i want to be famous

Chapter 432 Choice (for Subscription)

Chapter 432 Choice (for Subscription)



In the kitchen, after dinner, Jung Soo-yeon had something to leave early, and only Jiang Jun-hyuk and Jessica Jung were left in the apartment.

Oh Soo-jin was holding a towel, and while wiping the plate that Jiang Jun-hyuk handed over, she asked seemingly casually, "How are you and that... Kim Ji-won?"

Jiang Junhyuk turned his head and glanced at Zheng Xiujing: "... none of your business!"

Oh Soo-jin's expression changed, she raised her foot and kicked Jiang Junhe's leg, and said angrily, "Jiang Junhe, are you looking for a beating?"

Jiang Junhe cut his voice and curled his lips: "Am I right? It has nothing to do with you, okay. I asked you if you could ask me less about me, and I asked you several times. Do you understand privacy? Thank you for staying in America!"

"Bullshit privacy! Tell me first, okay?"

Jiang Junhe became angry immediately, and stopped washing the bowls he was washing. He threw it into the sink, turned around and said, "Zheng Xiujing, how can people be so shameless? I..."

"Okay, okay! I asked first, okay?"

Oh Soo-jing rolled her eyes, interrupted before Jiang Jun-hyuk could finish, but paused, and asked, "Then what's the situation with you and her now? Where are you?"

Jiang Junhe was depressed.

He found that Zheng Xiujing was going too far, it was fine before, but now every time she quarreled with him, she interrupted him before he finished speaking, which made him unable to get up and down, and was extremely depressed.

With a cold snort, Jiang Junhe turned around and continued to wash the dishes, but he didn't bother to answer.


Oh Soo-jin gave a disdainful disdain, raised her arm to touch Jiang Junhyuk, and said, "Can a big man stop being so stingy? Seriously, what's going on with her now? She's still chasing you?"

Kang Jun Hyuk didn't hear it, he only thought that Oh Soo Jung was air.

Oh Soo-jin became impatient: "Are you dumb?" Turning her eyes, she suddenly said, "If you don't tell me, I'll call her and ask her directly, anyway, I have her number."


Jiang Junhyuk sneered, what the heck.

Oh Soo-jin's anger rose in an instant, she threw the towel on the chopping board, turned around and walked towards the living room.

Jiang Junhe turned around and glanced, and sneered again.

He still couldn't believe it, Oh Soo-jin really had the guts to call Kim Ji-won.Even if Oh Soo-jin really dared to fight, would she still dare to make it clear?
Anyway, Jiang Junhe didn't believe it.

But 1 minute later, Jiang Junhyuk was dumbfounded.

From the direction of the living room, Zheng Xiujing's voice came——

"Oni, it's me, Xiujing....Well, it's been a long time since I've contacted you. I'm fine. How about you, Ernie, how are you doing? How are you doing?..."

I rely on!

This girl really hit it!
Jiang Junhe was simply convinced.Although he knew that Oh Soo-jin would be reckless sometimes, she could do anything with a jerk of her brain, but what was she trying to do by getting involved between him and Kim Ji-won?To spy on the enemy?

Jiang Jun Hyuk didn't care about washing the dishes any more, picked up the towel and wiped his hands, and hurriedly walked towards Oh Soo Jung.

But after taking two steps, Jiang Junhe stopped again.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have nothing to panic about.

Whether it's Oh Soo-jin or Kim Ji-won, the two girls who were rejected by him, no matter what they are talking about, the key person is himself, as long as he is indifferent, they can talk about whatever they want, not Jin Zhini, who is afraid of being caught ah?

Jiang Junhe turned around and continued to wash the dishes.

in the living room.

Oh Soo-jin continued to say: "... Are you tired from filming recently?...I know...." But her eyes looked at Jiang Junhyuk.

Seeing Jiang Junhyuk, she was excited for a while at first, but then she didn't care, and Zheng Xiujing was speechless for a moment.

Holding the mobile phone, she walked up to Jiang Junhe, and said with a depressed face: "Jiang Junhe, your reaction is too..."

"Too much?"

Jiang Junhyuk turned his head and glanced at Zheng Xiujing, his eyes caught Zheng Xiujing's cell phone, and he was stunned for a moment.

Good guy, the phone screen didn't even turn on, it turned out to be a fake.

He just said, although Oh Soo-jin was a bit reckless, calling Kim Ji-won to inquire about him was too stupid.

Seeing that Jiang Junhyuk's eyes fell on her mobile phone, Oh Soo-jin didn't bother to pretend, she put the mobile phone on the table, raised her eyebrows, squinted and said: "I said you are really patient, you are really not afraid of me and Jin Zhiyuan Call up?"

