i want to be famous

Chapter 213 Asking for advice (subscription required)

Chapter 213 Asking for advice (subscription required)

When you are busy, time always flies by.In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

In the third week of its release, "The Witch" officially broke through 300 million viewers at the box office. In just over a week, the film will be released soon, and the box office trend is gradually declining.

But these have nothing to do with Jiang Junhe.

The promotion of "The Witch" is over, and his next step is to prepare for the shooting of the new movie.However, the filming of the new movie is scheduled to start in mid-September, and there is still one and a half months before now, so during this free period, Jiang Junhyuk is going to take a vacation for himself and travel for a few days.

Combination of work and rest, people cannot be ruled by work all the time.

Since the filming of "Pretty Sister Who Often Treats Me to Dinner" in February, until the promotion of "The Witch" ended in July, Jiang Junhyuk has been working continuously for nearly half a year. It is a bit exaggerated to say that he is exhausted, but he does feel physically and mentally exhausted. So I need to adjust it, go abroad for a few days, and only after I come back can I devote myself to work again.

After all, when the filming starts in September, he will be busy for at least another month or two, and he really needs to take a break to change his mood.

People are not machines, working hard to earn money is for enjoyment.If, like Grandet, you can only get in and out, then no matter how much money you save, what fun is there in life?

In this regard, Li Minyong and the company also understand very well, knowing that the actors need to adjust, so they have no objection.

After a little tidying up, he brought his passport and visa, Jiang Junhyuk only carried a backpack, and started the trip.

Destination, France, Provence.

Provence, a blue coast bordering the Mediterranean Sea, the hometown of lavender, is located in the southeast of France.The area produces high-quality wine, and is also known as the "City of Knights" in Europe, and is the birthplace of knightly lyric poetry, an important literary genre in the Middle Ages.

Every year from June to July is the best season in Provence, just like all flower seasons, Provence in this season is the moment when Vientiane is full of beauty.

The reason why Jiang Junhyuk chose to travel to Provence is that he had heard about this place for a long time in his previous life and wanted to see it; Still a little yearning.

If you meet one or two French beauties, maybe some happy things will happen.

The air ticket has been booked online, and Li Minyong was not allowed to see him off. Jiang Junhyuk went to Incheon Airport by car alone.

After checking the ticket, boarding the plane, and finding a seat in the first class cabin, Jiang Junhyuk took out the earphones from his backpack, put them on, and began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the announcement sounded, announcing that the plane was about to take off, and passengers were asked to check whether they had fastened their seat belts.

Jiang Junhe opened his eyes and checked, but when he glanced inadvertently, he suddenly found a familiar figure across the aisle, with long hair, single eyelids, and a steamed bun face, looking at him with a slight smile.

Jiang Junhe said in astonishment: "Senior, why are you here?"

Seeing Jiang Junhe's stunned expression, An Zhaoxi seemed to find it amused, and said with a slight smile, "I am here for whatever reason you are here."

Jiang Junhyuk asked in surprise, "Senior, are you going to Provence too?"

An Zhaoxi was also stunned: "Are you going to Provence too?"

What she said just now meant that Jiang Junhe came to take the plane, and she also came to take the plane. I didn't expect Jiang Junhe to go to the same destination as her.

Seeing Ahn So Hee's startled expression, Jiang Jun Hyuk came back to his senses.

This flight can't go directly to Provence at all. The meaning of An Zhaoxi's words just now is obviously not what he understands, but it seems to be a coincidence that An Zhaoxi is also going to Provence.

With a dumb smile, Jiang Junhe said: "Senior, I'm going to travel to Provence, are you going to travel too?"

An Zhaoxi nodded and smiled.She didn't expect such a coincidence.

After laughing, An Zhaoxi said: "I saw you just after getting on the plane. I wanted to say hello to you, but I didn't say anything when I saw you were resting. I didn't expect such a coincidence that we were going to the same place."

"It's really a coincidence." Jiang Junhe also smiled.

"Why do you think of going on a trip? Isn't the movie not released yet?" An Zhaoxi asked doubtfully again.

Jiang Junhe said with a smile: "The promotion is over, and I have no other plans for the time being. It just so happens that this time is the best season in Provence, so I plan to go for a walk and relax. Where is the senior?" Looking around, it seemed that it was Ahn So-hee himself, " Senior going to travel alone?"

An Zhaoxi said, "Aren't you alone too?"

Jiang Junhe was dumbfounded.

Can he, a boy, and An Zhaoxi, a girl, be the same concept?

Smiling, Jiang Junhe didn't ask any more questions.

An So-hee explained: "I travel alone mainly to experience life."

Kang Jun Hyuk understood.

As an actor, without life experience, acting is like a blind man feeling an elephant, without depth.

However, Ahn So-hee, a girl, is still unsafe to travel alone. After a little hesitation, Jiang Junhe still advised: "It is a good thing for seniors to experience life, and actors also need to experience life. But... a girl, senior, is still not safe. It’s better to go out with friends next time.”

Knowing that Jiang Junhyuk meant well, An Soxi didn't say much, just nodded and smiled.

While chatting, the plane took off and stabilized after a while.

Glancing at Jiang Junhyuk, Ahn So Hee asked, "After talking on the set last time, I think it helped me a lot. Regarding acting skills, can I ask you some more questions?"

In fact, this is also the reason why Ahn So Hee took the initiative to talk to Jiang Jun Hyuk.

In terms of personality, An Zhaoxi is an introverted person, shy, reticent, and somewhat shy.If it wasn't for the chance to meet Jiang Junhyuk as a cameo when he went to the set to visit the set last time, and saw Jiang Junhyuk's acting talent with his own eyes, even if he was on the same plane with Jiang Junhyuk this time, sitting opposite, An Soxi would not take the initiative to talk to Jiang Junhyuk.

But now that she met Jiang Junhyuk by chance this time, Jiang Junhyuk's strength has been recognized by her, and she has mediocre talent in acting, and she has fallen into a bottleneck. She has never known how to improve herself, nor how to solve the dilemma she faces.That's why Ahn So Hee suppressed his shyness when he met Jiang Jun Hyuk by chance this time, and was going to ask Jiang Jun Hyuk for advice, trying to see if he could get a solution from Jiang Jun Hyuk.

After all, Jiang Junhyuk is not like her. Jiang Junhyuk's acting talent is obvious to all, and has been recognized by many people in the industry and the audience. Since An Soxi wants to improve, he doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

Jiang Junhyuk was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but then smiled: "Of course. You don't have to be so polite, senior. It would make me ashamed to ask for advice. ——Let's discuss and communicate with each other. If we can communicate, we can have 01: It is an honor for me to help seniors at 30 o'clock."

(End of this chapter)

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