Chapter 68

Han Yang was also trembling slightly from the shock, but in comparison, the impact was less than that of the green zombie Moxiu.

After all, zombies themselves are afraid of thunder.

Moreover, the side effect of the spirit fruit paralyzed his pain perception, Han Yang didn't feel the pain, and swam forward frantically.

The Green Zombie Demon Cultivator had no choice but to dive out of the water, leap forward and run to the shore.

Han Yang also jumped onto the shore, and then a burst of flames blew out.

The Green Zombie Moxiu was immediately burnt with wounds on his back.

His condition was too bad, and he lacked Yin evil energy, so he was wounded by the Raging Flame Technique of a first-level immortal cultivation.

However, at this moment, dense footsteps came from ahead.

Green Zombie Moxiu was like a frightened bird, ready to turn around.

But then, I felt that the person on the opposite side was not strong enough to be easily killed.

He was overjoyed, if these people were killed and the blood replenished, there might still be a chance to escape.

But at this moment, Han Yang has arrived behind him.

And with a fist, it hit the back.

He suddenly flew far away, with a huge wound on his back, smoke coming from his body, and a burnt smell.

He suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, and his whole body became exhausted.

Then, a group of people appeared in front of him, and before he had time to think about it, he immediately jumped into the crowd.

However, his usual lightning-fast body skills were now frighteningly slow, and the group of low-level practitioners escaped from his attack range after they dispersed like birds and beasts.

He was resentful, but there was nothing he could do. Seeing a cornfield in front of him, he plunged into it.

Han Yang went crazy and chased after him without stopping.

The Green Zombie Moxiu didn't escape very far, and was overtaken by the frenzied Han Yang again.

Han Yang shouted loudly, summoned all his mana, and unleashed the strongest blow.

Because he felt that he was going to fall asleep at any time, and he couldn't drag it any longer.

The magic power of the whole body circulated to both fists, and the power of the Thunder Gang Seal used was stronger than before.


There was a faint sound of thunder, and the electric arc sizzled, and the dry corn stalks around were ignited.

Feeling the extreme danger, the Green Zombie Demon Cultivator turned around abruptly, gathering the last bit of evil energy remaining in his body, trying to weaken the damage of this fist mark a little.

But totally useless!

The thunder and lightning instantly dispelled a layer of evil spirit on the surface of his body, and then bombarded him heavily.


The green zombie demon cultivator let out a scream, and his whole body was attacked by the force of lightning.

The power of lightning entering the body is the only effective way to kill zombies in the same realm besides crushing the head!

The Green Zombie Demon Cultivator trembled wildly, the evil energy in his body dissipated completely, his chest seemed to be hit by a bomb, and a terrifying crater appeared.

He fell slowly to the ground, his eyes wide open.

The whole body becomes coke!
The power of light can turn zombies into pus, and the power of lightning can turn zombies into ashes!
Han Yang stepped on it lightly, and the body of the green zombie Moxiu immediately shattered like brittle charcoal!
At this moment, a flashlight shines on.

Two people appeared in front of them.

One is Chu Ying and the other is Cheng Xiaoxiao.

Both of them were holding flashlights, and Cheng Xiaoxiao was also holding an action camera!
This person is shooting anytime and anywhere, he is a photography devil!

The two of them are trying to chase the Skynet members ahead.

Seeing Han Yang suddenly, both of them were startled.

"Fuck! Didn't this guy run away? Why did he appear here? Could it be that he lost his way?" Chu Ying said.

Cheng Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide because the scene in front of her was too scary.

Surrounded by burning straw, Han Yang staggered around, black blood flowed from the horrible wound on his chest, and his skin was flushed red by the flames.

No one knows what happened here, why Han Yang was injured, or why the surrounding straw was burning.

It's just that Han Yang seems to faint at any time, and his condition is very bad.

"he is injured!"

Cheng Xiaoxiao hurried forward, wanting to help Han Yang.

