Summoning the world to be one

Chapter 50 Calm down the storm

Chapter 50 Calm down the storm
Chapter 50: Calming the Storm

Not long after Deng Guo arrived, Prime Minister Cai Feng, General Huang Biao and six ministers all arrived.

Outside Xuanwu Gate, after Deng Ju learned that Lord Qingtian Deng Guo had entered the palace, he and Fang Hanchen led troops to Xuanwu Gate.

"Master Hou, there is news from the palace that Mr. Qingtian has arrived at Qianyang Palace, and Cai Xiang, General Huang and the six ministers have all arrived at Qianyang Palace. What should we do now?" Fang Hanchen asked Deng Ju.

Deng Ju frowned tightly, he didn't expect Cai Feng, Huang Biao and the six ministers to move so fast, so he said: "General Fang, it seems that we can't wait any longer, we must enter the palace immediately, and take Deng Guo in the name of regicide. Otherwise, it will be too late when they announce to the world that Deng Guo is king."

Fang Hanchen nodded, the current situation is not good for them, the only way out is to enter the palace first, take Qingtian Lord Deng Guo, and then place the charge of assassinating the king on his head, and then Deng Ju can save him. In the name of driving, he brought the army into the royal city. Thinking of this, Fang Hanchen followed Deng Ju to the Xuanwu Gate. The guards guarding the Xuanwu Gate tonight are Fang Hanchen's subordinates. After Fang Hanchen called the gate, the gate of Xuanwu Gate opened. Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen led his troops into Xuanwu Gate and went to Qianyang Palace to kill them.

"My lord, the Marquis of Nanxiang and the cavalry general Fang Hanchen led their troops into the royal city. They have already passed Jingyang Hall and are heading for Qianyang Palace." Deng Sheng's personal guards saw Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen leading troops into the palace. The palace, after that, rushed to report.

Deng Sheng smiled, waved his hands to let the guards go down, and asked Xue Rengui: "Xue Qing, I wonder if Yue Fei, Chang Yuchun, and Yang Yanzhao's subordinates have notified them?"

Xue Rengui nodded and said: "Back to the king, as early as when Lord Qingtian entered the palace, General Li Siye took over the defense of Wancheng with the handwriting of the king, and sent someone to notify the three generals. At this time, the army of the three generals must have Already entered the city."

Deng Sheng nodded in satisfaction, then smiled and said to Deng Guo: "Second brother, a good show is about to begin!"

Deng Guo's brain has been short-circuited. When he first entered the palace and saw Deng Sheng, he was always worried whether Deng Sheng was going to attack him, but he didn't expect that Deng Sheng would make such a big battle to deal with the old man. Three Deng Ju, this finally made Deng Guo heave a sigh of relief, and he can finally let go of his heart that has been raised for a long time.

"Kill!" Soon, there were shouts of killing outside Qianyang Palace, and Gao Shun led his Yulin Army to confront Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen.

Deng Ju stepped forward and said to Gao Shun: "Gao Shun, the Marquis has already found out that Lord Qingtian Deng Guo was responsible for the assassination of the king, and Lord Qingtian has already entered Qianyang Palace. The Marquis and General Fang are worried about the king's safety. I am here to rescue you, you are the king's personal guard general, so hurry up and get out of the way."

Gao Shun sneered and said: "Marquis Nanxiang, since you have said everything, I, Gao Shun, am the King's personal guard general. Without the King's order, how could Gao Shun let go?"

"What?" Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen had an ominous premonition. Could it be that Deng Sheng is not dead yet?

"Third brother, Gao Shun is right. He is the general of the widow's personal guard. Without the order of the widow, how could he make way for you?" At this time, Deng Sheng's voice came from Qianyang Palace. Afterwards, Deng Sheng came out with Deng Guo, Cai Feng, Huang Biao and six ministers, while Xue Rengui stood by Deng Sheng's side to protect Deng Sheng.

"How is it possible? You're not dead yet?" Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen stared wide-eyed, looking at Deng Sheng in disbelief. They had thought of many situations, and even made preparations for the bloody battle in the royal city tonight, but they never thought that Deng Sheng would actually die. Still alive, now that Deng Sheng has stepped forward, with his prestige, they may not even have the chance to fight to the death.

Deng Sheng looked at Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen with a sneer and said: "Third Brother and General Fang are very disappointed, but I am not disappointed at all. I have been preparing for so long and waited for your arrival, and you have not disappointed me. The widow has been waiting for a long time."

Holding the long sword in his hand, Deng Ju said with ashen face, "How do you know it's mine?"

Deng Sheng sneered and said: "To be honest, after being injured, the widow doubted many people, but the third brother did not suspect you. However, after the widow woke up, various evidences showed that all of this was the masterpiece of the third brother. You Do you know how sad the widow was at that time? For so many years, the widow only felt the brotherhood from the third brother, and after the widow became the throne, he also treated the third brother well, why did the third brother turn against me?"

"Hahaha!" Deng Ju laughed wildly: "Old Fifth, do you know that the position under you originally belonged to me, and now I'm just taking back what belongs to me, so why not? The only thing I didn't expect It was that harmless young man back then who was so powerful, and took power in two or three strokes, forcing me to hide my strength and bide my time." Seeing that the situation was over, Deng Ju no longer pretended to cover up, and roared directly.

Deng Shengdao: "The widow did not expect that when Queen Fang died, third brother, you were like a bereaved dog, and you dared to plan today's situation. You really have good intentions."

