Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 465 Merging

Chapter 465 Merging
The instantaneous collapse of multiple space points can easily cause space cascading dislocation. When space tearing bursts out with powerful energy and space cascading dislocation occurs, I am afraid that all spaces within tens of thousands of light years will be affected. Don’t say it at that time This planet and the earth, even the entire galaxy and even all planets in neighboring galaxies will be affected, and it may even cause a star explosion. When it really causes a chain reaction, it will be a big trouble.

Of course, this possibility is very small, but even if it is only one thousandth or even one ten thousandth possibility, do you dare to bet?It's like you smoked a cigarette, but you went out for something, and you didn't realize that the cigarette was not finished until you went downstairs. It was placed next to the ashtray, and it didn't go out. There is a 99% possibility After a while, the cigarette will go out by itself, and there is still a one-thousandth possibility that the stupid dog at home will knock over the ashtray, let the cigarette ignite the sofa next to it, and then cause a fire in the whole house, destroying the family. Burn it all up, the possibility is really too small, even less than one in a thousand, but do you dare to leave so carelessly?
When Tang Sheng entered the area of ​​tearing space, he was also depressed for a long time. He could indeed handle this space tearing, but it would consume a lot of energy. It came out, and after using some functions on the stone tablet computer, it only used one-seventh of the energy to quell the space-torn storm.

What is the biggest difference between humans and animals?It is because people can make tools and use tools, and when technology develops to a certain level, the tools manufactured are constantly upgraded. When tools like computers are manufactured, it seems that the entire history of mankind has begun to change. People say that the third industrial revolution, mankind has entered the complete information age.

I don’t know what civilization created this stele computer. Obviously, this thing is so powerful that it can open space gates on multiple planets and connect many planets through space gates. It is so powerful that it makes people despair. Now that Tang Sheng has discovered that the stele computer can also create and destroy space, his expectations for the stele computer are even greater.

Now Tang Sheng can be sure that the rapid development of the Luoyi civilization into a second-level civilization may have a very important relationship with this stele computer, including that they have learned to use space technology and some other super high-tech, and even this planet. The fact that so many beasts appeared in just 2000 years after the disappearance of the Luoyi civilization probably has an inexplicable relationship with this stele computer.

There is also such a stone tablet computer on the earth. How can these two computers really be combined and what kind of power can they exert?Tang Sheng was looking forward to it. After returning, Tang Sheng didn't say anything, and started to return quickly with Su Yuchen and more than 100 people. This time the expedition was a little hasty, and the return was even more hasty.

The harvest is quite big. At least I have explored the terrain of many places along the way. At the same time, it also proves that the farther away from the mine pit, the fewer beasts. If it is far enough away from the mine pit over there, even There are no more ferocious beasts in the forest, only some of the most common wild beasts, but the more ferocious beasts there are, the lower the ecological circle will be.

"Amalgamation? Are you right?" After returning home as quickly as possible, Tang Sheng asked someone to send over the tablet computer on Earth. At the same time, Ye Tian and other veterans also followed. When Tang Sheng proposed When the two computers were going to be merged, they became a little worried. Tang Sheng said that this computer has a history of at least 30 billion years. How can these things be merged?People always have some fear of the unknown.

"I'm not sure, but there seems to be such an option above, let me try it." Tang Sheng was looking forward to it. In fact, this thing is unknown to Tang Sheng, but it is precisely because of the unknown that people have exploration As for the desire, Tang Sheng felt that he should be able to fight against many situations with his own abilities, so there was nothing to worry about.

At this time, not only the old generals like Ye Tian came, but also Tang's father and Tang mother. They were also very curious about what Tang Sheng was doing. Ye Susu also walked in cautiously. Why did you say cautiously?Because Ye Susu was pregnant, even though it was less than a month, as a mother, she could already clearly feel a new life in her belly.

Ye Susu is also a little superman who has evolved to a certain level. If she has evolved to her level and can't sense a new life in her stomach, then it will be hell. It’s really not too simple without new life. In ancient times, human beings drew a map of the meridians of the human body through inner viewing. Why can human beings use inner viewing?In fact, very few human beings have mutated and evolved. After mutated and evolved, they have gained the ability to look inside, and can look back at everything inside their bodies. This is not some kind of magic, but just a manifestation of evolution.

