i want to be famous

Chapter 124 Answers

Chapter 124 Answers
After the preview of "Song of Peach and Plum Blossoms" ended, a few more days passed, and December entered in a blink of an eye.

After entering December, the weather is getting colder.

this evening.

Seongbuk-dong apartment.

After dinner, Jin Zhini suddenly mentioned something to Jiang Junhe.


When Jiang Junhe heard the voice, he turned his head to look at Jin Zhini. Jin Zhini hesitated a little and said hesitantly, "oppa..."

"what happened?"

Jiang Junhe asked suspiciously, "Is there something wrong?"

Jin Zhini opened her mouth, and said half aloud: "oppa, I, I told Zhixiu O'Neill about our matter...."


Jiang Junhe couldn't help being slightly stunned when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, he didn't care anymore.

With the relationship between Kim Ji-ni and Kim Ji-soo, the disclosure is nothing more than a matter of sooner or later, Kang Jun-hyuk has long been mentally prepared.In addition, he really doesn't care now, he can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't care anymore, so what can he do if he knows.

With a chuckle, Jiang Junhe said: "If you tell, you will tell. It's okay, and it's not something worth hiding."

Jin Zhini looked at Jiang Junhe again, and said in a low voice, "Ji Soo Oni said, said, I want to meet and talk with Oppa."

Jiang Junhe laughed and said: "What does she want to talk to me about? Warn me so that I can't let you down? Or do you think I'm trash and want me to break up with you?"

Jin Zhini said speechlessly: "oppa, why are you like this? Zhixiu O'Neil is doing it for my own good, can you be more serious?"

Jiang Junhe smiled and said: "Okay, I'm serious. She wants to talk to me, you set the time, and I'll be there at any time, that's fine."

Jin Zhini said: "Oppa, I have no choice but to tell Zhixiu O'Neill. I come to you often, and I always have someone to cover me. Otherwise, if I go out often, I will be discovered easily."

Jiang Junhe smiled and said: "I understand, well, you don't need to explain to me, I still don't believe you."

Jin Zhini said: "Then oppa, are you free at noon tomorrow? You will still be here at noon tomorrow, and then you can meet and talk with Zhixiu O'Neill."

Jiang Junhyuk nodded: "Okay."

After the matter was settled, Jin Zhini moved very quickly, even took out her mobile phone, and sent a text message to Jin Zhixiu in front of Jiang Junhyuk.

It made Jiang Junhe dumbfounded.

noon the next day.

Jiang Junhyuk didn't break his promise, and waited in the apartment as agreed.

Around 12:30, the doorbell rang, Jiang Junhyuk opened the door, and Kim Jisu appeared at the door with a satchel on his shoulders.

Welcoming Jin Zhixiu in, the two sat opposite each other on the sofa.

Jiang Junhyuk was not polite either, straight to the point: "Jennie said you want to talk to me, so just tell me if you have anything to say, I don't think there is any need to go around and waste everyone's time."

It seemed unexpected that Jiang Junhyuk would be so straightforward, Jin Zhixiu was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Okay, then I won't beat around the bush.... Jiang Junhyuk, do you like Jennie?"

Jiang Junhyuk smiled: "If I hate her, why am I still with her?"

Kim Ji Soo asked, "What do you like about Jennie?"

Jiang Junhyuk said: "Pretty, confident..."

Before finishing speaking, Jin Zhixiu interrupted: "Jiang Junhe, it's just the two of us now. Jennie is not here, so you don't need to fool me. You and I know what Jennie's personality is. You have been avoiding her before, and you don't even want to What is your purpose after dating her, but now suddenly with her again?"

Jiang Junhe laughed and said, "Then what purpose do you think I can have?"

Jin Zhixiu said with a straight face: "Jiang Junhyuk, I am asking you!"

Jiang Junhe shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile: "I have no purpose, I just want to understand one thing."

Jin Zhixiu didn't speak, just looked at Jiang Junhe.

Jiang Junhe said: "How should I say it?" After a little deliberation, "Buddhas say that there are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, illness, death, not getting what you want, meeting resentment and hatred, parting from love, and the prosperity of the five yins. Westerners say that people are born with sins. Use your whole life to repent and redeem your sins. Some people say that the world is hell, and people live to suffer. What do you think of these sayings?" After speaking, Jiang Junhyuk looked at Jin Zhixiu intently.

Jin Zhixiu was a little confused.

What are you doing?
I'm not here to discuss philosophical issues with you.

Jin Zhixiu said coldly: "I have no opinion."

Jiang Junhe smiled hoarsely.

After a pause, Jiang Junhe said: "That's another way of saying it. There is a saying that there is no need to sleep for a long time when you are alive, and you will sleep forever after death. What kind of state do you think a person will be in if he dies?"

Jin Zhixiu was speechless, and said angrily, "I haven't died before, how do I know?"

Jiang Junhe said with a smile: "Recently, I suddenly had an idea that people are always in the state of life and death. Life is when we are awake, feeling everything around us, hot and cold, sweet and sour, love and hatred; death is when we are asleep, Ignorance, no feeling, no dream. So, I have an idea, is it like falling asleep after death, can't feel anything, and is in a state of ignorance and no consciousness."

Unknowingly, Jin Zhixiu was gradually attracted, and his expression couldn't help but began to concentrate.

Jiang Junhe said: "People often talk about liberation, so what is liberation? Does it mean that there is no pain, no love and hate, no worries, and people are completely free? If this is also called liberation, then people are ignorant and ignorant when they are asleep. Feeling, is it liberation? But from another perspective, if people can’t feel anything, just like a stone, then what’s the point of this liberation? So, I have a hypothesis.”

Jin Zhixiu couldn't help asking, "What assumption?"

Jiang Junhe said: “There are three ultimate questions in philosophy: who am I? There is no pain, no trouble, and no love or hate. Because everything is relative. Because of pain, there is happiness; because of love, there is hatred; because of trouble, there is Only then will there be happiness.

The West talks about heaven, and heaven is a place where there is only beauty and no ugliness.So if there is no ugliness, how can there be beauty?In other words, if you have not experienced pain, how can you know what happiness is?
So the so-called liberation can be assumed to be a place where there is no knowledge, no feeling, no light, no darkness, no feeling.It's like falling asleep, we can't feel pain, we can't feel suffering, we can't feel anything, we are just in a state of chaos.

Assuming we came from there, we will return there.

Then we came to this world, are we really here to redeem our sins? "

Jin Zhixiu was a little confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Junhe smiled: "Give me an example. If you are now in a comatose state, like a stone, and will never wake up again, do you want to live and feel the pain, or do you want to die and be relieved?"

Jin Zhixiu said: "Nonsense, of course I want to live."

Jiang Junhyuk said with a smile: "So this is what I want to express: people are not here to suffer, but to enjoy. Whether it is bitter, hot, sour, sweet, sad, trouble, all of these are always important to us. Better to be ignorant than a rock.

We came to this world to enjoy life. After decades, we will eventually return to that state of ignorance. Why do we still think that this world is hell and we are born to suffer.

You asked me why I'm with Jennie, and that's my answer.

I have now learned to enjoy life, enjoy life, and enjoy everything, everything, and everyone I encounter in this world.

Because I will eventually turn into a stone in a few decades, so why should I miss it and not know how to cherish it in the few decades I am alive? "

(End of this chapter)

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