Chu Ying hurriedly took out a small engineer shovel from his backpack, tilted the unignited straw on both sides to prevent it from being ignited quickly, and then shoveled soil to cover the fire.

"Han Yang, how are you!" Cheng Xiaoxiao had already come to Han Yang.

Han Yang wobbled, took a few steps forward, and then tried to stand still. Relying on the last sliver of his sanity, he said to Cheng Xiaoxiao: "Minister Fan...and Captain Zeng Xin are on the other the woods... ...they were badly injured and needed...medical treatment...

"Han Yang, are you okay Han Yang, don't scare me Han Yang."

Cheng Xiaoxiao held the camera in one hand and the flashlight in the other. She couldn't help Han Yang, and watched Han Yang plunge into her arms, very flustered.

She quickly threw away the left flashlight and reached out to push Han Yang's shoulder.

Han Yang's face was hot, and his hot breath hit her delicate skin through his clothes, making her feel flustered and her hands felt weak.

She hurriedly called Chu Ying for help.

Chu Ying was frantically putting out the fire, when he looked up, he was furious.

Damn, this kid is playing hooligans!
He grabbed Han Yang by the back collar, trying to pull Han Yang aside.

However, Han Yang's clothes were torn during the battle just now.

With this pull, it instantly ruptured.

Han Yang's face just lifted up a little, then snapped instantly, and then buried it down again.

Cheng Xiaoxiao was even more flustered, she supported his shoulder with her left hand, and pressed against his chest with Xiaobi with her right hand, keeping his head a little away from her body.

At this moment, Han Yang's upper body was completely exposed in the air, and his skin was flushed like a boiled prawn.

The chest muscles and abdominal muscles are well-proportioned and strong, and they are not as big as those in the gym. They are not so exaggerated, but they are more beautiful.

At the same time, perhaps because of the effect of the spirit fruit, he began to sweat non-stop.

The sweat was illuminated by the fire, like yellow amber, the amber flowed on the strong muscles, and finally sank into the waist.

Cheng Xiaoxiao is a reporter with keen observation skills. She immediately noticed this adrenaline-inducing scene. With a shake of her hand, the action camera fell to the ground.

She was even more flustered.

Fortunately, Chu Ying came to help again at this time.

He threw away the old clothes in his hand, and pulled Han Yang away from Cheng Xiaoxiao.

"Damn, it's so hot."

He let go, and Han Yang fell heavily to the ground.

He felt Han Yang's skin was hot, like he had a fever.

Cheng Xiaoxiao also had flushed cheeks and a fever in her earlobes.

But looking at the horrible wound on Han Yang's chest, she quickly regained her composure.

"Chu Ying, hurry up and tell the other Skynet members to go to the woods on the other side of the reservoir to treat Fan Bu and Captain Zeng Xin, and then come and pick up Han Yang and take him to the hospital for treatment!"

Then I remembered that Chu Ying didn't come to perform a mission, but came here secretly, without a dedicated communicator.

However, no need.

Because those Skynet guys have burrowed into the cornfield and come here.

A group of people were preparing to put out the fire, but the sky suddenly rained after a cloudy day.

And the raindrops are getting bigger fast.

So everyone stopped rushing to put out the fire, but looked at Han Yang who was lying on the ground.

A few people were even more concerned about the human-shaped coke on the ground.

"Han Yang killed the Green Zombie Moxiu?" A Skynet member asked in shock.

"Green Zombie Demon Cultivator? I haven't seen the Green Zombie Demon Cultivator." Chu Ying said, "And, isn't this guy running away? How could he kill the Green Zombie Demon Cultivator?"

"Then what is this pool of charcoal? It must be the green zombie demon cultivator. We saw Han Yang chasing him just now." A member of Skynet said.

Only then did Chu Ying notice a piece of charcoal not far away.

He didn't want to believe it: "This pile of charcoal is the green zombie demon cultivator you mentioned? Impossible..."

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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