Super Seminary My Holy Blade

Chapter 312 is divided into 8 paragraphs

Chapter 312 Divided into Eight Paragraphs

Damn it, it hurts so much, this Tian Zha used so much force with that sword just now.

This kind of pain made Lingxi break out in a cold sweat. He wanted to resist but felt that he couldn't exert any strength.

It's all my fault for going the wrong way, otherwise Tian Zha would have pierced through his abdomen at this moment, it must be the troops who found the power of the galaxy, and let this Tian Zha get beaten and run away.

The situation is bad, the current situation, maybe if the situation is better, Leng, Yitian and Shia defeated the enemy, while he was sacrificed and fell.

But the worst result is that if Leng, Xiya, and Yitian are killed in battle, they will also sacrifice themselves, and the soldiers here will also be buried with them because they brought the slag.

Lingxi blamed herself for a while, and wished to slap herself twice. She couldn't even imagine how bad the result would be after making such a mistake.

"Captain Zhao, are you okay?" Not far away, the officer who Lingxi pushed away just now was helped up by a soldier.

Captain Zhao shook his dizzy head, waved his hands to show he was fine, and said, "I'm fine, where's that angel girl?"

Just now Lingxi pushed him away so fast that Captain Zhao fell down before he had time to react. He saw nothing but a flash of white shadow.

But fortunately, someone saw it, and a soldier pointed to the direction where Lingxi was pierced and pushed away by the slag just now, and reminded: "Captain, I just saw a winged birdman with a sword to kill that The female angel was stabbed, and then she was pushed and flew to the camp over there."

"Ah! Is it okay? Go find Chuang Zi and Fan Xing to come over and see what this is." Captain Zhao was taken aback, and hurriedly asked someone to come over to have a look.

He didn't know what the situation was, and he didn't know why the angels ran into the barracks to fight, but at least he knew that after such an incident happened, he couldn't solve it with ordinary people alone.

This kind of big thing can only be perfected by the great gods.

Captain Zhao gave orders, and several soldiers went to find someone.

On Lingxi's side, the pain had already caused her to sweat coldly. It was obviously very painful, but she didn't cry or cry.

Even if he might die after a while, Lingxi didn't show any expression of fear, on the contrary, there was only a generous determination in his eyes.

Even if it is death, you must not show the slightest fear to the enemy!

This is Lingxi's thoughts and determination at the moment.

"Hehe." However, Lingxi's attitude made Tianzha sneer again and again. Instead of admiring her courage, he cupped his cup, poked his head forward, and laughed and mocked: "Do you really think that the little girl may Is that juggling swordsman boy in his twenties who can lead the angels to tomorrow?"

This sounded like a rhetorical question to Lingxi, and this disgusting attitude, as well as this almost pussy-like appearance, were really disgusting.

An old man, not to mention the clothes, that is the tradition of your civilization, but you look like a little boy and talk like a woman than a eunuch, then you are really disgusting.

"Bah, one, a bunch of stupid pigs thrown out of the sky by Queen Keisha, Angel Nebula... Do you think you are capable?"

Just looking at her made her angry, Lingxi spat on the spot in disdain, even though the pain was so unbearable, her body couldn't help shaking from the pain, Lingxi still never gave in and scolded these arrogant and stupid gods scum.

It's not that Lingxi is being stupid, she has a purpose, she wants to attract Tian Zha's attention, so that the group of human soldiers can buy time to retreat, even if she sacrifices herself, she must protect certain talents !
And if you're lucky, maybe the biggest dark energy emission point will come close. If that person is a friendly army, then there must be salvation.

"Hmph! Be honest with me!" Sure enough, a stupid pig is a stupid pig, and Tian Zha was immediately stimulated, and he grabbed Lingxi's throat in a rage on the spot, threatening: "It's best to let me let go of your attitude!" Be low! The one standing in front of you is the male angel who once ruled the Angel Nebula, how can you, a lowly thing, talk to me like this?"

It's really stupid. First, he took the initiative to tell the nasty things Hua Ye did before, but now he didn't even notice such an obvious behavior that attracted attention, and he was still yelling.

It's no wonder, after all, Keisha killed all the smart people in the scum back then, leaving Hua Ye with a bunch of idiot-like subordinates, who can't do anything except fight for power.

That's great, as long as the other party's attention is not directed towards the human soldiers, Lingxi is suddenly happy in his heart, but on the surface Lingxi still shows hatred, and sneers disdainfully: "You, you also know that was once, Now, now you are nothing more than a wild dog who can't even find a kennel, you will only be judged sooner or later!"

"Hmph! Judgment?" How could Tian Zha believe such words, and immediately increased the strength in his hand, letting Lingxi feel the feeling of suffocation. , The Styx galaxy has been occupied by us and now is Hua Ye's era, anyone who dares to resist Hua Ye and Ruoning will die, the new order cannot be doubted."

Saying that, this guy let go of the hand holding Lingxi, turned around, closed his eyes, and spread his hands as if wanting to embrace the air, with a narcissistic look.

Convinced, how did this kind of guy survive to this era?If you have this free time to chat, if you don't hurry up to kill and silence, what kind of g8 new order are you still intoxicated with?Are you waiting for the other party to shake someone over?
"What about the G8 bird order? Everyone has to die, everyone has to die?"

There is a good saying, the villain died of talking too much, just because the guy criticized too much, finally a black armored soldier carrying a huge ax slowly walked behind him.

Sergeant of the Xiongbing Company, Nuoxing God of War Liu Chuang has arrived!The place Lingxi came to was Liu Chuang's barracks!

Unexpectedly, Lingxi accidentally went the wrong way and ran to Liu Chuang's barracks, and it happened that Liu Chuang and the others hadn't gone out to fight Taotie today. Just after Captain Zhao said that a male angel was attacking a female angel, Liu Chuang I rushed over.

Tian Zha heard someone talking behind him, turned around and stared at Liu Chuang in black armor, and said calmly to himself: "Oh? I heard that there is a company of heroes on earth? Is this the black armor warrior? I don’t know where this guy came from? Could this guy be the power of the galaxy? Or maybe the holy swordsman Chen Tian? No, why is the holy swordsman holding an ax? Shouldn’t he be holding a sword?”

Tian Zha guessed wildly there, and at the same time found that his dark energy analyzer could not read Liu Chuang's data, and felt a little worried.

Who is this sudden appearance?Could it be that this little angel really found the right person?

On the other hand, Lingxi, who was already so pained that she couldn't stand it, smiled happily. She knew that this man was Liu Chuang, the Nuoxing God of War of the Xiongbing Company, the real God of War!
Liu Chuang couldn't stand being guessed by Tian Zha, anyway, he only knew one thing, that is, anyone who dared to hurt his angel friend was an enemy.

"Are you yelling at you mlgb?" Being guessed by others, Liu Chuang immediately uttered vulgar words, casually found a stone as a stool and sat down, put down the god-killing ax in his hand, and compared an eight with his hands Gestures threatened Tian Zha: "Grandpa, my name is Liu Chuang, you can die if she lives, and if she dies, you will score eight!"

(End of this chapter)

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