i want to be famous

Chapter 194 (560) (Subscription)

Chapter 194 (560) (Subscription)
Seeing Zheng Xiujing rushing towards him, Jiang Junhyuk turned over and hid behind the sofa.

"Just kidding, just kidding, why are you so excited?" Jiang Junhe said quickly with a smile on his face.

For Oh Soo Jung, Kang Jun Hyuk is really a bit hypocritical.

nothing else.

Since getting acquainted with the 'Original Owner', Oh Soo-Jing has never given 'Original Owner' a good look.It was Jiang Junhyuk's turn, and at the beginning he had an arrogant face. Although he was getting close now, he still had to say something to him every now and then.

When meeting such a girl, no one would be guilty of her cruelty.

The key is that Jiang Junhe can only stand next to him even if he suffers.

No way.

Who told him to owe favors to Zheng Xiuyan, Zheng's father and Zheng's mother often took care of him, and often invited him to eat at home, although he had never been there, but the love still had to be accepted.

After going back and forth like this, instead of looking at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, Jiang Jun Hyuk naturally couldn't get tough when facing Zheng Xiujing.

To paraphrase a common saying, if you eat people with soft mouths and short hands, you will not have an advantage psychologically.

"You stop!"

Oh Soo-jin gritted her teeth and said, "Don't let me hit you, this thing is endless!"

Jiang Junhyuk immediately turned bitter when he heard the words.

Mouth cheap dry hair?

Really self-inflicted!

Pulling the corner of his mouth, Jiang Junhe said, "Just hit it?"

Zheng Xiujing nodded.

Jiang Junhe confirmed: "Really?"

Oh Soo-jin was speechless: "Kang Jun-hyuk, are you still a man, women are not like your mother-in-law!"

Jiang Junhe was upset: "It's not you who was beaten!"

"Come here quickly!"

Zheng Xiujing squinted and said: "Come here a second late, hit me more."

Got it!
Jiang Junhyuk admitted.

Walk over honestly.

Standing in front of Oh Soo-jin, Jiang Jun-hyuk resigned and said, "Let's fight."

Zheng Xiujing said: "You squat down, you are too tall."

Jiang Junhe was depressed: "Are you planning to hit me? If you dare to hit me, I will turn my face."

In fact, he wasn't really afraid of being beaten, the main thing was to play with Oh Soo-jin, make her happy, and relieve her anger.But if Oh Soo Jung really hit him on the head, like beating a child, Jiang Jun Hyuk really couldn't accept it.

Nothing else, face matter.

Men don't want to show their faces.

Zheng Xiujing said: "I've never seen a variety show playing games. You squat down, and I'll hit your forehead."

Depend on!
This is acceptable, but still annoying.

Squatting down obediently, Jiang Junhyuk closed his eyes: "Hurry up, I'll be fine as soon as I finish the fight."

But he closed his eyes and waited for a long time, but there was no movement. Jiang Junhe said: "Will you hit me or not? I'll get up."

Oh Soo-jin suddenly said, "Kang Jun-hyuk, what do you think of me?"

you're brain damaged!
Tucao in his heart, Jiang Junhe said: "Isn't it, you are going to beat me, and you want me to praise you?"

Zheng Xiujing said: "Do you really think that my acting skills are not good?"

Jiang Junhyuk opened his eyes and looked up at Zheng Xiujing: "To tell the truth?"



Jiang Junhe took advantage of the situation and prepared to get up.

But just halfway up, Oh Soo Jung said: "Squat down, I haven't hit yet."

Jiang Junhe was speechless at the time.

Oh Soo-jin joked, "If you can tell one, two, three, four, I won't hit you."

Jiang Junhe said helplessly: "Okay. Then I will simply talk about it."

After a little deliberation, Jiang Junhe said: "How should I put it, in fact, you still have a talent for acting, but at present the way of acting is relatively narrow, and it is only limited to one type. It is the type of young lady who has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, willful and coquettish. This type Your character has a similar part to your character, so you can play it freely, which can be regarded as a natural performance. But if you change the type, it will expose your lack of experience. You still have a lot of shortcomings in handling details. You can see traces of performance.

