Super Seminary My Holy Blade

Chapter 492 Leaving You For The Last Time

Chapter 492 Leaving You For The Last Time
There must be something extraordinary in front, this call from the blood and spirit, the familiarity of the smell, and the smiling face that you can't see but seem to be able to see.

Yes, it must be so!is her!

Chen Tian felt it, the person who surprised everyone seemed to be her!
At this moment, Chen Tian wanted to take off the blindfold to confirm who it was, but Hexi reminded: "Chentian, don't take off the blindfold, otherwise the stars will fly away, you have to step by step Go ahead and grab the stars to bring them back."

Will it fly away?Is it because you want to let yourself take a few more steps?
In this case, Chen Tian did not refuse, and nodded in agreement with He Xi's words.

Hexi and Kaisha were very satisfied with Chentian's reaction, and after they looked at each other and smiled, they said to the rest of them: "Let's go, the next thing belongs to them, come back later and give it to Chentian." Just celebrate your birthday."

"Okay." Yan also knew that it was Chentian's time, so he immediately obeyed the arrangement and left with Hexi and Kaisha.

Then Ah Zhui and Moy also followed together, and A Tao also dragged Xing Ning, who still wanted to watch the show, and followed Kaila and Sakura to exit.

But now in the back garden, only Chen Tian and that Xiumagiya are left.

Chen Tian walked forward slowly, his eyes were blindfolded, he could only move forward slowly, and every time he took a step, he could feel his heart beating more intensely.

Getting more and more excited, the beating sound of the heart seems to be echoing in the brain, the heart longing for family members is telling Chen Tian to hurry up.

And Chen Tian kept walking forward while his heart was speeding up, his steps were steady but without losing speed, he walked to the front faster and faster.

Then, at the moment when Chentian approached Xiumagia, that Xiumagia suddenly opened his hand and hugged Chentian tenderly.

She was smiling, very sweetly, that was her love for Chen Tian.Her eyes reflected a whole world that could make Chen feel peaceful and happy.

She has a pointed oval face, slender eyebrows, and a delicate and beautiful appearance. She has a pair of cute big eyes, and her long black hair is dyed with a few strands of red hair, just like that. Draped over the shoulders.

Chen Tian didn't need to take off the blindfold to know who it was, he was willing to hug himself to stabilize his heart, the familiar sweet smell on his body, and the feeling of being connected by blood.

"Mom? Is that you?" Chen Tian called her softly and tremblingly, there were already some tears in the eyes under the blindfold.

That person didn't answer Chen Tian immediately, but stretched out his hand and gently took off Chen Tian's blindfold, showed a smile like a good wife and mother as gentle as water, and responded softly: "Xiao Tian, ​​I'm back."

"Mom!" At this moment Chentian saw clearly who the other party was, he finally couldn't bear the longing for him, tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and he shouted at the other party with all his strength.

How cruel is love?For the past six months, Chentian has been thinking about Mu Yubing, but he can't revive Mu Yubing, because Mu Yubing really died 20 years ago, and there is no dark information that can restore Mu Yubing's existence .

After being attacked by Chen Lie's malicious attack, the Bugster's existence program was erased, and even the Bugster's program could not revive Mu Yubing, so Chen Tian has been thinking about Mu Yubing who sacrificed for him and Shia.

She is Chentian's only blood relative besides Xi Ya. She used to watch over Chentian's long journey. Since she left, the darkness in front of Chentian began to slowly cover.

"I miss you so much, I thought..." As if he was afraid that he was dreaming, Chen Tian hugged Mu Yubing tightly, venting all the pressure from the past six months.

He really needs someone to talk about these pains, but he can't show his pain in front of his lovers or brothers and friends, so he can only move forward with a heavy burden.

And Mu Yubing is the only one who can let Chen Tian vent his distress, because she is a mother, a mother will always guide the child what to do, will share the child's pain, and is willing to listen to the child's voice.

Seeing the pressure Chentian suffered in the past six months, Mu Yubing felt heartbroken, and sobbed to comfort him: "It's okay, I'm still here, you don't need to be sad, I will always watch you."

Although Mu Yubing didn't see how much Chen Tian had suffered, she could guess it.

Chen Tian is her child, why doesn't she understand how stupid Chen Tian is?With Yi Chentian's character, it doesn't take much to know that Chentian must have resisted a lot of pressure in the past six months to restore the earth.

And just yesterday when He Xi turned on the phone for her, Mu Yubing heard He Xi say that there are traitors on the earth who betrayed the earth to become scumbags.

How can these pressures not make Chentian uncomfortable?

"Don't worry, Mom will always be by your side, and will never leave you." Because it is Humagia's body, Mu Yubing cannot shed tears, but she is also comforting Chen Tian at this moment .

Chen Tian is so sad, why doesn't she feel uncomfortable?
It was all caused by the group of traitors who caused chaos for Chentian. When they returned to the earth, they would kill all those people, and then wipe out the scum headed by Hua Ye, and let them know that they dared to add to her son Mu Yubing. What a terrible end to worry and stress.

It is true that Mu Yubing has been transformed into Xiumagia now, but Chentian can still feel that this is still his mother, the body temperature and the warmth that he can feel have not changed.

"Has it been half a year? You have suffered a lot, right?" Mu Yubing hugged Chentian, she knew how much pressure Chentian had endured in the past six months.

But even so, Chen Tian still said firmly: "No, I don't feel bitter, I still have you, I have your mother, my sister Shiya, my wives like Reina, and my friends like Xiao Lun. Stay with me, I don't feel bitter."

Everything can be carried, as long as they can be protected well, if there is only a piece of scorched earth left in the end, then that is what Chen Tian never wants to see.

"Thank you, Chentian." Seeing that Chentian was still standing there strong and insisting that he was fine, Mu Yubing blamed herself even more. Although the tears could not flow, her voice was crying: "Thank you for not blaming me." , I’m sorry that I will never leave you again, I left you 22 years ago, and half a year ago, this is the last time, and I will never leave you in the future.”

Mu Yubing swears at this moment that she understands where the malice in Chentian's heart comes from, and also understands what kind of terrifying power Chentian's love for relatives and friends can turn into.

She will never let Chen Tian get hurt again, she already loves people so much, but just choosing to sacrifice this kind of thing will only drive Chen Tian's mind even more crazy.

"Chentian, happy birthday."

(End of this chapter)

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