Chapter 173 Pursuit
Not long after Baguio and the others chased after them, this dark place, which had just experienced a fierce battle, was about to gradually restore calm, only to hear the sharp sound of "suggestion" from above, and two rays of light shot out, one white and one blue. Come down, sway twice, stop for a while, and a man and a woman in the light group appear, they are Li Xun and Yan Hong, who are under the Fenxianggu sect.

Li Xun's handsome face was slightly surprised at the moment, he looked around with the light of the magic weapon, and said to Yan Hong: "Junior Sister, I never thought that there would be such a cave under the fox's lair."

There was also a bit of surprise on Yan Hong's face, she nodded and said: "Yes, I have never seen such a scene in the past. I am afraid that these many monsters have never appeared in the world." After a pause, she whispered, " Brother, the situation here is weird, I'm afraid it's extremely dangerous, we have to be careful."

Li Xun smiled faintly, with a bit of arrogance on his face, and said: "Junior Sister, don't worry, forgive that demon fox for only 500 years of Taoism, what a shame!"

Yan Hong smiled slightly, and said: "Senior brother, you are very talented and have profound Taoism, so naturally you are not afraid of that evildoer, but in case that 'Six-tailed Demon Fox' is also beside the 'Three-tailed Demon Fox', with its thousand-year Taoism, I'm afraid there will still be some trouble."

Li Xun glanced at Yan Hong, showed a smile, and suddenly said: "Junior Sister, although your words are nice, but I'm afraid that I, a senior brother, who is greedy for merit, is very worried, right?"

The corner of Yan Hong's mouth twitched, and said in a low voice: "Brother, you are worrying too much."

Li Xun turned around, looked around, and said lightly: "Junior Sister, do you feel that the temperature under this abyss is abnormal?"

Yan Hong nodded and said: "That's right, it seems to be getting hotter after going down so deep."

Li Xun said: "It's not that it's hotter, but it's much hotter than usual, and I was distracted to look carefully at the black stone in the abyss along the way, and concluded that it was the magma that sprayed out from the bottom of the ground in ancient times. It came out of the ground and cooled down. This abyss is probably a crater!"

Yan Hong let out a soft cry of "ah", and then her beautiful eyes moved, and she immediately said as if she had awakened, "You mean..."

Li Xun continued: "That's right, that's what it means. The demon fox deliberately chose this crater as its lair. 300 years ago, the demon fox and a group of thieves entered my forbidden area of ​​Fenxiang Valley and stole the mysterious fire." Divine weapon. But what kind of person was Shangguan Shishu who was guarding the shrine back then, he came here after hearing the news, showed his might, and was about to capture a group of demon foxes, but the six-tailed demon fox is deceitful in nature and has become a fish that slipped through the net."

Speaking of this, he suddenly sneered, and continued: "But Uncle Shangguan's Taoism is profound, and the magic weapon 'Nine Cold Ning Ice Spike' he made is the most rare treasure in the world, and its power is unmatched. In the past, I was in the valley. I once heard Gu Zhu say that although the six-tailed demon fox escaped by chance, it has been pierced into the fox’s veins by the nine-cold ice thorn by Shangguan’s uncle, which has damaged the foundation of its morality. In the past 300 years, even if it does not die, it must be in great pain. The Tao is gone, and the cold air attacks the heart and hurts the body day and night, unless you are in a place where the sun is hot, you can relieve the pain."

Yan Hong smiled slightly, and said: "In this way, the six-tailed demon fox is probably under this abyss. Brother, you are far-sighted, and my younger sister really admires you."

A hint of arrogance appeared on Li Xun's face again, and he said: "We are disciples of the Fenxianggu sect, and we have received great favor from our master, so naturally we can't embarrass our master. This time, I only hope that God will bless and return everything to its original owner. Go back to your place, the demons are just punishing you."

Yan Hong smiled and said nothing, Li Xun glanced at her and said, "Let's go."

On Yan Hong's forehead, the figures of the two jumped up, turned into a bright light again, and rushed down the dark depths.

The length of this tentacle is really appalling, and it has been pulled down for about five feet. In the confusion, everyone suddenly took advantage of the dim light and looked around in a panic, only to see that the front has reached the bottom of this abyss. There is not a blade of grass growing around here, only there is a huge cave on the stone wall in front of it, which is ten feet high and seven or eight feet wide.

This huge tentacle is a monster protruding from this huge stone cave, seeing its rear end at this moment, it is even more huge, I really don't know what its whole body looks like if it is a living thing.

At this moment, a gloomy light flashed at the entrance of the huge stone cave, and the long-disappeared three-tailed demon fox suddenly appeared holding the Xuanhuo Jian in his hand.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the people chasing after her, and seeing Jiang Yuye's calm look, with a murderous look on her soft face, she was about to turn around and say something to the cave.

But for some reason, she seemed to think of something again, and suddenly stopped, turned her head, took a deep look at the calm Jiang Yuye, sighed, and said in a low voice: "This person is not easy to deal with, and he is in the Manyue Ancient Well. What he said beside him is thought-provoking, why don't you lead him there in a while."

As she said that, she raised the Xuanhuo Jian in her hand and took a look into the huge stone cave. At the same time, she let out a strange low whistling sound, which sounded like a fox barking in the wilderness.

A moment later, as if it had received some order, the huge tentacle quickly shrank back into the cave with a "beep".

At the same time, the three-tailed demon fox outside the cave heard the whistling sound, looked up, and saw three beams of gold, white, and blue beams appearing above their heads, shooting down quickly.She sneered a couple of times, and with a dodge, she retreated to the entrance of the cave, and the Xuanhuo Jian took a look into the cave, and then she let out another fox bark similar to just now.

The three beams of light are naturally Lu Xueqi, Bi Yao and Shitou. Because of Jiang Yuye's profound Taoism, and the surrounding three-tailed demon fox deliberately used monsters as cover, the three of them lost Jiang Yuye if they were not paying attention. When Jiang Yuye followed closely, the other three naturally had to be late.

But before the three of them stopped, following the movement of the three-tailed demon fox, a gust of wind suddenly rose in the huge cave, and another huge tentacle suddenly rushed out, hitting the three of them with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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