Super Seminary My Holy Blade

Chapter 365 Levis Can't Create Demons

Chapter 365 Levis Can't Create Demons
"You think so? Chen Tian, ​​why don't you hurry up and bring Kaisha's bitch out of there!"

Looking at Chen Tian who was in a coma with his eyes closed, Liang Bing almost shouted to make Chen Tian wake up quickly.

Forcibly pressing down on the cover, the current was completely suppressed back, the evil seal was stamped on the stamp injector, and a dinosaur stamp was printed on it.

“【come on! re re re re re rex! come on! re...】”

After the seal was successfully sealed, the exciting standby sound sounded, and the energy surged rapidly, and Atuo, who was supporting Chentian, also felt that Chentian's body was heating up.

At this moment, Chen Tian, ​​who was in a coma, opened his eyes. He woke up after withdrawing from the spiritual world of the ancient dragon. Kesha brought out.

At that moment just now, I was still arguing with Kesha in the spiritual world of the ancient dragon. At that moment, a cold voice came, and then a hand reached out to me and Kesha.

At that time, Chentian knew that it was Liangbing who was helping, so he grabbed Liangbing's hand and came back from there without thinking too much.

Everyone doesn't need to say much, they all know that the next step will be left to Chentian himself to solve.

"A Tuo, you and Artest go out and monitor the vicinity of the asteroid belt first. Next, Chen Tian will solve it by himself."

Seeing this, Liang Bing knew that Kaisha would come out next, so he found a reason and planned to send Ato away.

"Okay queen, I'll leave it to you here." Chen Tian has already woken up, and the work of waiting for him has been completed, and A Tuo doesn't have to keep guarding, so he reported to Liang Bing, and took Artest and others away room, and return to their respective posts.

"Thank you." Because of everyone's care and support, Chen Tian's heart was beating violently, thanking you for your help, Chen Tian clenched the seal in his hand.

"It's boiling ~ Transformation!"

At this moment, the seal was loaded into the slot, and with a flip, the injector that imprinted the Tyrannosaurus pattern turned around obliquely, aligning the pattern from above to the front.

“[Buddy up!]”

"Hey, it's time for this girl to appear!"

As the seal was pulled, the belt issued an online notification sound, and above Chen Tian's head appeared a blue phantom holding a huge seal that looked like a demon, and he directly removed the seal in one breath. It was buckled on Chen Tian's body.

Chen Tian, ​​who was covered in it, felt his heart beating extremely fast, and his physical injuries began to heal gradually.The divine atom of Holy Keisha is also gradually transforming into a part of herself.

"[Stamp! Admit! Roll! Forward! Kamen Rider ~ Levi-Weiss-Ssa-Levis!]"

With the catchy melody, the bold lyrics, and the right bgm, Chen Tian's body transformed.

The sides are pink, the center is a blue body, the blue breastplate and legs have wild patterns, just like the devil's red eyes and sharp teeth mask in the picture story.

Kamen Rider Levi who uses forbidden power with the Tyrannosaurus seal on his chest.

At the same time, the phantom that emerged from Chen Tian's body also changed at the moment when Chen Tian's transformation was completed.

After a burst of flashes, she directly obtained the ability to materialize, as well as pink wrist armor and leg armor.

Wearing a small pink tyrannosaurus hat, pink scarf around the neck, blue devil-like eyes, pink wrist armor and leg armor on the left and right of the dark body, dragging a long tail to flick stood behind Chen Tian.

"it is good!"

Men Yashi was very excited at the moment, Chen Tian was safe and sound is really the biggest gain, and because he was too excited, he didn't hear that there was a knight who shouldn't have in the voice just now.

Now that Chen Tian got the power of Levi's without incident, separated the demon and Keisha, which made him couldn't help but took out a bluetooth speaker and released a song.

"No one can ever know
Nobody knows!

"A devil's whisper is a call"

hand に は negative えない present

unbearable reality

追い问められEdge of a cliff
forced to stand on a cliff
will be abandoned by God


The mind is the target of the devil
In this world judged by "justice"


Hiding the gloomy darkness "Devil's Breath"

それでも光探し「Anti-い続け叫べyo hang in there」

Even so, still looking for a ray of light "continue calling you to hold on". . . . "

The BGM was added, and in this gloomy but passionate atmosphere, Chen Tian felt that the Blade King Sword had gradually calmed down and established a perfect connection with himself, and he felt that his strength had increased a lot.

