about it, Yinlong said casually:
"Are you preparing dinner? Do I have a share?"

Kerr was slightly surprised, he waved and said:

"You are welcome to join us for dinner, but you need to restrain your dragon power first!"

With a turn of Yinlong's eyes, his body was submerged in the thick fog, and then the cloud cleared, and a beautiful girl with silver hair appeared.

Kerr paused a little, so beautiful!After all, I am a human soul!The aesthetic hasn't changed.

"Bordeaux! Light a fire in front of this Miss Silver Dragon! Bring two deer that have been treated!"

"Follow your wishes!"

Longwei disappeared, and the goblin kobolds and murlocs who were frightened by Longwei continued to prepare dinner under the scolding of Wicks and Old Shark.

Soon the strong man dragged the fire over, and then picked up two stripped deer to start roasting, but Kerr waved him back to the camp with regret.

A gnoll and a girl transformed into a silver dragon are roasting two deer around the same fire. This scene is too weird!
At this time, while Yinlong was roasting the venison, he began to test this abnormal gnoll with some strength:
"Brokentooth Kerr, why do you want to build a dam?"

The crisp girlish voice made Kerr feel a little restless, and replied:

"It's very simple. For more food, when this dam is built, a large swamp will be formed here. I will let the murlocs and gnolls raise fish here and provide food."

The silver dragon girl said again:
"You mean to form a big swamp? Don't you know, there is an evil red dragon in the northern mountains. He hates water vapor. I'm afraid that red dragon will come and destroy your dam."

Kerr glanced at the spear he had stuck upside down on the ground next to him, the blade was shining.

"Oh? A red dragon, how strong is he, and how does he compare to you?"

The silver dragon girl looked at the jackal man in surprise.

"Don't you still want to challenge the red dragon? He is stronger than me, and your group will suffer heavy casualties and it will be difficult to succeed."

"I will not let my tribe die until I am sure. After the dam is built, it will take a long time until the river overflows to form a swamp. Before that, I will be ready to deal with the attack of the red dragon."

"No one can stop me from building the dam, not even the red dragon."

After Kerr finished speaking, he glanced at the silver dragon girl, and continued:

"If you are interested, you can wait here for the arrival of the red dragon and help us kill the chaotic and evil red dragon. I think the lawful and kind Miss Silver Dragon may not refuse to cooperate."

The silver dragon girl suddenly laughed and said:

"Shouldn't gnolls be chaotic and evil? Why do you think I'm willing to cooperate with you?"

"Why must the gnolls be chaotic and evil! I, Broken Tooth Kerr, want to get my tribe out of chaos and establish order!"

Kerr stood up, pulled out his spear and looked up at the sky:
"I want to challenge my blood! Never give in!"

The silver dragon girl remembered the exaggerated stories of those bards, and it seemed to happen right before her eyes.

Either way, it would be right to kill a chaotic evil red dragon, and then see if the gnoll tribe is evil.

The silver dragon girl made a decision, cut off a piece of roasted venison with a knife, and said:
"Brokentooth Kerr the Gnoll, I am the silver dragon Emilia, and I agree to cooperate with you to kill that evil red dragon, but if I find you doing evil deeds, I will catch you and bring you Go back and face justice!"

Kerr chuckled, and replied while cutting the flesh:

"I wish us a happy cooperation and destroy the evil red dragon!"

Soon the dinner was over, Yinlong said goodbye and left, she was going to do a brief investigation of the red dragon first.

As the sky was getting dark, Kerr asked the jackals to light a lot of bonfires on the north bank of the river, and let the 'workers' continue to mine stones.

The mining efficiency at night is not as high as during the day, but except for the kobolds, other races have certain dark vision capabilities, especially the jackals.

Two hours later, a lot of stones were quarried on the north bank of the river. After confirming that there was enough to build the dam wall, Kerr announced a stoppage of work. The tired 'workers' returned to the south bank of the river, looking for a suitable place around the camp to start resting.

And the ogre player Brawny Drag Racing sat down against a tree stump and went offline without saying a word to the audience in the live broadcast room.

The night was long, and Kerr was meditating by the fire, waiting for the system skills to refresh.

(End of this chapter)

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