i want to be famous

Chapter 438 Boring (for subscription)

Chapter 438 Boring (for subscription)

Jiang Junhyuk's face was full of confusion, with a question mark on his head.

Is this scolding him for being unpredictable, or accusing him of being cold-blooded and heartless?

Kang Joon-hyuk blinks, deciding that silence is golden.

IU said angrily: "A woman likes you to the point of giving up her self-esteem. Is this how you repay her? It's fine without a trace of emotion. Your first thought is to shirk responsibility? Jiang Junhyuk, I have never seen anything like you Such a trashy man!"


Are you out of your mind?
Jiang Junhyuk stared at IU dumbfounded, almost cast his eyes on IU's brain circuit.

It is said that he is shirking responsibility, well, just from the sentence just now, he is indeed suspected of shirking responsibility.But the main purpose is to avoid IU getting angry, explaining to IU, is it wrong to co-author to clarify the misunderstanding?
According to IU, as long as a woman likes him, he must be touched and then give back. Then there are so many girls in Korea who like him, even if he is broken into thousands of pieces, he can't tell the difference.

Jiang Junhe was simply convinced.

Pulling the corner of his mouth, Jiang Junhe said: "Then what do you think I should do?"

IU said coldly, "This is your business!"

Kang Jun Hyuk couldn't help laughing.

This woman is so interesting, she scolds you for being cold-blooded and ruthless, but at the same time wants you to be loyal. They are the ones who are the good guys, and all the bad things are pushed to the men.

If he is not moved, he is a wolf-hearted dog. If he is moved, he is a scumbag. He said it nicely, this is your own business, but Jiang Junhyuk can guarantee that if he really accepts Jin Zhiyuan, IU will 100% be another face.

Exhaling lightly, Jiang Junhyuk smiled again.

Looking up at IU, Jiang Junhyuk asked with a chuckle, "Although this is indeed my own business, it should be up to me to decide. But just like Kim Ji-won, you like me so carelessly and stay by my side. No matter how I say it, I have to consider your feelings. Let’s do this. In fact, you know that for me, anyway, I have so many women, and it doesn’t matter if I have one more. The choice to accept her this time is up to you. How about it?"

IU pushed everything to him, criticizing him from the moral high ground, Jiang Junhyuk simply pushed the card over, but wanted to see what IU could say.

"I said, this is your business and has nothing to do with me!" IU replied coldly.


Jiang Junhe smiled and said, "Whether I accept her or not, you don't care, do you?"

IU's face sank in an instant, she pursed her lips tightly, and said nothing.

Jiang Junhe smiled again: "Alright, since you don't object, then I know what to do."

With that said, Jiang Junhyuk stood up, glanced at IU again, smiled silently, walked towards the entrance, and said casually as he walked, "Go to rest early, I'll finish the matter."

After walking a few steps, there was no movement behind him.

Just as Jiang Junhe walked out of the living room and was about to step into the hallway, a cold voice suddenly came from behind——


Kang Jun Hyuk: "(ーー;)"

This he is a woman!

Coming downstairs and sitting in the car, Jiang Junhyuk leaned on the back of the car seat, closed his eyes, and fell into deep thought.


Not to mention contemplation, but just emptying the mind in boredom.

He would definitely not look for Jin Zhiyuan in the past. With Li Suxi's lessons learned, Jiang Junhyuk really keeps a respectful distance from this kind of girl who likes to touch herself.

But after leaving IU's apartment, Jiang Junhyuk couldn't think of where to go again.

Come back home?

Inexplicably do not want to go back.

Go up and find IU to clarify the misunderstanding?

Forget it.

This girl is not normal today, and I don't know which tendon is wrong, she is simply making trouble for no reason.

Or rather.

In fact, Jiang Junhyuk didn't have any guesses about IU's attitude just now. He thought, maybe IU found something in common with Kim Ji-won.

After all, Jiang Junhyuk himself also knows that if he is on a few boats like him, he will not be devoted to any girl. If it goes on for a long time, the modern society is not the ancient society, and the social atmosphere has changed. As long as it is a woman, few can truly love it. Accept that men are half-hearted.

IU may feel that Kim Ji-won is so dedicated to him, but he is not touched, just like IU himself knows that he has other women, but still refuses to let go like a fool.

According to the current three views, the two have one thing in common - stupid.

So seeing his attitude towards Kim Ji Won, IU broke out in an instant.

to be frank.

