Gnolls can't practice martial arts

Chapter 209 Kerr's Enemy

Chapter 209 Kerr's Enemy

Broken Tooth Collar, Red Dragon Fortress, Conference Hall.

There are only three figures here.

One is Kerr sitting on a pure gold throne, and the other is the golden dragon Pile who has transformed into a human form.

Another one is a beautiful woman.

She looks very young, wearing a pointed black hat with a wide brim, covering most of her brown-green hair, except for two brown-green strands hanging down to her chest beside her slightly pointed white ears.

Under the delicate face, a silk blue robe concealed her figure, and she could only be seen as a tall beauty.

At this time, she was standing by the conference table, holding a very delicate spell book in both hands. Although the cover of the spell book had an emerald, it seemed not as dazzling as her pale green eyes.

While looking at this utterly beautiful woman, Kerr pondered secretly, thinking about how to premeditate, plan, and arrange, but soon came back to his senses and said:
"Elaine Lydia Sautheris, welcome to Brokentooth Collar, please sit down, how are you feeling these days?"

This woman is a representative from the Northland Witch Council, a young and outstanding witch, Elaine Lydia Sotheris.

The witch bowed her head slightly, then sat down and said:

"Thank you, Demigod, for your concern. Although I didn't see the powerful fighters who left because you led the army to attack the mind flayer city in the dead magic area, I learned a lot in Broken Tooth Territory these days.

"Especially those machine tools that don't rely on magic, or rely very little on magic. It seems to let me see a new world, but it's a new world that I can't enter."

Having said that, the beautiful witch, whose expression didn't fluctuate much, suddenly smiled, stared at Kerr and said slowly:

"Dear Your Excellency, what I want to know most is, why are you so different from other savage jackals?

"Someone told me that you are actually a human in disguise. Is it true?"

Looking at those pale green beautiful eyes full of expectation, Kerr smiled and said:
"Hahaha, who am I? Who am I? It doesn't matter. What matters is that I decide who I am."

If someone else had come to directly ask Kerr about his deepest secret, he would have slapped him to death long ago.

If it weren't for the fact that this witch named Elaine is so beautiful, how could Kerr explain it with nonsense philosophical words with a smile.

"I decide who I am..."

Elaine muttered earnestly, as if thinking about these words.

Kerr changed the subject and said:

"The Ministry of Magic of Brokentooth has always been weak. As the best witch of the Northland Witch Council, I hope Miss Elaine can help us truly master magic. Let's start with the arcane runes of those combat puppets!"

Yi Lian stopped thinking, raised her head, and said cautiously and naively:
"My lord, I haven't decided yet. What valuable things should I choose from Broken Tooth to exchange for those arcane runes?"

Kerr nodded slightly:

"It's okay, tell me, what do you think Broken Tooth Collar can exchange for arcane runes?"

Elaine put the spell book upright on the conference table, then rested her chin on the spell book, and replied while thinking:

"A production line for weapons like the AK47 is definitely enough, but I have already asked, and the people in the Ministry of Science and Technology said that the production line is the core secret of the Broken Tooth Collar, and you are unlikely to agree, and I also think that the arcane talisman The value of the text may not be that high.

"I asked about all the methods of large-scale bee breeding and honey collection. The people in the material department said that honey sells well, and bee breeding can earn a lot of gold coins, but I feel a little bit at a loss. Arcane Runes My knowledge is so mysterious and precious, but honey is delicious..."

Kerr was a little taken aback, the production line of AK47 is still 'normal', what the hell is the method of raising honey?

Kerr interrupted the witch on the spot and said:
"Cough, in my opinion, the power of learning and communication is powerful. As long as Miss Elaine stays in the Broken Tooth Collar for a long time, she should be able to learn something of real value, and she can also communicate through witches. The difference between spells and broken-tooth collar techniques collided with new and precious knowledge.

"These things must be enough to compensate for the arcane runes, so you can go directly to the material department and quote a price in gold coins! Then, as soon as possible, work with Miss Anna, the Ministry of Magic, and the Ministry of Science and Technology to apply the arcane runes to the new On the battle puppet!"