Take Ye Susu as an example, she can do this completely now, and Ye Susu will occasionally meditate in the dead of night at night. Sheng also said that when you have evolved to this level, you can generally observe the changes in your body all the time, because it is easy to make mistakes during the evolution process, so regular internal inspection is also very beneficial to your own development.

And Ye Susu's frequent introspection recently is not to check her physical evolution, because she knows that after swallowing Tang Sheng's blood, her evolution will never have any problems, and she will continue to evolve in the best way. The purpose of watching is to see what my child looks like and how it develops in my body. Although the child has not grown a body yet, I am still very excited to see the fleshy developing seed Ye Susu.

Looking at the two identical stone tablets placed in front of him, Tang Sheng didn't feel very surprised. After opening it, he clicked on the merge option. Tang Sheng was just guessing. Not sure if that merged option represents a merge of two computers, or something else.

"It's really merged? What's going on here?" In the surprised eyes of everyone, the two computers actually gave off a faint light, and then slowly merged together. Everyone couldn't close their mouths. This kind of stone tablet computer I don't know what kind of material it is, but after swallowing each other and merging together, it is still a stone tablet computer, and there is no increase in volume at all.

But when the two Stone Tablet computers were merged together, Tang Sheng's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and a bad premonition appeared. Tang Sheng knew that his senses were quite sensitive, as if he could foresee the future. It can arouse my vigilance, but now I feel very uncomfortable in my heart.

'Did I do something wrong?Is something going to happen? Tang Sheng regretted it a bit, but thinking about it, even if he didn't combine the two stone tablet computers, he couldn't understand it in a short period of time. This kind of thing is a bit too high-end, and it's unbelievable that he can operate it by himself.

Just as Tang Sheng was about to say something, he felt the ground tremble slightly, and then the ground began to vibrate slightly. Sure enough, something happened. At this moment, everyone ignored other things and ran outside one after another. It rang, and after answering, Ye Tian and the others changed their expressions just after hearing a few words.

The news came from the detection station just now, and it was found that the space gate is constantly expanding, and with the expansion of the space gate, the earth and the second earth have a tendency to merge with each other. At this time, everyone who knows the news is stunned, fusion?At this time, the two planets, Earth and Second Earth, are able to shuttle each other through a strange space gate, and they are still shuttled on the sea surface inside the two planets, which belongs to the space shuttle from one planet to another planet. Space, although the real principle researchers still haven't figured it out, but they can basically guess it roughly, and I'm [-]% to [-]% sure if it's not [-]%.

But what the hell are two planets merging with each other now?Doesn't it mean that the earth will disappear after that?After all, the earth is so much smaller than the second earth. Both planets have a crust and a mantle. If they collide and merge, wouldn't the creatures on the two planets suffer from extinction?Thinking of this possibility, everyone's faces became extremely ugly. Does this mean that the end of the world is coming?
In fact, human beings have predicted the end of the world countless times, and even do not know how many movies similar to the end of the world have been made, but when the end of the world will happen one day, everyone will panic and be confused. Sheng was a little confused after receiving the news, what?Two planets are merging?Not too slow?
Tang Sheng really regrets it now. If he had known that the fusion was not a simple fusion of two computers, but two planets, he would never have done that. But it is too late now, and the end of the world is unlikely. After all, this stele The computer is quite advanced, and there will be no such mistakes. It should allow the creatures on the two planets to survive, at least Tang Sheng thinks so.

Tang Sheng is also trying to operate the merged Stone Tablet computer at this time, but what makes him helpless is that the current Stone Tablet computer only emits a faint light, and the interface seems to be locked, and it cannot be operated at all, as if in It seems that the upgrade system does not allow you to operate other operations, or it may cause the upgrade to fail and be terminated forcibly?Tang Sheng really didn't dare, he was afraid of another accident.

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(End of this chapter)

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