Jiang Junhe understood all these.

He grew up in a normal family in his previous life, and he was not born with apathy, let alone treating women like dung, so he still has normal human feelings.

But there is something.

How should I put it, what is the most afraid of getting used to it.

Once you develop a habit in a certain aspect, you have more knowledge and experience, even if you know it well, but under the force of inertia, it is difficult for your mood to have big waves.

Just like him at this moment.

If he was able to make a girlfriend like IU when he first traveled here, who was worth a lot of money and was a big star, Jiang Junhyuk would definitely feel like he picked up a treasure.

But the crux of the problem is that when the so-called halo of a celebrity is shattered into scum, when the so-called worth is not worth mentioning, when there are countless girls who are willing to post it, even if they don't even need to hook their hands. Girls are flying moths to the flame one after another, when everything becomes easy, when everything becomes within reach... Who can expect to be easily touched after getting used to it?

Anyway, Jiang Junhyuk was tired.

It's an exaggeration to say that you are tired, or more precisely, it should be regarded as ordinary.

Looking back on the past, Jiang Junhe suddenly discovered that since the time travel, what really touched him, made him the most unforgettable, and touched him the most, was the time with Li Suxi.

Putting aside all the extremes and madness, that kind of warmth is what he misses the most.

At that time, he was worthless, Goldfinger hadn't been upgraded, let alone his fame as he is now, and he owned two companies with great potential... At that time, he didn't have the halo of a star, let alone the crown of talent, and he didn't have countless talents. People's adoration, and no spotlights and cheers... At that time, he had nothing, so everything was pure.


The long river of time is always pouring down, one cannot step into the same river twice, everything is always changing, just like him, he also changed.

He understands IU's anger, and he can roughly guess IU's inexplicable outburst, but it's just... nothing.

Jiang Junhe sometimes thought about it, among the few girls he is currently dating, or even the girls he has dated before, has he really liked them?If he had to choose someone to marry, among these girls, who would he choose in the end?
Lee Su-hee, Park Soo-young, Chae Soo-bin, Kim Ah-young, Lee Yoo-bi...Ahn So-hee, Kim Ji-ni, Park So-yeon, IU, Tiffany...a figure flashed through his mind one by one, but the one that really made him remember the most was Lee Su-hee at the beginning.

No matter how crazy it was, Li Suxi was after all the first girlfriend he dated after time travel.

When he felt the most insecure, when he came to a strange world and needed company most, it was not others, but this girl who gave him a kind of "home" warmth, and gave him a "home" in this world. An anchor, let him feel someone's dependence on him, unreserved obsession with him.

So Jiang Junhe sometimes thinks, maybe he is making excuses for himself, but no matter what the reason is, Jiang Junhe always has a standard in his heart.

He hopes that his other half is a girl who can depend on him unreservedly like Li Suxi, love him and be crazy about him, but this girl is better not as extreme as Li Suxi, trust him, support him, and give him what he wants space, but not restricted to him.

If there is such a girl, Jiang Junhe feels that he will definitely be willing to join hands with her for a lifetime.

But Jiang Junhe also knew that this was just his fantasy.

There is no perfect person in the world, and how can there be such a tolerant and considerate woman who has no reservations, no regrets, and no regrets.

But knowing is knowing, people are always unwilling.

Leaving aside Lee Su Hee's extreme and crazy side, it cannot be denied that Lee Su Hee's infatuation and devotion set a high bar in Kang Jun Hyuk's heart, making Jiang Jun Hyuk always unable to help but make comparisons when choosing a girlfriend .

And the results of the comparison...

After the second girlfriend Cai Xiubin, Jiang Junhyuk broke up very disappointed.The third girlfriend, Ahn So-hee, did not retain or regret it.

It can even be said that Jiang Junhyuk has never really been tempted by any of the girls he dated after Li Suxi.

Even for a girl like Park Soo-young whom he had known very early, Jiang Jun-hyuk's feelings towards her were more towards friendship, without any real deep desire.

Otherwise, how could there be no retention every time they parted.

Also like IU tonight.

Jiang Junhyuk actually knows everything, but he just can't touch it.

At this moment, Jiang Junhe only had one feeling in his heart——


Opening his eyes, Jiang Junhe sat up straight, looking at the silent parking lot through the front glass of the car.

Jiang Junhe was stunned for a long time, and suddenly thought of Li Yilia inexplicably.

