Ten in a row!I got the guqin girl

Chapter 34 belongs to their music.

Chapter 34 belongs to their music.

Admiration value, according to Li Que's current understanding, this should be something like experience value.

However, shouldn't experience points be obtained only by killing monsters?

Even if it's not just about killing monsters, there must be some movement, for example, after the previous training is completed, the admiration value will increase.

But now he didn't do anything, how did this thing increase?
Li Que was puzzled. After researching for a while, he found that the [Admiration Value] seemed to have no other purpose except to redeem various abilities in the [Ability List].

But now the character's growth path has not been determined, he is not sure if he just used it so casually, whether he will regret it in the future.

"Forget it, wait a little longer."

Li Que shook his head. For him, the greatest joy of this game is indescribable. It doesn't matter whether he is capable or not.

【Admiration Value】It’s right here, it’s the same whenever you change it.

Thinking to himself, Li Que lay on the bed stretched.

He was a little sleepy after lunch, so he fell asleep after yawning.


Shanghai, the scene of the global music competition.

The melodious sound of the piano resounded throughout the audience. During the transmission of the sound of the piano, the whole scene was quiet.

Everyone was immersed in the sound of the piano that seemed to be able to outline the warmest and most desired scene in their hearts.

Amidst the sound of the zither, the sick recovered, the injured healed, and those who hadn't moved became paralyzed.

Everything has been reversed in an incredible way in reality.

When the sound of the piano that seemed to resound in the soul slowly ended, everyone hadn't recovered yet.

It wasn't until Chen Luyi stood up and thanked him that he suddenly realized that the music of the piano was over.

In an instant, the audience boiled.

The applause was continuous like thunder, especially a middle-aged man in long johns was the most excited and almost rolled down from the auditorium.

Everyone's expression was full of excitement and excitement, and they all shouted crazily, speaking for the best voice they had ever heard in their life.

The ten judges were also so excited that they could hardly control themselves.

"It's great, Lu Yi's piano is getting better and better!"

Lu Pingping and Liu Luohong in the auditorium were equally excited. She carefully saved the recorded video and looked at her best friend on stage with excitement in her eyes.

The same was true for Liu Luohong. After listening to Chen Luyi's music, her heart beat violently like an engine.

"This piano sound, Lu Yi's dream is about to come true."

Looking at the wildly cheering audience in the auditorium, Liu Luohong was panting, her voice trembling.

No one can keep rational under her piano sound, no one can not be moved by it, even Liu Luohong is no exception.

The only sliver of reason in her mind was telling her soberly.

She won the bet.

The audience on the field cheered like thunder, and the judges in the judges' bench were also yelling.

The camera on the side faithfully recorded every scene.

Chen Luyi stood on the podium with a smile on her face. She had expected this result a long time ago.

Before coming into contact with the power of "artistic conception", her spiritual power can already have a huge influence on the people around her.

But now, after being exposed to [Artistic Conception], this influence is obviously stronger.

In fact, [Sunset Xiaogu] is also an extraordinary score, and it has healing and buff effects, but this time she did not play according to the content of the extraordinary score.

Those who benefit from this are only the natural distribution of spiritual power and the artistic conception touched, and the natural impact on the surrounding people.

"There has been such a big improvement just in contact with it. I really don't know what the scene will be like after the artistic conception is fully understood."

Thinking in her heart, Chen Luyi looked at the audience cheering for her and the excited judges all around, with a wider smile on her face.

Grandpa, teacher, including her own dreams, seem to be fulfilled.


Everyone present heard such a wonderful sound for the first time in their lives.

Whether it is the judges, the audience, or even the ruthless sweeping lady, all lost their composure.

After a full 10 minutes, the hustle and bustle on the field gradually calmed down, and the judges finally calmed down.

"Oh, it's amazing, I'm going to give it full marks, I can swear, this is the most beautiful music I've ever heard in my life!"

The judge sitting first on the right hand gasped a little, and excitedly gave Chen Luyi full marks.

——The reason why they can calm down is because they are tired after shouting for 10 minutes.

"Your piano sound made me feel like I was back in the arms of my grandmother. It was an unforgettable memory..."

The second judge looked very relaxed and praised, laughing and giving a high score.

"If I miss your game, I think I will regret it forever."

The third judge is Wang Huishui. The smile on his face is more sincere than the previous two, and he gave full marks without hesitation.

Thanks to the early contact with Liu Luohong, Chen Luyi's performance of the piano sound beyond his imagination made it extremely easy for him to score full marks. What made him even happier was the other deals negotiated with Liu Luohong.

This benefited him greatly.

"Your piano sound moved my heart very much. I think it's not just me, but everyone present is like this."

The third judge was Zhao Jingya. She was a little exhausted from the crazy shouting just now, but at this moment she still mustered up her strength to give Chen Luyi a thumbs up, and then gave her a full score.

"Thank you, Teacher Jingya."

Chen Luyi thanked each one with a smile, and then looked back one by one, all the judges gave full marks.

"Lu Yi, there is one more thing we want to inform you. After the unanimous decision of ten of us, the judges will give you the only spot to be recommended for the World Music Competition. The world flies."

The judges' evaluation was over, and before Chen Luyi could respond, Zhao Jingya spoke loudly, and there was another burst of cheers from the field.

And the staff who understood the meaning let out an exclamation.

They are recommended to the World Music Competition, and everyone knows the value of such a precious spot, but after subconsciously exclaiming, they immediately felt relieved.

That's right, if you don't recommend her for such a beautiful music, why not recommend me?
"Thank you, teacher judge!"

Chen Luyi was also a little surprised, and immediately smiled and thanked softly. She knew that with her own strength, she deserved it.


This is for grandpa, teacher and...

In Chen Luyi's mind, he thought of the figure hugging him in the dream last night, and his eyes rolled. This is the sound of the piano belonging to them.

And of course, myself.

With a smile on his face, Chen Luyi expressed his thanks easily, then turned around and returned to the stage lightly.

Along the way, both the staff and the contestants paid attention and greeted with smiles.

It's just that the contestants were a little bit bitter. With Chen Luyi in front of them, they could already imagine their own results.

(End of this chapter)

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