Heroes Advent: The Promise Sword Master

Chapter 65 Fusion, Fenglin's Slash!

Chapter 65 Fusion, Fenglin's Slash!
Wu Tianyuan was very angry, and the consequences were serious!

Her pink skin was hot, and two devil horns grew out of her head in anger!
Wu Tianyuan took a deep look at Liu Jiayi who was hiding in the distance. If his eyes could kill, then Liu Jiayi would have been stared to death by Wu Tianyuan's sharp knife-like eyes!

It's still the kind of death by a thousand swords.

Reorganize the fight and recharge the gauntlets.

Wei's time is running out, [Fusion] puts a heavy burden on Wu Tianyuan's body, coupled with the continuous combined punches, just swinging the pair of Hexbox gloves is already very strenuous.

Wu Tianyuan couldn't bear such consumption.

Wu Tianyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and after adjusting his mentality, he walked towards Jhin again.

Every time she stepped on the trap of "All Overwhelmed", Wu Tianyuan would use her female boxer's agility to avoid the center of the explosion. As for the fragments, Wu Tianyuan, who was in a demon state, didn't take it to heart.

Her shield is enough to protect her.

Final blow!Wu Tianyuan roared: "Ha!"

Her body rushed straight over, and Jin over there was not an idiot, he rushed straight over, and he stood still like a target.

After Jhin placed a trap of [All Overwhelmed] on the ground, he dodged sideways.


Two jets appear behind Vi, evolved from demon form.

The two jet devices changed the rampant Wei to an angle, and then hit Zhang Fuchen's waist with a swinging punch.

The energy was transmitted to Jhin's whole body again.

The heart-piercing pain made Jhin go crazy!But Jhin, who is in a frenzy, still maintains a clear consciousness-please hurry up and get rid of Wei in front of him!
It just so happened that the Earthquake just now changed the original flat terrain of the playground, allowing him to hide himself and escape into the factory at the same time.

The big troops are here, and I'm not allowed to play guerrilla warfare? Jhin thought so.

"Little Chen"

Under the mask, a faint murmur came out, it was Zhang Fuchen's awakened consciousness, Jhin noncommittally transmitted the voice to Zhang Fuchen and said: "Xiao Chen is dead, he has become a good picture scroll, but it's a pity, he death is but a moment."

Wei gasped at the side, she was already very tired, but as a female boxer, she could not retreat, the referee would not suspend the match just because you were tired, and the opponent would not relax his fist just because you were tired, boxing is In this way, if you want to defeat your opponent, you must first defeat yourself!
Only when you overcome your fatigue can you punch decisively.

Only by overcoming fatigue can you use the strength of your whole body more reasonably.

The same weight class, the same boxing technique, often depends on the degree of overcoming fatigue, the will of the boxer, and the use of strength.

Now is the war machine!

Wu Tianyuan can't retreat yet, she still has to fight.

The opponent can't punch, but can use bullets!Jhin's bullets were extremely painful, even in the current demon form, if he suffered a few more shots, he would probably have confessed himself here.

Jhin shook his head, looked at Wei in front of him, and said arrogantly: "Your dancing is over?"

Afterwards, Jhin raised [Whispers], he lightly pulled the trigger, but there was no bullet, and no sonic boom.

A big hole was opened in front of Wei's body, it was the ability of Xingzun Shizhao!
Wei endured the pain of internal organs rolling, and the demon essence penetrated into the internal organs, constantly nourishing and repairing them.

"You only have one demon essence, but I have seven!"

Master Yi dexterously walked through the ruins of the playground, and loudly called out Wu Tianyuan who was being repaired: "But we have countless runes that we have worked hard day and night!"

Wu Tianyuan understood what Yi meant. In essence, these hosts are no worse than Jhin, and there is not much difference in essence. As a bonus item, they also have the essence. Overlords either bought runes, or became their second heroes!
For example, Gale Wind Swordsman, a gust of wind crossed the border, rolled up dust and sand, and rolled up the broken land and hit it in the direction of Jhin.

[All Overwhelmed] Explosions continued, and the playground was an apocalyptic scene!
[The Promise Flowing Willow]!
As soon as the mutant Alpha attacked, there seemed to be many willow leaves blowing in the strong wind, and the leaves slowly passed through Zhang Fuchen's body, which was Yi's slash.


Hao Haoxuan also stumbled out of the flying sand all over the sky, the soul blade in his hand was a little shorter than before, and the current size is just right for Hao Haoxuan to swing.

After Master Yi's attack was over, he returned to Hao Haoxuan's side and performed [Fusion] with him!
Hao Haoxuan could feel that Wuji swordsmanship had been improved by more than one level?He attached the soul blade to the famous sword Dolan, and Dolan's sword turned into a soul blade.

Also from the hands of Master Dolan, how much is it to see the eyepiece with seven degrees of insight?

Naturally, the Dolan sword is not just an ordinary weapon that pierces the ring. The iron ring was originally an eyesore for Hao Haoxuan, and it was troublesome for how to swing it. It was not until the moment when the soul blade was integrated into the Dolan sword that Hao Haoxuan understood the iron ring. real usefulness.

The iron ring seems to be forged through yin and yang techniques, not ordinary alchemy. The Doran sword only needs to be integrated into the soul blade to change the shape of the sword!
This is awesome!

Today's blade is full of Chinese style!The saber of an ancient hero is not as handsome as me, is it?

Hao Haoxuan thought, the figure has already shuttled in front of Jhin, because Hao Haoxuan himself practiced the Wuji swordsmanship, after [merging] with Yi, the Wuji swordsmanship became more refined, this is definitely not a question of one plus one equals two.

