i want to be famous

Chapter 511 Parting

Chapter 511 Parting

early morning.

The sun is gradually rising in the east, and the night is gradually fading.

Jiang Junhyuk woke up from his drowsiness, feeling dry mouth, subconsciously licked his lips, and opened his sleepy eyes.

But when his consciousness just regained consciousness, he suddenly felt his chest was heavy and oppressed, and one arm seemed to be lost, numb and unable to move.

Jiang Junhe was startled, and his consciousness was completely awake.

next moment.

Jiang Junhyuk was dumbfounded.

He looked down and saw that Taeyeon was lying on top of him, her head resting on his chest, and the few strands of fluffy long hair on top of her head scratched his chin the moment he lowered his head, slightly itchy.Turning his head again, Tiffany's face came into his eyes, and the reason why his arm felt numb was because Tiffany was resting on it.

And the state of the three of them at this moment...

To borrow an idiom to describe it, treat each other with sincerity.

Jiang Junhe was stunned for a moment, his face full of bewilderment.


Depend on!
Damn... have you played too much?
He closed his eyes, opened them quickly, closed them again, and opened them again. Several times in a row, Jiang Junhe finally confirmed it.

He is not dreaming, everything is real.


Before he could think about it, a whimper suddenly sounded from his side, as if his actions just now had disturbed others.

Jiang Junhe looked quickly, just at this time Tiffany opened his eyes, and his eyes met. Jiang Junhe did not move, and Tiffany did not respond.

But from Tiffany's sleepy eyes, Jiang Junhyuk knew that he was frightened and Tiffany was not fully awake yet.


After a while, Tiffany yawned softly and said in a daze, "You're awake."

Jiang Junhyuk opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

But Tiffany didn't seem to really want him to answer. She stretched her hands and stretched her waist. Tiffany put her right hand on the ground and sat up from the floor.

Looking around, Tiffany was taken aback for a moment, and then, unexpectedly, Tiffany didn't seem to see Taeyeon lying on top of him, stretched again, stood up from the floor, and looked at him calmly again, He said casually, "I'm going to take a hot bath, and you can tidy up the living room later." After speaking, without waiting for Jiang Junhe's reply, he turned and walked towards the bathroom.

Jiang Junhe was stunned again.

This is... what do you mean?
Tiffany's reaction was completely beyond Jiang Junhyuk's expectations. It seemed that he didn't see Kim Taeyeon at all, or, to be more precise, didn't care what happened to him and Kim Taeyeon at all.


Kang Jun-hyuk knows that Tiffany grew up abroad, and she is very open-minded in some aspects, but even if she is open again, Kim Tae-yeon is not someone else, she is her best friend, her best friend and her ex-boyfriend. Said it was her current boyfriend and they got together, but this was Tiffany's reaction?
Jiang Junhe couldn't understand.

He frowned slightly, and began to think carefully about what happened yesterday.

Last night, the three of them chatted happily, and they drank more and more wine. I remember that Taeyeon was the first to drink, and then he and Tiffany drank and chatted... the clothes became less and less.

And then.

In his vague memory, Tiffany kept begging for mercy, and he just...


Jiang Junhyuk looked down at Taeyeon subconsciously. If his vague memory was correct, it seemed that he was the one who went to Taeyeon first.

After that.

Kim Taeyeon, Tiffany, Tiffany, Kim Taeyeon, in the intermittent memory, he also forgot how long he was confused, and when he woke up, it was the scene in front of him.

Jiang Junhe was dumbfounded for a moment.

Depend on!
He is sinful.

Oh, by the way, suddenly a vague and fuzzy memory flashed in his mind again, as if Tiffany got up in the middle of the night to drink a glass of water, and then came back to sleep with his arm and half hugging him .

Jiang Junhyuk couldn't remember if it really happened, but judging from Tiffany's reaction just now, it seemed that it should have happened.

Tiffany's drinking capacity is far better than that of him and Taeyeon. If Tiffany wakes up in the middle of the night, then Tiffany must be clear about what happened last night. This can also explain why Tiffany both No shock and no anger.

Even if Tiffany was shocked and angry, she must have experienced it last night. After a night, what should have been figured out has already been figured out, and there is really no need to make a fuss.


Looking down at Kim Taeyeon lying on his chest again, Jiang Junhyuk twitched the corners of his mouth and fell into anxiety again.

Since Tiffany didn't respond just now, it means that the matter with Tiffany has turned over. At least Tiffany doesn't seem to care, and won't bother him again.

But what should Kim Taeyeon do?

Jiang Junhe sighed secretly, full of distress.

In distress, Jiang Junhe suddenly found that there was something strange about Kim Taeyeon, her body temperature was getting higher and higher, and her breathing was getting heavier and heavier.

Jiang Junhe's heart skipped a beat, and then...he realized the reason.

As for men, everyone knows that in the morning, the yang energy flourishes.And last night, Kim Taeyeon and Kang Junhyuk finally...so...

Kang Jun Hyuk was embarrassed again.

quite a while.

There is no way to continue this stalemate, Jiang Junhe stretched out his hand, and gently pushed Taeyeon: "Nu, Nuna..."

Kim Taeyeon didn't say a word and didn't move.

Jiang Junhyuk had nothing to do, he knew that Taeyeon was pretending to be asleep on purpose, so he had to push hard again: "Nuna..."

Kim Taeyeon remained motionless.

Kang Jun Hyuk got it, you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Tiffany doesn't care, and Kim Taeyeon obviously knows what happened last night, so Jiang Junhyuk also feels that there is no need for him to continue to struggle.

As for Kim Taeyeon?
Aren't you pretending to be asleep, why don't you all come together for a morning exercise.

Then you won't be able to sleep anymore.


In-depth communication in a sober state seems to also help relieve embarrassment.

At least everyone doesn't have to worry about what happened yesterday.

Thinking of this, the idea was certain, and Jiang Junhe immediately made a move in his hand.


I don't know how long it took, the wind was calm, and the living room became quiet again.

at this time.

Tiffany also 'finally' finished her shower and walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

Taking a look at the two of them, Tiffany turned to Jiang Junhyuk, without changing his face, said: "Are you done with your work? Don't forget to tidy up the living room when you are done with your work. Don't think that I will do it for you." After she finished, she turned around and was about to walk into the room, but just after taking two steps, she suddenly stopped, looked at the two of them and said, "Oh, yes, I'm going in to put on makeup and change clothes, you two hurry up, go take a shower and change your clothes first. In case Xiaoyuan and the others come over suddenly, it will be bad if they see it."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Junhe suddenly became alert, and Kim Taeyeon also looked a little flustered.

Taeyeon was a little ashamed and embarrassed when she saw Tiffany just now, but after hearing what Tiffany said, the shame and embarrassment disappeared immediately, and only panic remained.

The same is true for Jiang Junhe at this time.

The two quickly got up from the floor, Kim Taeyeon's feet were weak and she almost fell, Jiang Junhyuk quickly supported her.

Seeing that Taeyeon was a little weak, Jiang Junhyuk thought for a while, and simply picked up Taeyeon and walked to the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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