Jiang Junhe sneered: "What did you call her to ask? Did she catch up with me? Or did I accept her?"

Oh Soo-jin opened her mouth, cut!

Apart from showing contempt, she found that she had nothing to say.

She knew about Jin Zhiyuan's confession with Jiang Junhyuk, but it's okay to ask Jiang Junhe about this kind of thing. If she really asked Jin Zhiyuan, it would be a bit like hitting someone's face and exposing someone's scars.

If you really do this, isn't it just looking for accidents to offend people intentionally?

The relationship between her and Jin Zhiyuan has not yet reached that point, not everything can be talked in private, if she really speaks, even if Jin Zhiyuan doesn't show it on the surface, she will definitely turn her face in the bottom of her heart, and she doesn't know how to scold her.

But she also convinced Jiang Junhe.

She found that Jiang Junhe was really a round copper pea that couldn't be pierced by a needle, couldn't be pierced by water, couldn't be steamed, boiled, pounded, or fried.

Glaring Jiang Junhyuk angrily, Zheng Xiujing said depressedly: "I said you are interesting? It's not that I don't know about you. What else can I hide from you?"

Jiang Junhe sneered again: "If you say that, then I am also puzzled. Why do you keep inquiring about my private affairs? How many times have I told you that there is no hope for us. No matter how much you inquire, how clearly you understand , there is still no possibility between me and you. Besides, I have been so frank with you. I am a flirtatious, promiscuous, and scumbag, can you stop thinking about me? "

Oh Soo-jin got angry when she heard that, she raised her foot and kicked Jiang Junhyuk again, gritted her teeth and said, "Jiang Junhyuk, who's messing with you, don't be too sentimental! I don't feel anything for you now!"

"That's the best."

After being kicked twice by Oh Soo-jin, Kang Jun-hyuk didn't respond at all.

The more he deals with girls, the more he knows.Sometimes even if it doesn't hurt, you have to give a response, which means that you have accepted the punishment, and only girls can go down.But sometimes, even if the pain is dying, you have to grit your teeth and endure it, because the more you do this, the more angry the other party will be, and the more angry the other party will itch.

He was too embarrassed to hit the girl.

Physical hatred cannot be avenged, but spiritual hatred must be fought back fiercely.

Smiling softly, Jiang Junhe raised his hand, drew a line with his index finger in the air, and said: "The two of us, just like this line, cannot cross the line. Once crossing the line, it will be of no benefit to anyone. So I hope Don't inquire about me in the future, no matter who I date or not, it has nothing to do with you, it's clear, OK?"

Oh Soo-jin pursed her lips, gritted her teeth, and suddenly kicked Jiang Jun-hyuk again, turned around and left.

"Who cares about you!"

It's not rare that I'm the best.

Jiang Junhyuk curled his lips, watching Oh Soo-jin leave without even stopping her.

Since she had made up her mind never to give Zheng Xiujing any chance, she had to make repeated orders all the time to dissuade Zheng Xiujing, otherwise, the longer the time dragged on, the more Zheng Xiujing couldn't let it go, and it would only be more troublesome in the future.


With Zheng Xiujing's character, she always bickers with him, if they really get together, they won't be able to live well in the future.

He still prefers gentle and considerate girls.

Turning around, just as she was about to continue washing the dishes, she just turned on the faucet when a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Hey, I didn't drive when I came here, you take me back."

Jiang Junhe turned around, speechless.


In the car.

Jiang Junhyuk looked at Zheng Xiujing who was sitting in the passenger seat, and asked, "Where are you going? Is your home or a dormitory?"

"go home."

Oh Soo-jin responded coldly, and turned her head to the car window after speaking.

Jiang Junhe laughed dumbfounded and started the car.

Not long after the car drove out, Jiang Junhe had nothing to say: "By the way, do you like rock climbing?"


Zheng Xiujing snorted coldly, and ignored her answer.

Jiang Junhe said with a smile: "I said you are so angry, anyway, it is not the first time I have rejected you. How many times have I told you the truth, we are really not suitable. Besides, I am talking to you about business now , seriously, can you rock climb?"

Oh Soo-jin just looked out the window and didn't bother to answer a word.

Jiang Junhe laughed, and said again: "Do you remember what I told you about the movie last time? My TV series will be aired in May, and if there is no accident, it should end in July. Wait for the TV series to end After that, I will start preparing for the film. The heroine of the film is a rock climbing enthusiast, if you have not learned rock climbing, it is best to practice in advance, and you will need it when you shoot.”

Zheng Xiujing was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and said, "So fast? Have you finished writing the script?"

Jiang Junhyuk shook his head: "Not yet. But I already have an idea of ​​what to shoot, let me tell you first, you prepare in advance."