Rather, the two souls released the Wuji sword at the same time, thus creating a kind of resonance.

This kind of resonance is very miraculous, it can make the Wuji Sword Dao work on its own, and there is no need to artificially control it at all!

Originally, it was very difficult for Hao Haoxuan to enter the state of [Meditation], and it did not last long.

But it was different now, he was able to fight in that wonderful state for a long time, and the same was true of Master Yi.

With a single sword strike, the thought of swiping came up, and he slashed out almost at the same time.

The Tao of Promise turned into Hao Haoxuan's slow and continuous sword dance, slashing at Jhin's body, which was constantly flashing black and purple light.

Seeing that Jhin was under control, the Gale Swordsman also wanted to join the battle group. He posed in a posture of Juhezhan, and then stepped forward and jumped out!

Hao Haoxuan's figure was erratic, constantly slashing at Zhang Fuchen's body, as soon as he retreated, the swordsman would immediately use it to slash Steel Flash, if Jhin and his host were still alive.

When Hao Haoxuan saw Jian Hao scurrying outside the battle formation, countless thoughts came to his mind.

He has a bold idea!

Hao Haoxuan has always been a person who can do whatever he wants, he doesn't care what the current situation is.

"Brother Suo Zi, let's try [Fusion]!"

Haifeng Jianhao was eager to try, and the thoughts of the two were connected together. After that, Haifeng Jianhao Yasuo's figure blurred, and Jianhao's will appeared in Hao Haoxuan's mind!


This was Hao Haoxuan's first thought, and afterward, he felt the pressure in his body suddenly rise, and his blood pressure rose immediately, making Hao Haoxuan feel unconscious for a while, and at the same time, a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Master Yi said if he realized something: "The soul also has weight. Our [fusion] is to put the souls in one body, but now the body bears the weight of three souls, it must be this reaction. Yi Mai , Yibei."

(Yimai and Yibei are not the names of people, but a way of praying in Wuji Mountain. This is something I only understood after reading the background story several times.)
Jianhao was more straightforward: "I can feel that your body can't bear it for too long, so hurry up and do something, I'm coming out!"


It was Hao Haoxuan's battle cry, he soared into the air, disappeared in the air, and then floated in another air again.

Jhin couldn't see Hao Haoxuan wielding his sword, but felt the gust of wind beating on his face, and there were countless small knives scraping the demonized flesh in the wind.


It hurts.

It hurts so badly!

It was not only Jhin who felt the pain, but also Zhang Fuchen who had just recovered from a coma.

Hao Haoxuan retracted his sword in the distance, the swordsman had already come out of Hao Haoxuan's body (weird) cough cough.
Wu Tianyuan's demon form gradually faded away, and Wei stood aside, looking at this courageous and handsome guy in front of him with admiration, and Wu Tianyuan was the same.

Hao Haoxuan made a movement of withdrawing the knife, the soul blade retracted, and Dolan's sword returned to the ugly appearance of piercing the ring.
Hao Haoxuan put the blade behind his back, flicked the bangs that were blown by the wind, and said to Master Yi, and more to the two girls: "This move will be called Boundless Wind Slash from now on!"

Master Yi walked out of Hao Haoxuan's body, and said, "Why isn't it called Wuji Blastering Slash?"

"That's easy to say."

"I also think there is no problem, Haoxuan, I have worked out my strength this time, buy me a Moutai when I go back."

Hao Haoxuanmeng's (), he didn't care about being handsome: "No Moutai!"

Yasuo: "Hmph! I earn my own money to buy it! I wanted to teach you Hayate Kendo."

Hao Haoxuan immediately changed his face: "Is what you said true? Then can you help me, brother Suozi, brother~"

Wu Tianyuan made a series of black lines. Although this guy is a bit funny, he is very funny.

Hao Haoxuan gave Wu Tianyuan a shy smile back, and then said to Yasuo: "It's not that Moutai can't be considered, but I can only buy one bottle, and there is no condition for drinking it all the time."

"You think I'm a sucker for Blizzard Sword Dao, little brother? Just want to learn after a bottle of Moutai?"

"Don't teach me to pull back! Anyway, I have the Wuji sword way, and learning your blast sword way is just a reference, hum!"

"Five bottles, okay, it is said that it is the best wine in the world, one bottle is too little."

"a bottle and a half"

"Four bottles, Xuan smashed!"

"Three bottles, I'll buy them all for you within a year. I can't afford any more."

"You are the major shareholder"

"I can't get the money out"

Master Yi said with a black face: "The trick just now is called Fenglin's Slash, right? Take Fenglin from Fenglin Volcano"

Hao Haoxuan let out a casual "Yeah!", and continued to bargain with Yasuo. Now it's a buyer's market, and Hao Haoxuan is the only host of Yasuo in front of him. If he doesn't teach him, who will he teach?

Master Yi thought about it, and he was relieved. It's better than having Gale Wind Sword Dao in front of Wuji Sword Dao. Feng Lin seems to be in front of Feng Lin, eh? ? ?

It's too late, it's too soon.

Wu Tianyuan thought that Hao Haoxuan had already cleaned up Jhin, and after the smoke and dust had cleared, Jhin was nowhere to be seen, so he watched this cute little brother playing tricks, but the reward for the dungeon in this world has not come for a long time!
What's the matter?
In the factory not far away, Zhang Fushen questioned Jhin: "Why did you kill Xiao Chen? He could be the next me!"


(End of this chapter)

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