Chapter 316 Southern Border
The bad land in the southern border is located in the extreme south of the vast land of Shenzhou. It is said that there are poor mountains and bad waters, and it is rich in poisonous insects and beasts.And the most obvious boundary with the Central Plains is in the extreme south, suddenly rising like a flat ground, with tall and majestic mountains connected one after another, soaring into the clouds, separating the north and the south.

Since ancient times, few people from the fertile Central Plains have traveled to the southern border. There are no other reasons. First, the roads are steep; second, there are too many beasts, poisonous insects, miasma and bad water;Later, I don’t know when it started, the world began to spread that in the endless mountains in southern Xinjiang, there are all kinds of barbaric alien races, who are cruel and easy to kill, and there are even terrifying orcs who cannibalize human flesh. Since then, no one has dared to go there. Instead, the world was terrified, worrying day and night that those alien races would one day suddenly run out of those mountains, invade the Central Plains, and endanger the world.

However, in the past thousand years, there have been no rumors of barbarians harming people. Although occasionally in the borderlands of the southern border, there have been a few cases of seeing monsters with strange alien appearances from time to time, but most of them ended up without a problem and were gradually forgotten by people. .Today, even the people living in the borderlands of southern Xinjiang probably only say the words "If you don't obey me, those barbarian monsters will come to catch you" when the mother is putting her child to sleep at night, but on weekdays, they never No one would have thought about whether these alien races in the deep mountains really existed, let alone the Central Plains thousands of miles away.

Speaking of which, the [-]-strong mountain shrouded in layers of mist is now a place that has been forgotten by the people of the world.

However, ordinary people in the world have forgotten these alien races, but there are some people who are cultivating and refining the Tao, but they have not forgotten.Regardless of the righteous and evil, as long as the seniors are older, they will know that the reason why the alien races in the south have not been able to harm the world in the past thousand years is that the "Burning Incense Valley", the giant of the righteous way, has really made a great contribution.

Hundreds of thousands of majestic and towering mountains cut off the communication between the north and the south. The people of the Central Plains could not go south, and it was difficult for those barbarians of other races to go north.But thousands of years ago, an unimaginable catastrophe fell from the sky, killing and injuring countless people within a thousand miles.After the catastrophe, someone discovered that in the majestic mountain range, the giant force of the sky thunder forcibly split a certain part of the mountain, revealing a dark and dark path with a width of only three feet.

That is to say, from that time onwards, among the [-] mountains in the world, there were hidden barbarians and eccentrics, who disturbed the people from time to time, and the people in the borderlands were miserable until the appearance of the Burning Incense Valley.

Fenxiang Valley has the most mysterious origin among the sects of the righteous way. As early as 500 years ago, there were disciples of this line that traveled the world. In terms of origin alone, only Qingyunmen and Demon Sect have a longer history than Fenxiang Valley, and even Tianyin Temple is not as good as it.

But despite this, this faction was extremely low-key in the past. Although there will be a few people with profound morals and morals from time to time, they have little impact on the situation in the world.Until 800 years ago, this faction found a valley near the dark tunnel in the southern border and settled down. Since then, it has called itself "Fenxiang Valley". Standing against Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple, he became one of the three major sects of righteousness in the world.

Correspondingly, Yun Yilan, the contemporary valley owner of Burning Incense Valley, is also a giant of the righteous path with the same reputation as Master Daoxuan of Qingyunmen and Master Puhong of Tianyin Temple, but this person has always been low-key, and his reputation is not as good as the above two.

Because of the geographical relationship, Burning Incense Valley almost instinctively took on the responsibility of taking care of the dark trail known locally as the "black hole". Since then, there have been no rumors of barbarian monsters harassing the people.Therefore, in the hearts of the local people, Incense Valley has a very high reputation and is revered as a first-class god.

These materials are all recorded in Qing Yunmen, and Jiang Yuye has also read them in the past ten years, and now he has slowly turned them up in his mind.

Now that she knew that the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox was imprisoned in the Xuanhuo Altar, she naturally took the Shuanghu and the Seven-colored Deer and hurried all the way, and finally arrived near the Shiwan Dashan.

It was late at night, and the moon was bright this night, the clouds were quite thick, and there were not a few stars, but the moon was shining brightly, shining on the world, and it also illuminated the mountain he was on quite brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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