Since I'm bored and don't want to go home, I might as well find a place to pass the time with peace of mind.

Thinking of this, Jiang Junhe took out his mobile phone, found Li Yilia's number, and dialed it directly.

The phone rang for dozens of seconds, and just when Jiang Junhe thought no one would answer it, the other party's surprised voice suddenly sounded on the phone——

"Kang Jun-hyuk?"

Jiang Junhyuk smiled and said, "That's right, Nuna, it's me."

"Why did you call me suddenly?" Li Yilia asked strangely.

Jiang Junhe smiled: "Nu Na exchanged numbers with me today, isn't it just to give me a chance to contact you, if Nu Na doesn't want me to contact you, you shouldn't give me the number today."


Li Yilia was amused by Jiang Junhe.

After laughing for a while, he said: "Okay. You're right." After a pause, "To be honest, I thought you might contact me, but I didn't expect that you would be so..."

"So what?"

Jiang Junhe smiled and said, "Impatient, or anxious?"

"Ha ha."

Li Yiliya smiled again, but didn't respond.

Jiang Junhe said with a smile: "I have always believed that if there is an opportunity in front of you, the most important thing for a person is to know how to cherish it. After all, the opportunity is never lost. No one will stay where they are forever. Once they miss it, they may want to have it again." It will always become a luxury. ——Just like us as actors, many actors miss the opportunity to make him famous in his life because of hesitation and hesitation, and then talk about regrets and regrets, and he is the only one I will feel sad."

Li Yiliya said with a smile: "It's pretty good at talking, and the theory is all set."

Jiang Junhyuk said with a smile: "Nuna, theory should be combined with practice. Without practice, no matter how much theory there is, it is just self-indulgence. Just like me, I am a very practical person. Nuna gives me a chance, of course I will seize it. Whether it will be successful or not is another story, but you have to try it. If you don’t even dare to try, how can I know, Nu that really gave me a chance, or... Nu that said?"

Li Yiliya said with a smile: "I found that you are really good at talking."

Jiang Junhe smiled, and didn't waste any more time, and asked directly: "Nuna, do you have time now? I'm outside right now. Do you want to have a late-night snack? I'll drive it to you."

"Ha ha."

Li Yiliya smiled again, but did not respond.

Jiang Junhe didn't care, he just took it as Li Yilia's acquiescence, and simply asked, "Where does Nuna live? I'll drive it to you right away."


On the other side of the phone, no one said a word for a while.

Jiang Junhe wasn't in a hurry, he just waited quietly, I don't know how long it took, maybe a few seconds, maybe a minute, or maybe even longer, when Li Yilia's voice finally came.

"Well, I live in..."


Hanging up the phone and putting down the phone, Jiang Junhyuk stared at the phone for a moment, then suddenly smiled dumbly.

Putting away the phone, Jiang Junhyuk started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

A few minutes after leaving the car dealership, passing an intersection, Jiang Junhe was about to turn the car around and turn to another road, when suddenly, a cell phone rang.

Jiang Junhe didn't pay attention for a while, and Jiang Junhe didn't look down until he turned his direction.

The name on the caller ID is——

Jiang Junhe hesitated, but still connected.

As soon as the phone was connected, IU's voice came over: "Where are you?"

Jiang Junhe smiled and replied, "Where do you think I should be?"

IU immediately said: "Are you really looking for Jin Zhiyuan?"

Jiang Junhe laughed: "Didn't you call me indifferent, and let me decide by myself, then I have to decide by myself."

IU was silent for a moment, and the next moment, she said angrily: "Do whatever I tell you to do, and if I tell you to eat shit, do you want to eat it or not?"

Kang Jun Hyuk is sweating profusely!
He didn't expect IU to be really angry, and she really breathed a lot of fragrance.

Shaking his head and smiling, Jiang Junhyuk said, "Okay, I was just joking with you, I'm on my way home." He never planned to look for Jin Zhiyuan from the beginning, and now he replied that IU was not guilty at all.

"You really didn't look for her?" IU asked hastily.

"Not really."

Jiang Junhe said: "I told you everything. Didn't you hear the phone call? She likes me, and I have no idea about her. There are many people who like me, and I can't respond to everyone. If everyone Response, even if you split me into scum, I can't tell the difference. I really don't mean that to her, and I don't plan to have more contact with her. "


IU snorted coldly, and suddenly said: "Then you come back."

(End of this chapter)

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