Elaine nodded obediently, thoughtful:
"Okay! My lord, I'm going to go to the supplies department to ask for gold—report the price of gold coins. It just so happens that I order and eat those expensive foods these days, and I'm going to be poor."

After speaking, Elaine stood up, saluted Kerr, and ran away holding the spell book. . .

Kerr turned to Golden Dragon Paile and said:

"What did you say last time? The power god of the frost giants? Has there been any news from the witches? When will they be able to act?"

Golden Dragon Paile replied:
"My lord, my friend told me that they are already preparing. It will be winter in another month. When it is deep winter, the power of frost will be stronger. At that time, the first step can be taken to get rid of his an avatar.

"When the time comes, the Witch Council will invite you to go in advance. I believe that with your help, these mages who are ready will definitely be able to achieve their goals."

Kerr nodded, and then did not speak for a long time.

After drinking three sips of scented tea, Kerr said:

"Did the Witch Council send such a beautiful witch here on purpose? I'm a jackal."

Golden Dragon Paile paused:
"According to your behavior, many forces have their own judgments, and today you looked at Elaine without turning your head, a bit like a real jackal seeing a piece of meat.

"Obviously, the witches will think that they guessed right."

Kerr, who was covered in ripples, didn't blush, anyway, there was no need to be embarrassed because the ripples were blocking it.

"It doesn't matter, they can think whatever they want. Right now, I'm just a different wolf man."

Golden Dragon Paile nodded:

"Of course, you are just a demigod jackal, very ordinary."

Kerr relievedly took a sip of the pure brewed spirits, the upright Golden Dragon couldn't possibly be jealous, eh.

. . . . . .

When Kerr was in Brokentooth, planning the mass production of new combat puppets, visiting dwarves, cooperating with witches, etc., something happened further west of the Brokentooth Orc White Lion Army station.

It is hundreds of kilometers away from the orc garrison in the west of the Broken Tooth Territory, and the forest has become dim and decayed.

And in this coastal forest, the source of decay is in the north.

From this piece of forest to the north slowly, it becomes yellow, withered, and decayed, becoming more and more serious, until finally no grass grows, and it becomes a desolate black dead land.

And this black dead land is also very wide, with a diameter of about a hundred kilometers.

At this time, in the center of this black and dead land, there are more than a dozen towers with a height of more than a hundred meters. Among them, there is a core tower in the center, which is about 150 meters high.

There are three or four tops of the towers, and some ropes are tied to the traction. The ropes stretch directly into the sky, like kite strings, binding seven or eight huge oval-shaped things.

These oval-shaped things are five to sixty meters long, and the widest point in the middle is two to thirty meters. They seem to be struggling to break free towards the sky, but those tight ropes bind them firmly.

If any player saw this scene, he would definitely shout 'airship', but on the surrounding ground radiated by the vision of these towers, there were a large number of inexplicable white figures busy among some buildings, and none of them looked up into space.

At this time, on the top of the core tower, there were two figures standing on a balcony. One of them had a face like a mummy, wearing a red robe, and holding a strange staff.

The other figure was a young man in a gray robe and holding a 'short stick' like a cane. He looked at the vast black land under his feet and said:

"Lord Sazastan! As I said, the enemy we haven't seen is very, very powerful, but now, our strength is also strong!"

The mummy-like existence in the red robe opened his mouth and said:

"At first, I couldn't believe that the enemy you mentioned really existed, but recently I got news from an old friend that the enemy you mentioned has made a lot of moves in the underground world to the east. Cooperating with some hypocritical gods, it sure looks like it will hinder my creation of the great white world!"

The young man in the gray robe looked at the white figures under the tower and said:
"Lord Sazastan, at present, many enemies are not aware of our secret development, and we have also taken the opportunity to create many powerful weapons.

"Although there is still some gap compared to that enemy and the weapons used by the army he leads, no one can stop the power of death!
"I really want to continue to develop secretly, but the guy's proposal last time was also very attractive. Have you made a decision? Participating in their actions, we will gain a lot of soldiers and workers, but there will also be Under the vision of the entire material plane, there is no way to develop in secret!"

