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Chapter 815 The Shock Brought by Antun (Part 1)

Chapter 815 The Shock Brought by Antun (Part [-])
"Heaven! Is this kind of power actually controlled by the heavens? There are also firearms, and those huge fighting machines. The force of the heavens seems to be very high."

Isabella was shocked by Bahn's description, and even couldn't help shivering. Immediately, she felt clothes draped over her body, but it was Cyrus who put the cloak she was carrying on Isabella: " It's getting late, let's go down."

"Okay, okay, I have to take a good look at Ghent tomorrow, and I have a banquet at noon. Don't think too much free time in the next ten days."

Isabella has some headaches, but she won't regret it. It is rare to have such a good opportunity to make her own friends, and Isabella will not let go of any opportunity.

In the early morning of the next day, Princess Isabella visited the portraits of the highest priests of the Seventh Empire under the leadership of Princess Alizee, and learned from Alizee the story that happened during the millennium when the Heaven Realm and the Arad Continent were cut off.

From Alizee's narration, Isabella saw the appearance of a brave, tenacious, indomitable celestial being.

The heaven under the rule of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar is cold and dark, but the people of the sky clan are still fighting tenaciously.

After being forcibly ruled for more than 500 years, the Tianzu people finally overthrew the rule of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar and regained their freedom.

Isabella heard from Alizee many times the words Mechanic Seven Gods of War, technology, and Elytra of the Seven Gods, and she was both curious and emotional in her heart.

No matter when and where the big waves wash the sand, the real talents will always shine like gold and illuminate the darkness.

"This is the satellite contact center in the palace. Whether it is satellite communication, satellite reconnaissance, or even satellite ray strikes, they are all relayed from here."

Princess Alizee led the distinguished guest Isabella to the satellite communication command room on the side of the palace.

The security here is jointly guarded by the ladies of the imperial court and the Ghent garrison, and there are scientific researchers affiliated to the imperial capital busy.

Hundreds of huge LCD screens completely project the landforms of Ghent City and even Eaton Island. Among them, the landforms of Ghent are extremely detailed, and even every street and every building can be detailed.

The sound of the communicator sounded one after another, and the person in charge of the signal relay turned on the communicator to start a conversation.

After some inquiries, everyone was shocked to know that today's Heaven Realm is capable of long-distance and long-term communication.

This kind of high-tech had a great impact on the envoy group headed by Princess Isabella. No matter who it was, they felt envious in their hearts at the moment. It would be great if the Delos Empire could also have this kind of technology.

"Is it feasible to establish such an effective communication method on the continent of Arad? What do you need to pay?"

Finally, Isabella couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and asked Alizee for a feasible method. If possible, the Delos Empire was also willing to invest a lot of money in research in this area.

"There are a lot of things that need to be prepared. First of all, the level of technology is sufficient to support the manufacture of satellites and projection devices, and thousands of signal base stations must be erected.

Of course, the most important thing is to have power support. Today's Ghent has insufficient power supply. The power here is provided by small thermal power plants outside Ghent, and the power generated is very limited. "

Alizee understood what Isabella was thinking. In fact, it was definitely not achieved overnight in the heavens.

When the Elytra Research Institute of the Seven Gods initially launched a large number of satellites, the nobles were quite critical.

Because too much research and development funds were spent, but after the satellite was actually launched into the sky and experienced the convenience of satellite communication, no one had any objections anymore. Whoever uses instant messaging knows the convenience.

"This is……"

After seeing the huge LCD screen on one side, Isabella didn't notice any brows at first. Isn't this a mountain range? Why do you keep pointing at it with satellites?
"This is the apostle Antuen. We have been monitoring it remotely with satellites. Have you seen that huge volcano and the surrounding mountains are actually Antuen's body?"

Alijie calmly told the truth, although the words were soft, but when they fell into Isabella's ears, her body trembled involuntarily.


Bahn stared intently at the huge mountain range projected on the LCD screen.

At first he didn't associate the mountains with the apostle Anton because it was too big.

The location of the satellite projection is at an altitude of several thousand meters. At a glance, anyone can only see that this is a mountain range with different heights and a towering volcano in the center.

The apostle Antoon had a great impact on Bahn. The opponent was much bigger than the giant frost dragon Skasa who was once thought to be huge. Skasa could only be regarded as a bug in front of him.

But Bahn knew that there was no need for Alizee to lie. If the other party said that this was the apostle Anton, it would definitely be Anton.

Looking at each other with Isabella, Bahn and Isabella both saw the shock and joy in each other's eyes.

Only after seeing the appearance of the apostle Antuen can he truly know the size of the opponent. With such a huge body, the strength of the opponent can be imagined.

"Such a huge monster has the ability to absorb energy and make it impossible for people to approach. It is really almost invincible."

Relying on his experience, Bahn began to judge the strength of the apostle Anton, and finally shook his head helplessly.

He couldn't judge Antuen's real power, just guessing, it was stronger than any existence he had ever seen.

Even the apostle Di Ruiji and the apostle Sherlock who had met before, in Bahn's view, they are not so hopeless. Maybe there is a reason why the other party is weak and not so big.

Until he left the communication room, Bane was thinking about how to deal with the other party, and how to deal with the other party if he appeared on the land of the Delos Empire.

In the end, Bane was at a loss. He believed that the sword in his hand could cut boulders and even small rivers, and could easily cut through steel armor.

This feeling is uncomfortable. After all, Bane used to pay for his own strength, and he was regarded as one of the four sword masters in the mainland. The few existences that cannot be hostile also have their own territories. Will not easily leave the territory to wander around.

In fact, apart from the elusive Grim Reaper, even the incomparably powerful Grand Magister has a way to deal with it. Even the apostle Bahn has participated in the killing. He knows that the apostle can really kill, the prerequisite is to exhaust the opponent's inexplicable power .

"Barne, are you still planning to go to Eaton Island? It's too dangerous there!"

When Isabella was walking forward, she quietly pulled Bahn to ask, her expression was very struggling, and she wanted to persuade Bahn not to risk herself, but she knew that it was very likely that she would not be able to persuade Bahn.

"I'm not taking any chances."

Bahn nodded, just when Isabella smiled when she thought that Bahn had given up her decision to go to Eaton Island.

Bahn said again: "I will definitely go to Eaton Island, but only to the place where the Imperial Capital Army is stationed. I have nothing to do with the apostle Anton. Maybe I can talk to my old friend Kaili first."

(End of this chapter)

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