Zheng Xiujing frowned slightly, and hesitated: "You...are you a little early?"

Kang Jun-hyuk has only just made his debut for two years. To be honest, Jiang Jun-hyuk has not yet reached the peak of his career as an actor. Now that he is starting to transform into a director, Oh Soo-jin always feels that Jiang Jun-hyuk is taking too big a step.

of course.

It is undeniable that Kang Jun Hyuk is indeed talented.

But in the showbiz, not only talent but also qualifications are important. In terms of qualifications alone, Jiang Junhyuk, an actor who has just debuted for two years, is a bit too far behind.

But Jiang Junhe didn't feel this way.

Oh Soo-jin only spoke half of what she said, but Jiang Jun-hyuk understood, and said with a smile, "You think it's early, but I think it's too late." After a pause, he smiled again, "Before, the conditions were immature, and some things couldn't be done. But after another month or two, after the game is released, I will have more leeway in terms of funds, and I can do what I want to do. Some things can be resolved as soon as possible, and it is best not to delay. "

People's moods and needs are always changing with their status.

When he first crossed over, Jiang Junhyuk was still in the mentality of an ordinary person, and his desires and goals were not high.Although at that time he said that he wanted to be all over the female stars and live a playboy life, but he really dated Li Suxi, and he thought it was so plain.If it weren't for Li Suxi's character being too extreme, even Jiang Junhe couldn't accept it. If it was An Soxi, maybe Jiang Junhe would still have the mentality of getting rich and being safe.

But people, everything changes.

With the increasing popularity and being admired by more and more fans, especially after the Golden Finger is upgraded, the popularity value can be used to convert the luck value, and the Golden Finger has provided Jiang Junhyuk with greater help. A fundamental shift has taken place.

The most important point is that he doesn't want to be bound by the "original owner" more and more.

Because of the influence of the 'original owner', he must become a top star beyond Girls' Generation, but if he wants to achieve this goal, he only develops on the road of actor, Jiang Junhyuk is not sure how many years it will take to complete.

After all, the Korean entertainment industry has a strict hierarchy and pays more attention to seniority. When well-known directors choose actors, they choose more senior actors with higher qualifications and proven themselves.

It can be said that looking at the high-grossing and high-reputation movies in South Korea in recent years, the leading actors are basically chosen among a few old actors such as Song Kanghao and Choi Min-sik. At his age, if he doesn't seek a way out, even if he has golden fingers, it will be difficult for him to find a role that suits him.

One of the simplest problems is that when well-known directors create scripts, they set the roles mainly for middle-aged and elderly people, and Jiang Junhyuk's age does not meet the requirements at all.

One of Goldfinger's abilities is to provide opportunities for Jiang Junhyuk, but this opportunity cannot be created out of nothing.Then just the level of age alone has stuck Jiang Junhyuk to death. Even if Goldfinger provided him with an opportunity, the roles he could get were rarely the leading roles.

If it wasn't the protagonist, then naturally it wouldn't be the best actor, and if it wasn't the best actor, how could it increase its influence and status.

and so.

Jiang Junhe must jump out of this circle, lead his own path, and create opportunities for himself.

Only in this way can he complete the remnants of the "original owner" as soon as possible and get rid of the shackles of the original owner's "remnants". Only then can he truly gain relative freedom, no longer confined to the entertainment circle, and no longer afraid of accidents—such as the threat of Jin Zhini - You can decide your own path more independently.

Otherwise, he always feels constrained in what he does.

Just like Kuaiyin, like the game studio, the most fundamental reason why Jiang Junhyuk hides behind the scenes and doesn't want to be exposed to the media is that once exposed, it will certainly increase his popularity and make his popularity soar.But everything has advantages and disadvantages. If these things are exposed, the public's attention will definitely focus on his identity as a shareholder of "Kuaiyin" and ignore his identity as an artist.

If that is the case, the public will pay more attention to his career success than his status as an artist, then the public will be more critical of him, and maybe even no matter what achievements he has made, he will also usher in the same. Questioning voice.

After all, most people have a hatred of the rich.

It's not impossible.


When the aura of his career covered up his aura as an artist, who knows whether he has surpassed Girls' Generation based on the judgment of the 'original owner'.

If not, then it will only be more difficult for him to seek a breakthrough.

and so.

Jiang Junhe still decided to focus on stability.

The best and safest way is to develop as an artist first, and when the problem of the 'original owner' is resolved, then he will have more room for change and more independent choices.

So it is.

If Kang Jun Hyuk wants to no longer be confined to the entertainment industry, he must find his own way out, he can no longer wait to be chosen by others, but create opportunities for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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