"Huh!" Deng Ju sneered and said, "Old man, the winner and the loser fell into your hands today. I have nothing to say. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you." After finishing speaking, he threw it in his hand Fang Hanchen, who was standing beside Deng Ju, put down his weapon with a dejected look on his face.

"Take them down!" Deng Sheng gave an order, and countless soldiers of the Yulin Army rushed forward to arrest Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen. In fact, at the moment Deng Sheng appeared, Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen came along. Many soldiers of the Habayashi Army had put down their weapons, and there were only a few dozen loyalists of the two left. But in front of thousands of soldiers loyal to Deng Sheng, there was not even a single wave.

"Xue Rengui listened to the order, you go out of the palace to find the subordinates of Yue Fei, Chang Yuchun, and Yang Yanzhao, and tell them that the palace is quiet, so they don't have to go into the palace, and first go and take down Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen's family members." Deng Sheng Said to Xue Rengui beside him.

"Here!" Xue Rengui replied.

Xue Rengui came outside the palace, met Yue Fei, Chang Yuchun, and Yang Yanzhao, and conveyed Deng Sheng's will to the three. After the three discussed, Yang Yanzhao led the troops to maintain the order of Wancheng, while Yue Fei and Chang Yuchun The two of Chun went to Nanxianghou's Mansion and Meiyang Jun's Mansion (Fang Hanchen's mansion) respectively, and took Deng Ju and Fang Hanchen's family members into prison.

In the early morning of the next day, Deng Sheng finally appeared in the Jingyang Hall, which made the rumors about whether Deng Sheng had passed away or not.

Deng Gaocheng sat on the throne and said: "The widow went hunting in the countryside a few days ago. Unfortunately, I was assassinated by an assassin. Fortunately, my ancestors protected me. I only suffered a little injury and there is no danger of life. Resting in peace, you cannot be disturbed, so I have asked the Empress Dowager to be the supervisor of the country, assisted by Cai Xiang and the six ministers, fortunately, there is no major incident in the court to release the life."

"Your Majesty is blessed with the same blessings as the heavens, all gods bless you, and I congratulate you for your Majesty!" the ministers bowed.

Deng Sheng smiled and nodded, and said: "If everyone in the world thinks like Zhu Qing, then there will not be so many disturbances in the world of Da Deng. Come, come and announce the decree!"

When everyone was at a loss, the servant took out the decree and read it out: "The widow was ordered by the sky to be in charge of Deng, but there are often people with different ideas who want to change the dynasty and overthrow the universe. The widow is very evil. Today there is Nanxiang Hou Dengju, General Cheqi, and Fang Hanchen, the Lord of Meiyang, planned and carried out the assassination on the outskirts of Wancheng on September [-]th, the first year of Qianyuan. , should punish the nine clans, but God has the virtue of loving life. It is thought that Deng Ju was a brother of the widow, and made a lot of contributions at the beginning of the widow's ascension to the throne; Only punish the chief villain, the Meiyang Lord's Mansion changed the nine clans into the Yi clan, and the nine clans were assigned to Shangyong, and defended the frontier, this is it!"

Before the ministers could react, the servant came up with another decree and read it out: "The ancients have said: the strong wind knows the strong grass, and the toughness knows the loyal ministers. In this incident of quelling chaos, Prime Minister Cai Feng, General Huang Biao, Six ministers, servants Zhang Bin, Yao Guangxiao, and Su Hong were loyal to the king's affairs, so that there was no chaos in the court, and a special reward of 3000 taels of gold was given to the ministers as a reward. General Wei Yue Fei, General Pingxi Chang Yuchun, and General Pingnan Yang Yanzhao were loyal to The king's affairs are not far away, and the hearts of the widows are very comforting. Yue Fei was appointed as the general of chariots and still guarded Jiangling, Yang Yanzhao was appointed as the general who conquered the south and still guarded Xiling, and Chang Yuchun was appointed as the general who conquered the west and still guarded Xixian County. Deng Ai is General Habayashi, commander of the Habayashi Army, I respect you!"

"Thank you, Great King!" Everyone came out to thank you, while the others were still in a daze, not knowing what happened.

Before they could figure it out, the servant took out the third order again and read it out: "Xue Rengui, Li Siye, Gao Shun, Huang Mu, Huang Deng and others performed outstandingly during the hunting. The meritorious service is very great. Xue Rengui was specially appointed as Mingwu General, and he served under Yue Fei's command. To be the king's personal guard, to protect the king's left and right, to appoint Huang Mu as a partial general, to serve as the deputy general of the Modao army, to add Huang Deng as the partial general, and to serve as the deputy general of the trapped camp, I admire you!"

"Thank you, King Long En!" Xue Rengui and others came out and said.

After the servant had finished reading out the decree, everyone realized that the noise in Wancheng last night was due to the rebellion of Marquis Nanxiang and General Fang Hanchen. At the same time, each of them was a little annoyed, why didn't they come to take a look last night? Maybe he can also get some credit for escorting him, and today he has his own share in becoming an official and a noble.

Deng Sheng glanced at the crowd of His Royal Highness, and said: "Marquis Nanxiang and Fang Hanchen, these two people, one is the elder brother of the widow, at the beginning of the widow's ascension to the throne, he defended the widow everywhere, and the other is the confidant of the former king, who made great achievements for the great Deng. The military exploits, even though they made big mistakes today, are still credited to the community, when historians record today’s events, they must not omit the achievements of the two in the past, they must be recorded truthfully, and the merits and demerits of the two will be passed on to future generations.”

"Your Majesty is broad-minded and magnanimous, and I admire you!"

In this way, a vigorous farce of assassinating the king and killing the king came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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