Chapter 17 Heyang City

Carrying the package bestowed by her master, Jiang Yuye walked alone on the way down the mountain.

Without magic weapons and flying swords, his speed along the way was extremely slow. If he hadn't cultivated to the fourth level of 'Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao', and also knew such ingenious 'Taoist methods' as 'Xiaoyaoyou', I'm afraid he might not be able to reach Heyang City even in one day.

From Qingyunmen to Heyang, one of the stopovers was Caomiao Village, but Jiang Yuye didn't want to touch the scenery, so naturally he didn't plan to go back and take a look.

After a day of rushing, Jiang Yuye finally arrived at Heyang City before the sun set.

Heyang City covers a vast area, with towering high walls and a constant stream of people coming and going. It can be said that within a radius of a hundred miles, this is the largest and most prosperous place.

Entering the city, Jiang Yuye changed the clothes of Qing Yunmen disciples early in the morning in order to avoid trouble, but it did not arouse any suspicion.However, Jiang Yuye's handsome appearance and heroic spirit caused quite a stir, causing many young women to stop and watch.

It's just that Jiang Yuye didn't care about it at all, he just walked to an inn called 'Shanhaiyuan', and then tidied up his clothes and went in.

This Shanhaiyuan is quite large, there are four other gardens in the back garden, and there is also a restaurant in the front, which is located on the busiest street in Heyang City.

Just after entering the door, a waiter from the shop immediately ran over and said with a smile, "Are you objectively eating or staying at the shop?"

"Stay in the hotel and eat." After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuye took out a silver coin from the package behind him and threw it to Xiao Er.

As a disciple of the 'Qingyunmen', when Jiang Yuye was practicing on the mountain, in order not to cause any trouble for his master Wan Jianyi, he had always kept a low profile. been to other places.

This time it was a rare opportunity to go down the mountain to look for opportunities, and he himself was happy to enjoy it.

Originally, according to the point in the "Original Book", the consumption of this "Shanhaiyuan" inn was very expensive, but fortunately, my master Wan Jian had prepared early in the morning and packed a lot of silver in the package he was carrying, which made the hotel more expensive. He was spared the fate of being reduced to a third-rate residence.

Xiao Er respectfully led Jiang Yuye up to the third floor. The VIP room on the third floor was tidy and clean. There were only less than ten tables in the spacious hall. Now there were probably two or three tables with guests eating.

Xiaoer led Jiang Yuye to an empty seat and said, "What would you like to eat objectively?"

"Then order some of your signature dishes." Jiang Yuye looked around intentionally or unintentionally while speaking in such a calm manner.

Jiang Yuye belonged to the common people in her previous life, but in this life she was born in a peasant family. She has never been to such a luxurious place as Shanhaiyuan. When she passed the second floor, she saw the grand hall, but when she walked to the third floor, she saw carved dragons and painted phoenixes. , mahogany beams, antique, completely different from the second floor.

If he didn't have the advantage of foresight, surely this scene alone would be enough for him to observe for a long time, right?
"Okay." Hearing Jiang Yuye's words, the soles of Xiaoer's feet seemed to be oiled, and he ran downstairs in a flash.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuye couldn't help laughing, "This Shanhaiyuan looks professional."

"Little brother, I see that you are covered with dark clouds, your seal is black, and your face is dead. Something is not good."

Just as Jiang Yuye was waiting for Xiao Er to serve the food, a slightly old voice came from the stairs.

Jiang Yuye heard the reputation and looked over, only to see an old man with white beard and hair, and a plain face. Respect, and beside the old man, there is an eight or nine-year-old little girl with two braids, who is lively and cute, holding a bunch of candied haws in her hand, and is eating with relish.

The old and the young walked up to the VIP seats on the third floor. The old man looked around first, and then saw Jiang Yuye walking over with bright eyes.

People at other tables around avoided one after another, only Jiang Yuye watched with interest as the old and the young sat at his table.


and also……

The unfathomable "Zhou Xian" in Zhu Xian's world.

I didn't expect to be discovered by this old magic stick just after I entered Heyang City. I have to say that this guy's eyesight is very accurate.

Thinking secretly in his heart, Jiang Yuye asked calmly on the surface: "The old man doesn't know you..."

But before Jiang Yuye could finish speaking, the waiter downstairs hurried up, and when he saw Zhou Yixian led Xiaohuan to sit next to Jiang Yuye, he said angrily, "You old liar, Didn't I tell you not to come up? How dare you come up?"

Say it.

The shop clerk wanted to make a gesture to drive him away, but before that, Jiang Yuye waved his hand and said, "Young er, go down first, I'll treat this old man to a meal today, and you don't care about the rest."

"See?" Hearing that Jiang Yuye was so forthright, Zhou Yixian said in a hurry: "The waiter who has eyes but no eyes, the old man once said that if you keep being so stingy, you won't be able to make a lot of money in the future. "

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yixian turned around as if showing off, and never looked at the waiter again.

The waiter in the shop was a little out of breath at once, but since the distinguished guests had already spoken, it was not easy for him to have a fit at the moment, so he could only go downstairs again sullenly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuye couldn't help but feel a little amused and said: "The old man has already left, I don't know what you said before?"

Although there was a sense of knowingly asking questions in these words, but as a time traveler, he knew that Zhou Yixian was unfathomable, and he had his own plans in his heart at the moment.

magic weapon?



I can't find it myself, isn't this old guy in front of me still unwilling to show a clear way?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuye couldn't help but look more eagerly at Zhou Yixian.

"It means that little brother, you are about to face a catastrophe recently."

Grabbing the teacup on the table casually, Zhou Yixian talked freely while drinking tea: "My little brother, although you have a beautiful face and a handsome face, you will definitely have great achievements in the future, but today I see you You don't know why, and there is a faint expression of 'great joy and great sorrow' on your face, so the old man can't bear the young talent like you, little brother, to die so young, so I came here to give some warning and persuasion."

(End of this chapter)

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