Gnolls can't practice martial arts

Chapter 42 Earth Element

Chapter 42 Earth Element

Waking up in the morning, Kerr didn't disturb the silver dragon girl's light sleep. After leaving the lair, he asked Mars to call all the kobolds, together with Qingfeng Xikuang and Weeks, to the iron mine.

The team marched eastward between the mountains and swamps. Due to road reasons, it took nearly two hours to reach the iron mine.

It was a bare hillside, probably because of the richness of iron, and there was not a single tree on the hillside.

There is a large open-pit iron mine halfway up the mountain, and a dozen or so earth elements mixed with khaki and gray black can be seen wandering in it from a distance.

Qingfeng Xikuang quickly reported:

"The great Brokentooth Kerr! That's the open-pit iron mine. Those earth elementals are so powerful that ordinary gnolls and even ogres can't defeat them."

At this time, Kerr's team was on another hillside adjacent to the iron mine. After a few glances through the woods, Kerr ordered the team to stay where they were and wait.

Then Kerr hammered the left spear with the right hammer, put the javelin on his back, and headed towards the iron mine.

Then, Kerr, who escaped into the shadow state, entered the open-pit iron mine and observed it from a distance of more than ten meters. These earth elements are composed of huge boulders. Regardless of the body, arms and head, there are two slightly shiny objects on the head. The dots appear to be the eyes, while the arms and the middle of the body do not seem to be connected objects.

The lowest height of these earth elements is about two meters, and the highest is close to 4 meters.

Kerr threw an identification spell to the tallest earth element:

Name: none
Race: Earth Elemental
Rating: 20
Life: 280/280
Magic: 100/100
Power: 30
Agility: 12
Constitution: 28
Intelligence: 10
Perception: 15
Charisma: 10
Active skill: none

Passive Skill: Rock Solid
Sure enough, as expected of an earth element, his consciousness is chaotic, and he doesn't even have his own name.

Kerr approached directly in stealth. The perception of these earth elements is not too high, and the gap between them is relatively large, so Kerr easily approached the leader of the earth element.

This earth elemental leader seemed a bit strange. The boulders on his hands had the prototypes of fingers, and there was a circle of black matter on each of the two arms, and faint natural runes lit up on the black matter.

I saw the leader of the earth element inserted a hand between the iron ore on the nearby mountain wall, and then Kerr's high perception seemed to feel a flow of elements.

Then, on the circle of black material on the arm of the leader of the earth element, the rune flickered slightly, and Kerr confirmed that the earth element was absorbing iron ore, and condensed two iron armguards with runes on his arm .

Confirming that the earth elemental was still focusing on refining iron ore, Kerr jumped up from behind the leader of the earth elemental, and slammed the steel club with his right hand on the head of the earth elemental.

Kerr's power now has 40 points. Under this hammer, two cracks on the stone on the head of the earth element burst open, and the surrounding elements seemed to fluctuate, as if the leader of the earth element was roaring silently.

After Kerr gave a hammer, with 34 points of agility, he landed on the broad shoulders of the leader of the earth element, and once again hammered with all his strength.


The head of the leader of the earth element shattered directly, and a grayish-yellow strange gemstone fell from it. It was wiped out by Kerr before it even had time to fight back.

[You killed the leader of the earth element lv20. ]
Kerr put the spear and hammer into the storage bracelet, and then reached out to take the gray-yellow strange gemstone. This should be the crystallization of the leader of the earth element, which contains most of the elemental power of the leader of the earth element and its weak power. soul.

As the crystallization of the earth element broke away from this huge stone body, the entire body of the earth element seemed to rot instantly, shattering into a large amount of rubble, but the two iron armguards with shiny natural runes fell on the ground. on the ground.

Kerr put the two iron armguards into the storage bracelet, took out the steel mallet, and began to smash the other earth elementals that rushed over one by one.

Although the leader of the earth elemental was dead, the other earth elementals didn't know to be afraid, they still rushed over and wanted to smash Kerr with their boulder-like arms.

However, their strength was limited. Kerr nimbly jumped onto the head of one rushing earth elemental, smashed another earth elemental's head with a steel mallet, and then jumped away before the earth elemental's arm at his feet swung over.

[You killed the earth elemental lv18. ]
. . .

Soon, in less than 10 minutes, Kerr quickly smashed the heads of these earth elements, and then carefully gathered them together. Counting the leaders of the earth elements, there were a total of 18 yuan of earth element crystals.

Except for the sharp iron horns on the top of his steel mallet that collapsed a lot, Kerr didn't suffer any damage.

After carefully putting away the earth elemental crystals, Kerr looked around and checked the open-pit iron mine.

This open-pit iron mine has a radius of about 50 meters. It is full of various iron ores, and even very unscientifically, there are a large number of iron nuggets with extremely high iron content. It seems that they have been precipitated and crystallized due to excessive enrichment.

At this time, Qingfeng Xikuang, Mars, and Weeks had seen Kerr end the battle in the woods on the hillside, so they rushed over with a lot of kobolds.

"Mars! From now on, you take these kobolds to start mining, and store the iron-bearing ore and the iron that is directly precipitated separately, and food will be delivered later. You only need professional mining."

"Obey your will!"

