Chapter 294 Respective Trends

They have been standing like this, but the distance between them seems to be a little farther at this moment.The morning light shone on that beautiful woman's face, slowly exuding a soul-stirring beauty, and the misty mist in the forest seemed to be attracted by her, dancing around her gently.

At that moment, her face seemed to be a little blurred.

Baguio turned around, walked forward without saying anything, and walked into the depths of the fog, leaving behind a man and a woman.

However, when her figure was gradually blurred in the mist, she suddenly heard the voice of the man behind her, slowly saying: "Remember to follow your heart."

Her figure disappeared into the white mist, and no one could see her eyes, her expression, or her body anymore.

In this silent early morning, I don't know how long it took before her erratic voice came from the mist: "I will. But before that, I will kill everyone in Qingyun to pay homage to my father."

The sky is bright, but the feeling of walking in the mist is still dim.The fog in this area is far thicker than other places, and the sight cannot be seen too far.

Baguio walked in the forest, and already found that apart from the fog, although it is also a forest, it is very different from the outside.Except for the tall trees still standing in the mist, there are few dense bushes and thorns in the forest outside on the ground. I don't know if it is because the fog is too dense here and there is no sunlight.

But the most astonishing thing is that the countless poisonous insects, beasts, exotic flowers and plants that once spread all over the Dead Marsh forest suddenly disappeared.Baguio walked in this forest for at least half an hour without seeing even a single poisonous insect.

Here, it seems that there are no animals at all, and it is lifeless.

Baguio frowned and continued to walk forward.

At this moment, because there are fewer thorns and bushes, and those annoying poisonous insects and beasts, walking on the ground is much easier.This is the first time since entering Nezer.

She was walking in the forest like this, while carefully paying attention to the possible changes around her, but the figures of a man and a woman kept flashing in her mind unexpectedly.

Follow your heart and your lifelong enemy?

Baguio took a deep breath of fresh air, and then his eyes became more determined: "I must avenge my father's revenge anyway, even if I die for this, it is my own choice!"

After a while, she suddenly cheered up, her face regained her coolness, and then she took big strides towards the depths of the mist.

After walking for another half an hour, the trees in the forest became thicker and thicker, and almost everywhere in the back were giant trees with more than two people hugging each other.

In the past ten years, she was stimulated by the battle at Qingyun Mountain, coupled with the awakening of her Lieshan clan bloodline and the two gods Fulongding and Hehuanling in her hands. He learned other knowledge from the four holy envoys.

It can be said that the current Baguio is much, much stronger than before, and even if he confronts Tian Buyi and other older Qingyun masters alone, he will not be at a disadvantage.

She is now observing the giant trees in the forest. In fact, they are not all rare and strange trees. Among them are oak trees, maple trees, locust trees, etc., and they are ordinary mountains outside the Dead Marsh. There is in all.But Qijiqi's various trees here are particularly huge, as long as the ordinary ones are half the size of them, it is already astonishing, not to mention so many trees all gathered together.

What's even more strange is that the place where these giant trees are located should be full of life, but under this thick fog, not only can't see a single animal now, even the thorns and bushes that I occasionally saw when I first came in are also missing. .Even above the ground, except for the occasionally exposed giant tree roots, the soil is firm and yellowish, and there is not even any grass.

Under the cold fog, there is a chilling meaning.

Baguio frowned deeply, pondered for a long time, and looked around, only to see towering giant trees, straight and tall, walking in the forest, as if trapped in a huge maze.

She suddenly waved her sleeve robe, and she jumped up, unwilling to stay in this weird place any longer.The sad flowers in the sleeves swelled against the wind, and finally directly carried her away at a very high speed.

This made the speed much faster, but considering that the strange treasure might be nearby, Baguio did not fly above the forest, but only six feet above the ground, while flying fast, while carefully searching the ground.

Time passed quietly, and there was still silence in the woods, only the sound of her breaking through the air echoed in the forest.The trees in the forest, with the gradual deepening of Baguio, the trunks are getting bigger and bigger. At this moment, most of the trees that caught her eyes were ancient trees that were so thick that six or seven strong men could hug them. , the trees here may not all have a lifespan of hundreds or even thousands of years!
Amidst the increasingly thick and strange atmosphere, Baguio's figure suddenly stopped.

It has been dawn for a long time now, but the fog here seems to have no signs of dispersing at all, as if the layers of fog have coexisted with this forest since ancient times.

In the deepest part of this forest, Baguio stands in mid-air, looking forward.

In front of her, stood a wall impressively!

Wooden wall!

Rough tree texture, hard and with slight cracks, suddenly stretched out from the depths of the mist, a wooden wall as high as [-] feet, as strong and powerful as a horned dragon, traversed the giant wood forest, deeply digging into the soil.

Baguio looked at it coldly, motionless, carefully sizing up the wooden wall, and the corners of his eyes began to twitch slightly.Afterwards, she slowly moved her figure, leaned against it, and stroked it gently with her hand.

At the moment of touching, there was a gentle and rough feeling. Baguio thought of something in his heart, but he couldn't believe it.She withdrew her hand, and slowly floated forward along the wooden wall.

The white mist gradually dissipated in front of him, and then slowly condensed behind him. The wooden wall in front of him was getting taller and thicker, gradually becoming a circular shape, and the height was slowly rising.

Finally, when the height reached six feet, at the end of the wooden wall, Baguio stopped.

She took a deep breath, but she still couldn't calm down her mind. In the unstoppable heartbeat, everything in front of her, passed through the fog, and finally appeared in front of her eyes.

This huge wooden wall, at the end of the mist, harmoniously merges into a larger object.

In the sky, a ray of sunlight suddenly shone from the fog, and then disappeared, blocked by the fog.

Baguio finally affirmed the incredible conjecture in his heart just now.

That huge wooden wall is a section of tree roots...

The mist was layered and erratic, she gasped slightly because she was too surprised, then suddenly raised her head, her eyes were like rays of light passing through the mist, rushing away, straight up.

It was like a flash of lightning in a silent place, a roar, and the whole forest trembled. What appeared in front of her was a giant tree that was completely beyond imagination. The trunk wrapped in rough bark towers like a huge hill, straight to the sky, submerged in the mist, just like entering the sky!
Baguio is like an ant, insignificant before this giant tree.

What would it be like for a giant tree whose roots were even six feet high?
(End of this chapter)

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