i want to be famous

Chapter 138 Reward

Chapter 138 Reward
After the second script reading, the time has come to late January.


Jin Yarong called again and asked Jiang Junhyuk to go to the bowling alley.

Having been busy for more than a week, combining work and rest, Jiang Junhyuk also wanted to relax, but this time he did not refuse.

"Jiang Junhyuk, can you be a little gentleman so you can't let me play?"

Looking at Jin Yarong who was furious, Jiang Junhe couldn't help laughing.

Before the start, Jin Yarong said that the technology has improved a lot recently, and Jiang Junhyuk should be taught to be a man by strength, so that Jiang Junhe can show his strength, otherwise he will look down on her. As a result, after a few rounds, the topic changed immediately.

Seeing this, Jiang Junhyuk secretly smiled, and deliberately lost to Jin Yarong once in the next round.

"Cut! Do you know that this girl is amazing? If I teach you how to be a man, I will teach you how to be a man!"

Once turned over, Jin Yarong turned his face and gave Jiang Junhe a contemptuous look, Jiang Junhe was speechless immediately.

Shaking his head and smiling, Jiang Junhe said: "You are so angry, I am willing to bow down."

Jin Yarong couldn't help but chuckled when he heard the words: "Okay, okay, I know you let me do it, let's stop playing, let's go eat."

There is a restaurant near the bowling alley, and the two found one at random.

On the table.

Jin Yarong asked: "Your TV series will start filming soon, have you confirmed the exact time?"

Jiang Junhyuk smiled and said, "The filming will be at the beginning of next month, and there is still about half a month left. What about Annu, what have you been up to lately?"

Jin Yarong curled his lips and said: "What else can I be busy with? I have nothing to do recently, and I stay in the dormitory every day. I'm not Huili. I'm so popular now, I have endless schedules every day, and I don't even have time to go back to the dormitory."

Jiang Junhe couldn't help laughing and said: "Listening to Nuna's tone, it seems that there is a lot of resentment."

Jin Yarong also noticed that his tone was inappropriate, but he looked at Jiang Junhe and didn't care, and said calmly: "It's a lie to say that there is no resentment at all. After all, as an artist, who doesn't want to be popular. But how big is it?" There is nothing wrong with resentment. Everyone has their own circumstances. Huili seized the opportunity and realized her strength. In terms of acting skills, I am indeed inferior to her. It is useless to envy her. Without that strength, Even if Hyeri's opportunity is given to me, I may not be able to seize it. I can still see this clearly."

Jiang Junhe laughed and said, "Nu Na is really open-minded."

Jin Yarong said: "What kind of open-mindedness is nothing but helplessness. But girl groups are like this. It is impossible to have equal popularity in a group. Some are popular and some are not. Those who are drought die, and those who are flooded die. Look It’s nothing if it’s open, and it’s just asking for trouble if you can’t see it. Our Girls Day is still good. After all, the members have changed a few times. Hyeri and I joined later. The atmosphere is fairly harmonious.

Like 4minute and miss A, that is really full of contradictions.Hyuna and Suzy stand alone, and the other members have completely become the foil. Many people on the Internet say that 4minute is Hyuna's backup dance troupe.It's just that the incident with Tara happened before, and there are lessons learned from the past, so the conflict has never been made public.

Compared with them, our combination is already very good.

To put it bluntly, our group is not very famous, not as good as 4minute and miss A, if we continue to have conflicts, we will have no chance of getting ahead.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if Huili is popular now, at least through her, more people will know about our Girls Day, and the fame will increase, and then we will receive more commercial performances. Surviving in a group is better than disbanding. If we really disband, we will have no chance to stand out. up. "

Speaking of this, Jin Yarong glanced at Jiang Junhyuk and said enviously: "Speaking of it, it's better to be an actor. Idols are all young and old. If they don't have a chance to transform, they will soon lose their jobs. Actors are a lifetime job." , as long as I can get ahead, even if I can't be popular, but as long as I have acting skills, I will never worry about unemployment. It's a pity that my acting talent is really not good, and I have acted in a few dramas, all of which are small roles, and there is no response at all."

Jiang Junhe smiled and said: "Nu Na, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Besides, acting skills are not born, just like bowling, practice makes perfect, as long as Nu Na perseveres in practice, and then there will be opportunities later, just like Hyeri Like the predecessors, it is not without the possibility of instant success."

Jin Yarong couldn't help curling her lips when she heard the words: "It's simple. I still have self-knowledge. Huili is indeed more talented than me in acting. We practiced together. In the end, the company didn't push me. I know why. I won’t be with her. Besides, so what if I’m just practicing, I don’t have the chance to act, it’s just a mirage, I imagined it well, but it’s just a castle in the sky, out of reach.”

Jiang Junhe laughed and said: "That's better than doing nothing. If Nuna gives up, even if your company pushes you to audition in the future, Nuna can't grasp it, and it's different. You can only sigh. As for the profession of an actor, talent is indeed important, but there are only a small number of talented actors after all, and most actors have honed their acting skills little by little."

Looking at Jin Yarong, he smiled again, and Jiang Junhe said, "Don't blame me for speaking too bluntly. Since Nuna has no talent, if you refuse to work hard, even if you complain about envy, it will not help your future at all. Nuna just now Having said that, after all, idols are young. Nuna is still young, so you don’t need to think too much about it. But when your group disbands in the future, what will Nuna do then? If you let Nuna get married when the group disbands, I think Nu Na is definitely not reconciled.

Plan ahead.

Before it rains, repair the doors and windows of the house first.Prepare in advance to prevent unexpected things from happening.

This is a very good idiom in Chinese.

If Nuna doesn't consider the future now, then he will definitely disappoint Nuna in the future. "

Jin Yarong took a look at Jiang Junhe when he heard the words, and said with a chuckle: "I didn't expect you to think more carefully than me when you are young. Well, I will listen to you, and I will definitely work hard to practice acting in the future." Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, Suddenly said, "That's right. Many people on the Internet said that you are very good at acting and very talented. If I don't understand anything about acting, can I ask you for help?"

Jiang Junhe smiled and said: "Of course it's okay, it's not a big deal. If you need it after Nu, you can come to me at any time."

Jin Yarong said happily: "Then it's settled. If there is anything I don't understand in the future, I will ask you directly. Then don't forget what you said today. If you dare to push back, be careful, I want you to look good."

Jiang Junhe couldn't help being dumb when he heard the words.

Smiling, looking at Jin Yarong, Jiang Junhyuk joked: "Then if I help Nuna, how will Nuna plan to repay me?" After a pause, he was ready to say that Jin Yarong will invite him to dinner tonight.

But Jin Yarong's words made Jiang Junhe stunned.

Just listen to Jin Yarong say——

"Is it okay to promise yourself?

(End of this chapter)

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