Chapter 132 Yin Spirit
Legend has it that this world was originally dark, but 8000 years later, there was a giant god Pangu who opened up the world and transformed mountains and rivers; another 8000 years later, there was Nuwa who created man.

According to legend, the first light between heaven and earth was born in the darkest place.

Then the screen changed. In the sword mound full of broken swords, broken swords, and broken swords, he understood the way of the sword, survived the catastrophe that all practitioners feared, and finally achieved the dream of immortality. Traveling around the world is the number one sword fairy in the world~
He loves swords all his life, likes collecting ancient swords, and also likes casting divine swords. It can be said that there are all kinds of simple and sophisticated fairy swords in his hands.

Among them were the two apprentices he had accepted, one of whom was using the flying sword he made from the beginning to the end.

As for...

The only ones that seemed to work for him were two rubies and ancient jun.

Thousands of years of love, love and resentment continue in the world.

Jiang Yuye only felt that the whole body was so cold, the cold penetrated into the bone marrow, such a kind of cold, as if not only the body, but also the heart was cold, and it felt like he was about to die.

But he didn't feel scared, not even the slightest bit of fear, but he felt tired like never before, and he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes.Strangely, when his body was extremely sleepy and weak, his mind gradually became clear.

It seemed that there was something surrounding him, very gentle and careful, but cold as ice, slowly sucking the heat from his body, and at the same time carrying a strange sense of comfort, one couldn't help but think that it was just like this Sleep comfortably.

If it weren't for the entanglement and inclusion of a strange aura in his body, like a newborn force, I'm afraid he wouldn't have woken up so quickly.

And if not, he suddenly felt that in his left hand, he was still holding a cold and soft hand, and it seemed that he would not be able to force through the pain and sleepiness, and opened his eyes bit by bit!

It was a ray of light in eternal darkness!

In the endless and boundless darkness, only in front of Jiang Yuye's eyes, a ray of light quietly lit up, it was a faint, white light, it floated in the darkness, entangled Jiang Yuye, like the last A gentle woman, hugging her beloved lover, and being so lingering with him.

It was like a puff of smoke, with some emptiness, in mid-air, beside Jiang Yuye, a beautiful and desolate face gradually turned into a kiss towards the young man's lips!

Between those lips, there is a faint fragrance, a little distraction, and there is only coldness left!

The coldness of the heart!
The Ruoxue Divine Sword flew up suddenly, and the emerald green light blocked Jiang Yuye's body. The beauty's face transformed into a smoky white light seemed to be a little afraid of this, and she had no choice but to back away.

Jiang Yuye's body shook, turned over and stood up, then he felt overwhelmed, frowned slightly, and said heavily: "Yin Ling."

According to ancient legends, in life, old age and death, only the soul is immortal. At the end of one life, the soul leaves the body and goes to the next life, and the reincarnation is endless.However, in the world, there are resentful spirits, because of the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance, because of fear, evil, and fear, they are attached to the world, look back on the past, and do not want to be reborn. They are "yin spirits".

It is taken for granted that ghosts are ghosts, and they naturally like to live in damp places. This Necromancer Abyss is dark and damp, so it is not surprising that there are such ghosts.

But Jiang Yuye has never seen such a thing in his life, no matter before crossing or after coming to this world, he has never seen such a weird thing, so that he didn't know what to do for a while .

His low groan echoed faintly in the darkness. In the darkness around him, his voice seemed light and ethereal. After a long time, a faint echo came back.

Also following his call, as if something had been alarmed, in the darkness around him, it lighted up silently again.

Jiang Yuye only felt his heart beating, and then it was as if the heart in his chest had stopped. He held his breath, and looked at a beam of faint white light that was almost exactly the same as the ghost just now, shining brightly in the darkness ahead. stand up.

Then, the left side lit up, the right side lit up, the front side lit up, and the back side lit up. Even when he looked up, even the top of his head lit up, and that faint white light flashed.

There are actually countless Yin spirits, as if awakened from a long slumber, feeling the warmth of the human body that appeared for the first time in hundreds of years, and gathered here.

The bursts of smoky white light drifted erratically, turning into countless faces, male or female, old or young, beautiful or ugly, but at this moment, in Jiang Yuye's eyes, there was only one feeling: trouble.

Thinking of the scene of countless ghosts swarming up and surrounding him, he felt a little apprehensive.

But fortunately, after the initial horror, he immediately discovered that these ghosts seemed to be quite afraid of the Ruoxue Excalibur standing in front of him, and did not dare to approach the emerald green light emitted by Ruoxue Excalibur.

But before Jiang Yuye could react, those Yin spirits floating in mid-air seemed to have discovered something again, and they all flew to Jiang Yuye's left side.

Jiang Yuye was stunned for a moment, then suddenly woke up, the soft hand he was holding in his left hand was gradually getting cold at this moment.He hastily pulled hard, and there was a sound of water, and Lu Xueqi was pulled to his side. Relying on the dim light around him, Jiang Yuye could only see Lu Xueqi's face was pale and her eyes were closed tightly, but when she checked her breathing, she was still normal. Look, she didn't seem to have any trauma on her body, so she felt relieved, looked around, and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

He and Lu Xueqi, who was still in a coma, were somehow at the edge of a bay of water at this moment, and they couldn't see the size of the water clearly in the dark, and they didn't know if it was a small pool, or a big lake, or the legendary huge deep underground sea.

Jiang Yuye didn't know why he suddenly had this idea, but when he was in the water, he felt that the water surface was not static, and waves bulged up by the tide, like gentle hands caressing his body.

However, the water is really cold to the bone!

Jiang Yuye stood up with difficulty, and if he stayed any longer, even if he was not harmed by these ghosts, the two of them would freeze to death in the water first.As soon as he stood up straight, he felt dizzy for a while, and his body couldn't help shaking.

As if being drawn by the master, the Ruoxue Excalibur, which was only maintained at first, dimmed for a moment, and at almost the same moment, the ghostly lights of countless ghosts around it lit up at the same time, and the faces that turned into adults , revealing infinite desire.

"It can't go on like this."

Looking at the countless Yin spirits attacking, Jiang Yuye frowned slightly, and then mobilized the few 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao' in his body and that group of unknown spiritual power to directly pull the Ruoxue Excalibur to lay down the four directions.

(End of this chapter)

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