Super Seminary My Holy Blade

Chapter 147 Heart fire burns, destroys you

Chapter 147 Heart fire burns, destroys you

"Final blow!"

Seeing that Chen Tian and Leng had no strength to fight back, Bakht drew the last sword, rotated himself 360° infinitely, and swung the sword forward at the same time.

Bakht aimed at Chentian, while Leng had a phantom with a red visor that looked like a weirdo. He also rotated 360° infinitely and slashed at Leng with his sword.

Dark red and orange flames were burning on the field, and the hell-like direction was reflected in the Death Song Academy, and the two attacks landed on the two of them at the same time.

Seal the throat with a sword!Karl, the god of death who watched the battle, even kept watching, unable to see what happened.I just felt that suddenly there was a blur in front of my eyes, and two black shadows passed by, passing by Chen Tian and Leng, and then. . .Then Chen Tian and Leng seemed to be pierced through their bodies, Bakht and that phantom rushed out of their bodies.


Chen Tian and Leng received a fatal blow, and screamed in pain as if they had been pierced by thousands of arrows. The transformation was lifted, and he fell to the ground unbearably.

Bakht is really too strong, and he also possesses such a terrible weapon as the Wuming Sword Void that can affect the holy sword, Chen Tian and Leng can't fight against it at all.

"Stupid goose, are you okay?" His body was in pain, but Chentian was concerned about the cold at the first moment.

Leng pretended to be strong and shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

However, in fact, the attack just now had completely broken her ribs and one leg bone.Now she can hardly even stand up.

Bakht looked at the two who had lost their fighting strength, and instead of making a move immediately, he squatted down and mocked Chen Tian, ​​"Is this the holy swordsman Fei Yu is really looking for that will bring love and peace? Isn't it too weak?"

"You said you knew Senior Feiyu..."

The physical trauma was really too severe, and the Wuming Sword Wuwu could actually do this. Just now, Chen Tian almost received nearly three-quarters of the attack.Even if there is a unique divine body that can be repaired by crushing bones, Chen Tian can't hold it at all.Even if he wanted to stand up and continue to fight against Bakht, he was still restrained by the pain caused by the nothingness of this inscription sword.

"Is this the so-called swordsman of love and peace? I don't think so. There is no so-called love and peace in your swordsmanship. It is all distracting thoughts. What are you panicking and afraid of? Speaking of which, what is your panic? Something? Because your dark sword and moon made you see something strange~"

Bakht's unbearable and mocking words made Chentian even more angry, but now it is difficult for him to even stand up.He could only stare at Bakht fiercely.

The anger in Chentian's eyes, but Bacht didn't take it seriously, and continued: "Your love and peace are false in my eyes, and shouting for love and peace is simply a so-called false cry. Love and peace do not exist at all. This Only power is everything in this world! It is impossible to protect this world with so-called love and peace alone!
do you understand! "

The more Bakht spoke, the more excited he seemed to be refuting Chentian's idea, he grabbed Chentian's collar excitedly, lifted Chentian up, and 'persuaded' Chentian to give up those boring ideas.

"Bah!" For Bakht's question, Chentian just spat in return on Bakht's mask.His eyes only showed hatred for Bakht and Karl, the god of death, for harming the earth.

Bakht was not angry because Chentian spit on him, but let go of Chentian, turned and walked away, and said in a low voice: "If you are not convinced, then you stand up and defeat me with action. If you really If you think that love and peace can defeat me, then stand up and keep fighting!"

After finishing speaking, Bakht ignored Chen Tian and walked forward.

Karl, the god of death, just watched, and he didn't want it to end like this. He still wanted Chentian to continue to resist, and then let Chentian completely fall into malice.

But Chen Tian really felt so much pain that he really couldn't stand up.Now the ancient dragon data is blocked.The wound slashed by the Wuming sword, without the level of treatment of Yuqin or the ancient dragon, it is impossible to recover in a short time.

Seeing that Chentian has not moved, Karl, the god of death, knew that this needs to stimulate Chentian again. With a sinister smile, he said in a strange way: "Chentian, the holy swordsman, I just got the news from the earth that the Taotie and the demon army have been completely destroyed. South China Sea Fleet, your Juxia is gone, and Lena blew it up herself.

And your good friend Liu Chuang and the others are now besieged by Morgana, Ducao and Chen Yaowen have died in battle, and your army has been broken up.The Earth now belongs to Morgana and I to rule.If you don’t believe me, you can ask your angel friend to open a dark message to ask the angels on Earth, little hero~”

Even Bakht began to stimulate Chentian's will, and said angrily: "Didn't you say you want to protect your world? Didn't you swear with the holy sword? Could it be that everything you said is a lie! If you Stand up for me if you think you are a hero who can protect the world!"

Chen Tian, ​​who was about to lose consciousness completely, after hearing these words, his slack eyes once again condensed. He knew that Karl, the god of death, did not lie to him. Own.

