Chapter 135 The first lesson of school

"I think everyone in [Tianzi No. [-] Class] has their own clear goals and directions of practice. This point does not require additional intervention. This is part of [Self-cultivation]."

"It's just that there will always be doubts encountered in practice. At this time, it's time for the [Dispelling Puzzles] template. Everyone has seen the seniors sitting in front of them. They are all leaders of various schools, and their visions are very profound. Anyone who doesn't understand can ask them."

"It's just that the seniors will only be here for a short period of time. Afterwards, they will take turns. The leaders of each faction will spend one month's free time to settle in [Shenzhou Pavilion Zhongdu College] to solve some deeper problems for the students."

"Usually, the elders of various sects and the backbone of the country will guide everyone to practice."

"During the practice of [Shenzhou Pavilion Zhongdu Academy], if you feel that the abilities you already have have reached a certain level, or you want to learn new skills, you can watch and study in the [Library], where you have The largest, most complete, and strongest practice method, the formula."

"In addition to these, the most important point is [task]. Since the recovery of the heaven and earth, not only us humans can practice, but also the legendary monsters, ghosts and gods."

Speaking of this, the expression on the face of the formally dressed young man was extremely serious: "Our army can easily suppress the monsters who are making trouble now, and the gods and the like are also under their own control. Only ghosts are more troublesome."

"So while everyone is practicing in the academy, we will also release some tasks to eliminate ghosts. At this time, all students need to cooperate with each other and work together to complete them."

"When completing the task, we will also give certain rewards and points. In order to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for completing the task, we have set some secrets to reach the contribution point before they can be purchased and viewed."

"In addition, there will be some special magic tools. Spiritual objects need to be obtained by task contribution points. At the same time, contribution points are directly linked to the currency system. The whole is: 1 contribution point can be exchanged for RMB 5. "

Having said this, the young man's voice stopped, he bowed, turned and walked off the podium.

Zhang Xuanqing, the head of Wudang sitting in the center, walked up with a smile: "The kid just said it well, it's very clear, I think everyone enjoys the benefits and at the same time assumes the corresponding responsibilities. I don't need to go through this again. Can you explain more?"

Zhang Xuanqing's voice came to mind, except for Zhang Daoyuan who nodded cautiously, everyone else smiled in response.

"[Task] There must be nothing wrong with removing ghosts. Now that the inspiration has recovered, although everyone is learning, they are also leaders and a powerful force in the practice world. They are the core strength for us to deal with ghosts, so there is no absolute comfort. Students, but you have to fight."

"Only when the world is clean can we have the right to enjoy peace."

Zhang Xuanqing, head of Wudang, spoke softly, but everyone felt a heavy sense of responsibility.

Yes, they seem to be still students, but will the crisis wait for them to finish their studies?
Feeling touched in everyone's hearts, Zhang Xuanqing's eyes swept over one by one, and he nodded kindly to Li Que when he passed by. gave a friendly smile.

After such a long time, Zhang Ruoxu should understand [Pure Yang Wuji Gong] and tell his head master, right?

"The students in our class all have their own strengths, but others may not be proficient in what you are good at, so you will include the content of "Basic Knowledge of Practice" in your homework."

"In addition, all the heads of our various sects and factions gathered together, there are [Exorcism] [Ghost Control] [Witch Gu] [Array] [Amulets] [Refining Weapons] [Refining Medicine] Beast] [Machine Puppet] has a total of nine cultivation skills to choose from."

"Since then, every morning is a routine "Basic Cultivation Knowledge" lecture, and in the afternoon, Chen Luyi will give you a friendly "Spiritual Power Induction Class". The nine skills of practice are open at any time, and those who want to learn can learn at any time."

"I just want to emphasize one point."

Zhang Xuanqing's voice was faint: "Dharma, there is no distinction between good and evil, only people distinguish between good and evil."

"It's just right, everyone is ready today, so I will give you a lecture on "Basic Practice Knowledge"."

Zhang Xuanqing looked at the cameras around him and Li Que and others sitting in the classroom, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The photographers who have not dared to speak up until now and walked cautiously were refreshed when they heard the words, and the live broadcast room was full of speeches.

It's just that no one in the room cares about these small actions, and everyone is quietly waiting for the next step.

"First of all, what is practice?"

Zhang Xuanqing waved his palm lightly, and a water wave like the water surface appeared in front of him. The content in the water wave was interpreting like an animation. Everyone who looked at the water wave understood the meaning expressed in it.

"Cultivation, practice and practice, this is a process of self-improvement. Taoism pays attention to practice until it can blend with heaven and earth, which is a small achievement..."

"Buddhism pays attention to awareness, clarity of mind..."

"Martial arts pay attention to concentration, if you want to practice, you must first settle down..."

Zhang Xuanqing's speech was in-depth and concise. In the classroom, just like Li Que, even Chen Luyi, who had never been exposed to the orthodox knowledge of practice, had a thorough understanding of "practice" at this moment.

To put it simply, practice is not about meditating and practicing Qi, but practicing.

Well, that's it, everyone understands.

This is a process of life perception, not something that produces results. Only in this way can one truly achieve success in practice.

Then Zhang Xuanqing began to talk about "cultivation".

"Essence, energy and spirit, the three treasures of human beings, any method in the world...except [spiritual power], they are all invariably inseparable from their original principles, and all of them center on human energy, energy and spirit..."

Zhang Xuanqing looked at Chen Luyi and Liu Qianqian, his face was calm.

"Since it is a process of continuous self-improvement, there must always be a ladder, and there will be a realm. The three realms of Buddhism, Dao, and Martial Arts have different titles, but generally they are all divided according to the level of advancement of the three."

"That is: cultivate the body and practice Qi, practice Qi to transform the spirit, from the body to the Qi, and then from the Qi to the spirit, the process of refining the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit one by one."

Zhang Xuanqing talked endlessly, from the principles of body cultivation to the fundamentals of Qi training, and the mystery of the final incarnation, they all explained clearly one by one. It is clear that even Lu Pingping, an ordinary person who has never possessed extraordinary power, listens very well clearly understand.

Li Que silently took notes behind him.

"[Cultivating Body and Qi] and [Practicing Qi and Transforming God] are the collective names of the two major stages of practice, but in fact, there is a huge gap between each stage of practice due to different levels of practice."

"Therefore, we also divide the whole body [Cultivating Qi] into: first-level monks, second-level monks, third-level monks, great orifices, and golden cores."

 Damn, the lovely place in Chapter 130 was silently disappeared
(End of this chapter)

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