Chapter 212 The Invincible Me, Lost
Neon Mansion is a developed government in the post-civilization era. Although the area of ​​the government is small, many industries are far ahead in the world, and it can be regarded as the forefront of the developed government.

But now, with the revival of spiritual energy, it was completely destroyed.

Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu have completely become hell on earth. Only the largest island of Honshu still gathers a large number of people.

Among them, Tokyo relies on the Eight-Different Cthulhu to fend off other demons, but because young girls are offered every day, people still have a heavy stone in their hearts.

Nagoya and Osaka, because of their prosperity in the past, have gathered a lot of wealth, so these two metropolitan areas temporarily live with some rich people and a small number of practitioners.

Many civilians also flocked here in large numbers because of the safety here, but a small number of practitioners are not capable of protecting too many human beings.

What's more, because of the relationship of low cultivation, even the rich people in the city center cannot be said to be safe.

The civilians living in the periphery are even more precarious, and may be attacked by monsters and monsters at any time.

Due to the attenuation of the power of thermal weapons, the army of the Neon Mansion does not have any decent combat power at present, and it is okay to deal with ordinary beasts. When encountering monsters and monsters, they can only be treated as food.

In the end, facing the pressure of survival, the army became bandits, burning, killing and looting civilians everywhere.

Therefore, in addition to the threat of monsters and monsters, people also face the dilemma of lack of clothing and food.

The entire Neon Mansion, except for the three former metropolitan areas, was in chaos.

People desperately long for a hero to appear, and hope that someone can kill those monsters and goblins, bring peace to the Neon Mansion, and make people's lives peaceful.

Some people with faith are longing for the gods to come down, show mercy, and save all living beings in dire straits.

In this case, Han Yang appeared.

His biggest purpose in coming to the Neon Mansion is naturally to copy the supernatural powers of Yamato no Orochi.

In addition to that, you also need to earn some admiration points by the way.

He needs to improve his cultivation quickly.

After all, the psychedelic lady said that the dragons in the sea have always coveted the territory of land humans. Since they are dragons, they must be powerful. Otherwise, the Dragon King would not be rushing to build a relationship with them, and they would not want to.

Therefore, his current cultivation base is not enough, and he needs to continue to improve!
In Daxia, there is no opportunity to gain admiration points for the time being. Now, I can only come to Nihong Mansion to be a hero and harvest a wave of admiration points from the people of Japan.

Otherwise, he would simply copy Yamato no Orochi's supernatural powers and leave, regardless of whether the people here were swallowed alive or skinned alive.

Han Yang used his flying magic to come to the sky above the four neon islands.

Then, his eyes locked on Honshu Island.

Then, Han Yang lowered his altitude.

Then, I looked back and forth countless times from south to north on the long island of Honshu.

Hiss...Tokyo, where is it?

Before I came, I forgot to get a map to look at.

Although I am familiar with some things in Neon Mansion, but geography is not included!

And now... the communicator obviously won't have a network signal.

Han Yang suddenly felt a little bit pained.

Invincible me, lost?

Forget it, just ask a few people.

I just don't know if I can find someone who can speak Daxia.

If it doesn't work, just find a bookstore or something, there should be maps and the like for sale, right?

No matter which prefecture's map, there are generally Western European labels on it. I still know the Western European language of Tokyo, Tokyo.

But in the new era of spiritual energy, the whole world will probably have to learn the language of Daxia.

Han Yang randomly picked a seemingly complete and prosperous city to land, but he was still in the air, and he saw monsters and monsters everywhere in the city, people and cars on the street were running around, and the city was in a miserable state.

"It seems... this is definitely not Tokyo..."

There is Yamato no Orochi in Tokyo, no monsters dare to break into it.

But this city is also very prosperous, Han Yang doubts it is Nagoya or Osaka.

It seems that it's time to reap the worship value.

He landed on a tall building.

Then, on the street below the building, a woman running caught his attention.

Because in the woman's arms, there was a little girl of two or three years old.

And behind her, a man threw himself at a gray wolf the size of a calf, was slapped to death by the gray wolf's claws, and then tore it randomly and sent it into its mouth.

The woman looked back and cried miserably, but in the end she still hugged the child in her arms and ran forward frantically.

And in front of her, a wild cat as big as a dog blocked her way again.

When she was in despair, Han Yang fell from the sky, Qingfeng sword came out, and cut the wild cat in two with one sword.

The woman was saved, looked at Han Yang, and said something fiercely, her eyes were full of gratitude.

The little girl in her arms was carved in pink and jade, crying hoarsely. At this time, her face was covered with crystal clear tears, and the sun shone on her face, reflecting a clear luster.

"Can you speak Daxia?" Han Yang asked.

The woman was stunned, then nodded again and again: "I will, I will, I have studied in Daxia..."

"Very well, tell me, how far is it from Tokyo?" Han Yang asked.

At this time, the wild wolf had already rushed towards this side, Han Yang threw a ball of fire casually, and the ferocious wolf turned into a piece of coke.

The woman's eyes widened, and at the same time, there was a burning hope in her heart: "This is Osaka, more than 500 kilometers away from Tokyo. You can go north from here and you will be there..."

The child in her arms stopped crying, and stared at Han Yang curiously with a pair of round eyes, and asked her mother in a childish voice in Japanese, if she could play with this uncle.

Han Yang said: "The streets are too dangerous, you should quickly find a building to hide."

"Let me and the child follow you, I can speak Daxia, maybe it will be useful." The woman begged.

Han Yang thought for a while, and said, "Let's find a safe place to hide first, and I'll come find you later."

"Where are you going?" the woman asked nervously.

Han Yang shrugged: "Clean up the arrogant monsters in the city."

"Ah, you you want to save this city?" The woman was a little surprised.

She thought that Han Yang would go directly to Tokyo.

After all, he is a man of Daxia...or a god.

It should not care about the life and death of the people of Japan.

Hearing her words, Han Yang was noncommittal, but shrugged his shoulders, casually threw a few more fireballs, and burned a few monsters that tried to attack him beyond their means, and said, "Hurry up and hide in the building."


The woman agreed, hugged the child quickly, and hid in the building next to her.

Han Yang glanced at the streets in the front and back.

They are all monsters and beasts, basically there are no living people left.


He sacrificed the flying sword.

South cut a sword.

North cut a sword.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, chopping thorns and thorns.

The monsters on the long street were all split in half.

There was blood everywhere, only the place where he was standing was extremely clean.

The surviving monsters are like being immobilized.

All silly, looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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