In fact, this is related to your lack of corresponding life experience. Drama comes from life, and actors are acting as people.If you are not familiar with the person you want to play, and only imagine it in writing, you will fall into the shackles of stereotypes.To put it simply, it's like a crying scene.There are many kinds of crying, some crying loudly, some crying out of joy, some wanting to cry without tears, and some crying silently... Different characters have different ways of expressing sadness.

But if you don't blend into this character and just imagine, you will fall into the performance emotion, not the cage of expressing yourself.

When we actors perform, we are not so much expressing our characters as we are expressing ourselves.Because all our feelings are not external, but excavated from our own feelings.For example, when you play the role of wayward and arrogant, you are actually expressing a part of yourself.But if you change to another type of character, you haven’t experienced it, and if you haven’t had that kind of experience, you will naturally lack the corresponding expression, and you won’t be able to find that emotion from yourself...”

Oh Soo-jin interrupted: "You are the same age as me, you have never experienced many things, why can you act well?"

Jiang Junhe said: "So talent is very important, I am a genius, you just..."


With a crisp sound, Jiang Junhe's forehead suddenly turned red.

"I rely on!"

Suddenly attacked, Jiang Junhe blurted out a foul language: "Why are you hitting so hard!"

"You dare to scold me?"

Hearing Jiang Junhyuk's swearing, Oh Soo-jin immediately became furious.

With a pounce, Jiang Junhyuk fell to the floor in an instant. Oh Soojin rode on Jiang Junhyuk, pinched the soft flesh around his waist, and twisted hard.

Jiang Junhyuk immediately bared his teeth, screamed for pain, and pushed Zheng Xiujing with his hand: "Slip of tongue! Damn! Can you be gentle?"

"You still dare to scold me?"

"I didn't scold you, mantra, this is..."

Pushing and shoving, Jiang Junhe suddenly froze, and saw him pressing one hand on Zheng Xiujing's chest, and Zheng Xiujing's face turned red as if petrified.

Jiang Junhyuk was stunned for a moment, his thoughts turned sharply, he thought about it in a blink of an eye, and ignored the right hand that was pressing on Zheng Xiujing's chest, as if he didn't notice it, he pushed hard, pushed Zheng Xiujing away from his body, straightened up and stood up .

After standing up, he pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "I said you are too hot, my forehead is swollen from your beating." Then, without looking at Zheng Xiujing, she lifted her clothes and looked, "Look at that!" , look, you screwed me up, and the surroundings are all red."

Zheng Xiujing's face was flushed, she sat on the floor, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Seeing that Oh Soo-jin didn't say a word, Jiang Jun-hyuk said angrily, "I'll take a few photos later and send them to Soo-yeon Nuna. This is the first time I've met someone like you."

Hearing that Jiang Junhyuk wanted to take a photo and send it to Jung Soo-yeon, she didn't seem to notice what happened just now, Jung Soo-jin said: "Kang Junhyuk, you, you just now..."

Jiang Junhe said indignantly: "What happened to me just now, didn't I just push you, look at what you did..." Pointing to the forehead, then pointing to the soft flesh around the waist, "...the first time I met a woman like you , is more ruthless than a man!"

Zheng Xiujing said: "You, you..."

"What are you!"

Jiang Junhe snapped back and said: "If you dare to do it again, don't blame me for being rude. It's not good to have Xiuyan angry, I will teach you how to be a man today!"

 PS: Thanks to "Salute to Brother Cong" and "Once Upon a Time Under the Snow" for their rewards.Thank you for your support.In addition, continue to ask for tickets, all kinds of tickets.Give some motivation, brothers.It's already Thursday, and my recommended votes have just passed 400. ┭┮﹏┭┮.

(End of this chapter)

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