Chapter 128 Dilemma
That light, like a strange flower suddenly blooming in the darkness, illuminated people's eyes.Lu Xueqi led the crowd into the light, their eyes lit up, and they were immediately taken aback by the scene in front of them.

It turned out that the last place they were chasing just now was a spacious and straight passage. Outside this passage, there was an unbelievably huge space. On the ground, there stood a huge boulder emitting a strong light, illuminating the entire space.

But the most surprising thing is not the huge boulder, but behind the boulder, deep in the light, there is a huge abyss suddenly opened. The light emitted by this boulder illuminates the dome of the cave, but it seems impossible Half a point deep into the abyss behind it, from the sky, it is pitch black, and even the other end of the abyss cannot be seen, only a lifeless and gloomy darkness.

In front of that boulder, there were three people standing at the moment, one was a bearded man, the other was a pretty young woman, and the third was a pale young man dressed in white with an evil look on his face.Daoist Wild Dog and his tall companion fell down and stood in front of the boulder.

Lu Xueqi saw it, seeing those people had strange appearances, she dared not be careless, greeted her colleagues, and landed five zhang away from the crowd under the boulder.

Everyone stood still and looked around, only to see three big characters engraved on the strange luminous boulder in ancient seal script:

Seeing the four people from Qingyunmen fall down, the few people standing under the boulder did not make any movement, only a bearded man frowned and said: "Wild dog, Liu Hao, you are too bad. A few juniors of Qingyun, who are in such a mess, even led them to this Necromancer Abyss!"

The wild dog Taoist dog blushed, and was about to distinguish, a middle-aged young woman standing behind the big man glanced at them, and suddenly said sharply: "Where is Jiang Laosan?"

The wild dog glanced at where Jiang Yuye was, and said with lingering fear: "He died under the hands of that junior."


These people who were originally as stable as Mount Tai were moved, but it seemed that they didn't kill Jiang Laosan because of the high morals of the Qingyunmen. The young woman was stunned for a moment, shook her head, and said: "It's not good for us to pursue the blood-sucking old monster. Confession!"

The bearded man pondered for a moment, turned around and looked at the Qingyunmen, and said: "Then let's take these Qingyun juniors and hand them over to the blood-sucking seniors, that's all."

The others nodded in agreement.Jiang Yuye saw that they were so supportive one by one, and felt cold in his heart, but there were three companions behind him, and it was not easy for him to use the advanced swordsmanship of the 'Shushan School', so he whispered to the three behind him: "These people It seems that they are the masterminds of the Demon Cult here, I am afraid that the Daoxing is still higher than those people just now, everyone should be careful to deal with it."

Everyone responded, Jiang Yuye stood at the front and nodded slightly.

At this time, the big man took a step forward and said to the Qingyun sect: "I advise you guys to arrest them without a fight, lest when we make a move, you will have your bones and tendons broken and you will suffer from flesh and blood!"

Jiang Yuye snorted, before she could speak, she heard Lu Xueqi coldly say from behind her: "Demon clown, dare to be rampant, today is the day you are waiting to die."

Zhang Xiaofan and Zeng Shushu clapped their hands at the same time, said: "Junior Sister Lu is right, that's exactly what it is!"

The big man's face changed, his face was as frosty, and he said coldly: "You are looking for death!"

Didn't see how he moved, just glared at the four people, Zhang Xiaofan was concentrating himself on guard, suddenly saw the big man's normal eyes, the right eye suddenly doubled in size and turned red.The entire giant eye appeared on his face, which was terrifying and comical at the same time.

He was feeling strange when suddenly a red light shot out from the big man's red giant eyes, and shot towards him quickly.Everyone in the Qingyun Sect saw his strange appearance, so they had paid attention to him a long time ago. Jiang Yuye made sword fingers with both hands, and directly faced the red light that was shot, and emitted a few Qijue sword qi.

Qijue Sword Qi.

This should belong to Lin Jiabao's move in the world of 'Sword of Immortal Sword', and it was also used by Jiang Yuye at this moment.

The two collided together, unexpectedly, the red glow seemed to contain a fierce force, although it couldn't take down the Qijue Sword Qi for a while, but just looking at the momentum and corrosiveness, it seemed that the enemy's attack was even stronger.


Seeing this, Jiang Yuye frowned subconsciously.

The opponent's strength may not be much stronger than his own, but his corrosive murderous red light is definitely not comparable to the 'Seven Absolute Sword Qi'.

No, after discovering this for the first time, he quickly shook the Ruoxue in his hand, and the snowflakes all over the sky flew in an instant, and at the same time, he also used the divine sword to block in front of everyone, and the red light hit On the Ruoxue Divine Sword, it flashed twice, and then disappeared without a trace in the emerald green light emitted by the Ruoxue Divine Sword.

The magic eye opened again!

The originally extremely ferocious round bead once again showed its ferocity. The emerald green light only flickered twice, and the attack that defiled Qihao's Frost Immortal Sword in the "Original Work" was completely dispelled. up.

Seeing this scene from a distance, the big man let out a 'huh', and then shot another red light from his huge red eyes, rushing towards him, he was actually going to confront Ruoxue's sword again. remember.

It's just that with the previous experience, Jiang Yuye was able to deal with it handy this time, and watching the divine sword in his hand continuously devour the red light shot by the opponent, it was obvious that he was also angry and angry.

In the distance, the big man didn't say a word, his huge red eyes shot out red light like arrows, the speed was extremely fast, and Jiang Yuye blocked them one by one, even though the dark red color was getting more and more On the contrary, he himself was ready to fight back fearlessly.


The three people around couldn't see it well, Zeng Shushu was the first to rush out, he raised his magic weapon "Xuanyuan", and was about to charge up from the side, but the big man turned his head slightly, and another shot shot out from his huge red eyes The red light came towards him, but Zeng Shushu couldn't dodge it in time, so he had to sacrifice Xuanyuan Xianjian to block the strange red light.

In mid-air, the Xuanyuan Immortal Sword glowed with lavender radiance, and immediately disappeared the red glow, but on the sword body, there was also a red mark like an awl attached to a bone, Xuanyuan Immortal Sword immediately let out a low tremor .

Zeng Shushu felt a sudden evil energy coming from the sword, which seemed to invade his body, but fortunately, it was far away and the power was not strong, and the Xuanyuan Immortal Sword immediately aroused auspicious energy to counteract the evil energy.

(End of this chapter)

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