The mummy-like existence in the red robe looked at the 'short stick' in the hands of the young man in the gray robe, then at the white figures under the tower, and said:

"Unless the enemy is comparable to the incarnation of Lord Bane, the black king, these powers will be useless in a short period of time, whether it is the power of these mortals you have created or the army of the enemy. "

The young man in gray robe waved the 'short stick' in his hand and said:
"At critical times, I believe that no matter how small the power is, it will be useful, even if it is just to distract that guy once, and if there is a full-scale war, your soldiers don't need food and water, and they don't know how to be tired. , attack that territory for a long time, and keep that enemy distracted by the territory."

The mummy in the red robe turned his head and said:
"How are you sure he's distracted?"

The young man in gray robe said with a smile:
"Just like my toys are destroyed, the toys he cultivated, developed, and manufactured by himself are destroyed, and they will also be distracted. Lord Ben will definitely find an opportunity."

The mummy-like existence in the red robe said:

"After we complete the operation with them and bring back the soldiers and workers, you should prepare with all your heart. I hope you can really help Lord Bane."

The young man in gray robe nodded and saluted:

"Obey, Lord Sazastan! May death be eternal in the great white world!"

After finishing speaking, the young man in gray robe released a spell:
"Flying technique!"

Then, the young man in gray robe flew from the top of the tower to the ground, and began to shuttle around those white figures, observing the work of the white figures from time to time, and sometimes correcting them.

On the ground around the high tower, there are a large number of buildings. These buildings seem to exist in a planned manner, but they are a bit like a factory area with broken teeth. The young man in gray robes enters one building after another, as if he is checking regularly.

After working for a long time, the young man in gray robe came out of a building and said in a low voice:
"Hey, the players from Broken Tooth Collar are so arrogant on the forum, they will kill you sooner or later, haha! I can't kill you!"

. . .

Kerr naturally didn't know about these things that happened in the distant place. After selecting a group of people to visit Furnace City and letting Gost choose a time to go to Furnace City, he began to retreat again.

Although Gost strongly stated that if the lord goes there, he can really get the opportunity to study the 'heart of the furnace', but Kerr believes that there is no rush to study the heart of the furnace, and the first thing to do is to start from the furnace. The main thing is to recruit craftsmen in the city and train industrial and technical employees with broken teeth collars.

Anyway, the heart of the furnace has existed for a long time, and it will not suddenly disappear or run away. After a period of work, there must be time to deal with it.

So Kerr went straight back to the depths of the magic crystal veins. This time, he didn't change into a human to learn martial arts in advance, but tried to open up acupuncture points directly according to the meridian diagram of each skill icon in the skill library.

The difference between this and becoming a human is that in order to ensure the accuracy of the acupuncture points, the speed is much slower, but there is no need to drop the level.

Seven or eight days later, when Kerr was still slowly opening acupuncture points deep in the vein, the capital of the Tethyr Empire in the former northern part of the Kingdom of Amn.

In a certain luxurious mansion, there was a tall and handsome young man who was playing with several women when suddenly a person walked in:

"My lord! They have agreed, we can start planning."

The person who came in was the 'Prince of Sana', or the player who once dressed up as the Prince of Sana.

Hearing his words, the young man became serious, waved his hand to make several women retreat, then turned around and knelt down towards a strange statue in the hall, shouting in his mouth:

"Great God of Slaughter! Your devout believers have made preparations according to your instructions! A huge and special slaughter ceremony is about to come! Our allies are also ready!"

A voice soon came from the statue:
"My believer! Now that you are ready, let's move according to the plan!"

The kneeling young man bowed his head and said:
"My lord, I will offer the most beautiful killing!"

Then the young man stood up and said to 'Prince Sana':
"let's start!"

At the same time, a bullet box suddenly appeared on the game interface of 'Prince of Sanaa':
['Evil Celebration' mission has started! ]
 happy New Year to all!
(End of this chapter)

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