Mars soon began to take the kobolds to choose the location of camps and warehouses. Naturally, mining iron ore required food and sleep, and then stored iron ore.

Kerr then said to Qingfeng Xikuang and Weeks:

"You determine the location of the laboratory near here, draw a simple design drawing, and check whether there are associated mines near the iron ore, and wait for me to mobilize manpower to build the laboratory."

After making these arrangements, Kerr left directly. He went directly to the south. He moved very fast alone, and arrived at the Gnoll camp in a short time.

Gaz is stationed at the Gnoll camp. Recently, there have been more prey in the forest, and it is much easier to obtain food. The animal pen has been enlarged several times, and there are a lot of juvenile wild boars and deer in it.

Gaz briefly reported to Kerr that there were more than 100 Gnoll fighters in the camp, and there were two hunting teams outside each leading [-] Gnoll fighters, namely Rush and Hott.

Kerr went into his cave, took away the two boxes of gold coins that had been placed here, and prepared to pile them up on the gold coin mountain in the dragon's lair.

Then Kerr and Gaz took fifty gnolls and sent a batch of food to the kobolds in the iron mine, and then turned to the dragon's lair to guard it.

As for Shannier, he stayed at the Gnoll camp. There were no enemies around now, and the female Gnoll and the Gnoll cubs in the camp should be safe.

After arriving at the dragon's lair, Emilia told Kerr that the master craftsman she contacted had agreed to come, and would arrive from the human kingdom south of the forest trade road within a few days.

Kerr was very happy, dumped two boxes of gold coins and gemstones into the gold coin mountain, and then left under Emilia's envious eyes.

Then Kerr took away the five ogres who were originally guarding the dragon's lair, and prepared to let them join the ogre team of Brawny Racing.

At noon, Kerr arrived at the dam, and the old shark skin prepared a lot of fresh fish for Kerr for lunch, and said:

"Great Brokentooth Kerr! For some reason, the fish seem to grow very fast now. This swamp can already start harvesting fish. We caught a lot of fish and gradually began to dry them in the sun."

It was only then that Kerr noticed that there were many murlocs drying dried fish on the hills on the north bank of the dam, but these freshwater fish seemed to be smaller in size than the sea fish dried by the Naga.

Kerr nodded:
"Very good! Let the fish people pay attention, only catch big fish, and let them continue to grow the small fish that haven't grown up. Old Sharkskin, you should also find a way to make fish multiply. This swamp must become our long-term and stable food. source!"

"I will make this swamp full of fish and provide you with a lot of dried fish."

Seeing the busy murlocs on the hills, Kerr was very happy. The benefits of the dam began to show so quickly. Although it was not much compared to the hundreds of carts of dried fish that the Naga often had, it was under his control. Don't worry about being clamped.

After lunch, Kerr took five ogres to cut down trees beside the forest behind the hill northwest of the dam. Kerr easily chopped down a large number of tree trunks with his black jade long sword, and these ogres carried them to On the east side of the hills on the north bank of the dam, Kerr plans to build several simple large warehouses to store grain.

After preparing hundreds of tree trunks, Kerr started to build the warehouse. Anyway, he was idle now, so he might as well do it himself. With his extremely high strength and agility, it must be very simple.

First, a flat land with a radius of ten meters was selected next to the hill, and then Kerr smashed all the nearby stones with a steel mallet, letting the ogres pave the gravel.

Then Kerr whittled a tree trunk into a thick, huge wooden shovel. After more than ten minutes, Kerr, who dug up two wooden shovels, finally dug a circular ditch around the gravel. This ditch is more than one meter deep and half as wide. meters, circle a circle with a diameter of ten meters.

Then Kerr used great force to insert the tree trunks with a thickness of more than half a meter and the bark removed into the ditch.

These oversized tree trunks were forced into the ditch by Kerr and firmly inserted.

The trunk was nailed into the soil one and a half meters, and there were more than three meters above the ground. The whole was tightly circled in a circle, and with a column in the middle, it formed the prototype of a warehouse.

Kerr's movements in this process are a bit funny, because when he inserts the tree trunk into the ditch with all his strength, his body always jumps high from time to time and then turns around in the air before falling down. This is because Kerr Although the body has great strength, it is not heavy in itself. When he inserts the trunk into the ditch instantly, it is similar to climbing up by grabbing the trunk with both hands. The force is mutual.

If you don’t dig a trench but insert it directly, it’s not that Kerr can’t do it, the main reason is that Kerr’s feet have nowhere to go. Unless Kerr’s feet can step on the air, it’s like climbing a tree. Juli wanted to squeeze the tree trunk into the soil, but when the tree slowly squeezed in, the lighter body would hang directly in the air.

In short, after finishing the main body of the warehouse in a funny way, Kerr cut the shape of some tree trunks, laid them horizontally at the bottom of the warehouse, and then used clean animal skins to pave the bottom wooden board.

Then put a pile of flattened square logs on the top of the tidy warehouse, and add some simple wooden nails and tenons to complete the tight warehouse. The side door is also sealed, leaving only a movable cover on the top. At the same time, there are several flattened tree trunks nailed obliquely to several columns outside, as stairs to the top of the warehouse, from which grain can be piled into the warehouse at that time.

It took Kerr nearly an hour back and forth, but fortunately, the warehouse is still very useful.

(End of this chapter)

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