"elder sister?"

Looking at the demon-like woman standing beside Chen Tian in front of him, Liang Bing called out tentatively.

Liang Bing always felt something weird at this moment, obviously the armor she designed for Kaisha shouldn't look like this.

But Weiss did not immediately respond to Liang Bing.But he tilted his head and looked at her suspiciously, feeling that something was weird.

"Brother, why does this woman call me elder sister? When did I have a younger sister? Didn't all the dragons in my family die?"

Weiss pulled Chentian's arm, seeking Chentian's answer in doubt.

That's right, this Weiss was transformed from an ancient dragon!
But the cute voice of this ancient dragon caused an uproar.Kaisha didn't come out of Chentian's body?And isn't this the ancient dragon of Chentian?Why did the ancient dragon appear in that armor?What about the demon in Chentian's body?
But it's not just that, when everyone was surprised for two seconds, they noticed that there was a figure behind Chen Tian.

At this moment, Chentian pulled that person out, and said slowly: "Welcome back, Kaisha."

One with dark purple as the main body, with golden eyes and golden hair hanging down on the face mask, a pair of purple wings that are very similar to Liang Bing's wings are temporarily closed on the back, and the purple leather armor outlines a sexy figure, crossed Standing behind Chen Tian.

That's Keisha, Kamen Rider Shisha.

This scene really shocked Men Yashi, no devil appeared?No demon was created in Chentian's body, but the ancient dragon took the place of Weiss.Miraculously, Kaisha was also successfully separated without creating a demon.

What's the matter?Why can't create a demon with the evil seal and still be able to separate Kesha?

Men Yashi couldn't figure out why, and lowered his head in thought.

"Leng Bing, is this the armor you made?"

Wearing a new armor, Kaisha came out from behind Chentian, hearing this somewhat unhappy tone, as if she was going to tease her sister for her poor workmanship.

The attitude was a bit too arrogant, and I don't know what's going on, the two sisters will definitely be so tense when they meet.

Liang Bing was also angry, but she was kind enough to save Kaisha, and Kaisha seemed to complain about something wrong, and said angrily: "Yes, it was designed by me. You can wear it or not. If you have the ability, you can wear it." Walk naked into the street."

Well, now the door warrior also understands why the Levi's driver has only two knight characteristics, but it has three.

After working for a long time, Liang Bing modified the principle of the design drawing privately, and designed a copy for Kaisha.

But what Monyashi couldn't figure out was where did the devil go?Why can't a demon be born in Chentian's body?Mingming Chentian is sometimes very violent, has negative emotions, and has a lot of troubles, but why is there no demon born?
As for why Kaisha will also transform, the reason is very simple.

Chentian likes Kaisa very much, and now Kaisha has not completely collected enough sacred atoms, so Liangbing thought about designing a knight system for Kaisha, so that Kaisha can do more work for Chentian.

From Liang Bing's point of view, the Wes armor worn by the ancient dragon looked stupid and cute, and it didn't fit Kesha's temperament at all, which made Liang Bing add new design principles into it.

But seeing that the two were about to fight again, Chen Tian couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately planned to pull the two apart before talking.

There is no way that these two are both wives, and you are partial to whoever you help.

But Kaisha walked up to Liangbing directly, and looked at Liangbing with those golden eyes.

This made Liang Bing afraid to look directly at Kaisha.Just now she was out of breath and talked back to Kesha, but now that she thinks that she has blown up her sister like this, and caused Chentian to suffer so many injuries, how dare she say anything.

At this moment, Keisha slowly raised her hand, as if she wanted to slap Liang Bing.

And Liang Bing also closed her eyes, waiting for her sister to educate her rebellious sister.

But after waiting for a long time, the slap still didn't fall, and what followed was that he had been dragging himself around since he was a child, and put the hand that cared for him on his face.

"I'm back, Liangbing. Thank you for saving Chentian."

(End of this chapter)

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