But Chentian was really inspired, he couldn't accept that his planet was hurt by these bastards!
Sure enough, Chentian was driven by the will not to admit defeat and the desire to avenge everyone. He stood up again while holding on to his body that was about to fall at any time.

Shiguo Sword Realm Shi could no longer be used, Chen Tian took out the Water Potential Sword Flowing Water and Huoyan Sword Lihuo and limped towards Bakht.Only determination and anger remained in his eyes.

"You killed an irreplaceable companion to me...I want to avenge them..." Chen Tian roared in a low voice, dragging the holy sword to walk forward, and the holy sword wiped out the ground for a while along the way. spark.

He can't forgive Death Karl!Ducao and Yaowen were actually killed by them!
"Stupid! Don't do stupid things, your body has been hacked to pieces! Don't transform again!" Leng, who was still lying on the ground, tried his last strength to dissuade Chen Tian.

However, Chen Tian is a bit of a dead-headed person, once he decides on something, he won't stop.

Chen Tian walked all the way, wearing a belt all the way, he was so injured that even his voice became depressed, he could only say in a hoarse voice: "I know I can't transform anymore, but my home is destroyed I can't turn my back on tomorrow's Earth."

"But your body can no longer bear the damage! If you continue like this, you will die!" Leng even tried to dissuade Chentian hoarsely. She also knew how painful the destruction of her homeland was, but she really couldn't just watch Chentian to die.

But Chentian was still walking forward, and was about to approach Bakht and Karl, the god of death. At this moment, there was no trace of fear in his eyes.Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Chen Tian smiled bitterly and said:

"It has nothing to do with being able to transform, a man should become strong for others.

As long as I still wear this belt and hold the holy sword, I will be a holy swordsman. In order to protect the world, I will draw a beautiful holy swordsman. "

Finally, the moment Chen Tian approached Bakht, he exhausted his last strength and slashed towards Bakht with his sword.

"Humph, how naive." Regarding Chentian's last counterattack, Bakht just snorted coldly, and casually used Wuming Sword Wuwu to break away Chentian's powerless sword, and hit Chentian's flawless sword in front of Chentian's chest. In an instant, a sword slashed up.

Then the sword fell, and it would split Chen Tian into two from head to toe.Seeing that Chen Tian was about to sacrifice here.

The miracle happened!
An ice-blue light flashed from Chentian's chest, resisting Bakht's slash, and then slammed into Bakht's chest, knocking Bakht away.

Then the light faded, and an ice blue fantasy drive book fell into Chen Tian's hands.

"This is... the book that Menyashi gave me?" Looking at the new fantasy driving book in his hand, which had a picture of the ice and snow maned lion, Chen Tian recognized it.

It's a very strange book, unlike the ancient dragons and the others, there is a white button in this activated fantasy-driven book.

This is the gift Men Yashi gave him that day, a gift of praise for his courage.

It was also at this moment that Chen Tian found that the pain in his body had actually eased, as if ice cubes had been applied to the wound to relieve himself, and now he could move freely again.

(Thank you decade.)
No matter so much, Chen Tian immediately pressed the button of this strange book.

"[Mane Ice Beast Battle!]"

"[The silver mane that commands all beasts and walks on the road of wind and snow, has experienced many battles!]"

As Chentian pressed the button, the book opened automatically, showing the engraving on the left inner cover like the claw of the king of beasts, and the closed engraving on the right.

Bakht hadn't recovered from the impact just now, Chentian made a decisive decision, and immediately inserted the Water Potential Sword into his belt, and inserted the new fantasy drive book horizontally on the belt.


As the wind and snow shattered, the standby sound sounded like a proud lion roaring in the cold wind.

Under this standby tone, Mane Ice Beast War Record is located behind Chen Tian, ​​and like a proud lion, he pulls out his holy sword.

"【Running water draws the knife!】"

"[The mane unfolds!]"

As the holy sword was pulled out, the engraving on the mane of the Ice Beast War Record rotated in a circle and unfolded into four-colored darts. A lion from the world of ice and snow ran out of the book on ice and snow, and galloped to Chentian around.

The ice and snow lion was running in the Dead Song Academy, the cold air froze the surroundings, and icicles rose from the ground one by one.


Following Chentian's imposing cry from the soul, Chentian gracefully cooperated with the ice and snow lion to dance the holy sword, and threw a sword light forward.

"【The mane that rules everything, the mane, the mane...! Ice Beast Battle~! (Aw~!!!!)】"

The chanting continued, and the sword light flew back towards Chentian. In this world of ice and snow, the snow and ice lion became one with Chentian.

The pure white battle armor representing the power of ice and snow, and the blue breastplate of the king of beasts, from head to waist, the white mane is exclusive to the king of beasts, like a proud and unyielding lion, from the world of ice and snow The ice beasts are coming here.

“[Long get!]”

The icicles dissipated and turned into snowflakes, which landed beside Chen Tian.

"Burning heart fire, crushing your body!"

(End of this chapter)

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