Chapter 319 Ghost King Sect

Fox Qishan.

The main hall of Ghost King Zong is located.

Under the desolate mountain, the main hall of Ghost King Sect is hidden in a hard cave.In the winding tunnel, in a deep and quiet place, there is no one in the long tunnel, only a copper lamp is inlaid on the stone walls on both sides every few feet, illuminating some places.

You Ji, whose face was covered with a black veil, had an erratic figure, walking forward alone, looking from a distance, she looked like a ghost in the darkness.

This place is already the forbidden area of ​​the Ghost King Sect. It is also the most mysterious place in the Ghost King Sect like the ice cave where Baguio practiced. It has always been strictly forbidden for ordinary disciples to enter and leave.But You Ji, as one of the four great envoys of the Ghost King Sect, Suzaku, is one of the most core members of the Ghost King Sect, so she can freely enter and exit these places.

However, she glanced at the long, seemingly endless, deep tunnel in front of her, but her steps suddenly slowed down. She seemed to be hesitating, but finally she still walked.

Deep in the shadows ahead, there seemed to be a few strange low growls at this moment, like the roar of some wild beast.

After walking through a long tunnel, the lights on both sides became more and more dim. Finally, after turning a corner, You Ji came to the end of the tunnel. There was a stone gate with a lintel engraved on it. With three words:

Sleepy Dragon Fault.

You Ji stared at the three characters for a long time, the surroundings were silent, only the strange roar that had been heard from time to time, gradually became clearer, and there seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the air.

The black veil on her face moved, she seemed to shake her head, sighed softly, and then walked into the stone gate.

Once entering the stone gate, it suddenly opened up, and there was a huge grotto inside, with strange rocks on the rock wall next to it, each with different shapes.In front of the stone gate where You Ji was, there was a suspended stone path, winding forward, leading to the center of the grotto.At this moment, she was actually in the midair of this huge grotto.

It was obviously not the first time for You Ji to come here. Seeing such a scene, she didn't show any surprise. She only remained silent for a moment, and then walked along the narrow stone path.The upper part of the grotto is dark, but just below the stone path, there is a red light shining faintly, reflecting it up, but it reflects the rock wall above the grotto a little hideously.

The smell of blood in the air was getting stronger.

I don't know whether the suspended stone path in this huge grotto was formed naturally or artificially. It just hangs in the air like this. From a distance, there is no stone pillar that can support it, which is really unimaginable.

You Ji's black figure was walking on the stone path, but there was not even a sound of footsteps while walking, it really looked a bit ghostly.But not long after she walked, she saw the figure in front of her.

Xu Zhixie.

At the end of the stone path, there is a seven-foot stone platform. Qinglong is standing on it right now, with his hands behind his back. Looking from behind, his figure is calm and heavy, and he seems to be integrated into this huge grotto. strange feeling.

You Ji walked to his side and said, "Elder Xu."

Xu Zhixie turned around, nodded, and said with a smile, "You are here, acting suzerain."

You Ji sighed and did not speak.

When the stone path reaches this platform, even if it reaches the end, there is nothing in front of it. Correspondingly, the mysterious red light under the grotto is much brighter from here.This time when Xu Zhixie turned his head, the red light suddenly shot over from his turn, vaguely illuminating his face a little bit, and even his eyes seemed to have a faint red glow.

Xu Zhixie didn't seem to notice this either, so he just said, "Did you come to see me for something today?"

You Ji walked over and stood on the platform, her eyes suddenly brightened, and there was no stone path to block her, and she could see everything at the bottom of the grotto at a glance.

Under this grotto, there was actually a huge pool of blood, and the bottom of the huge grotto was filled with bright red blood. I really don't know where Ghost King Sect got so much fresh blood.Presumably, the strong smell of blood in the air came from below.

In the pool of blood, there were three giant beasts, two were yellow birds and black snakes in the swamp of death, and one was the strange beast Kui Niu on Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea.Most of the bodies of these three ancient strange beasts were soaked in the bloody water, and at the same time, a dark red light shrouded them from above the blood pool.Look at the place where the dark red light is emitted, it is the Fulongding that is volleyed in the air by an inexplicable force.

The location of Fulongding was quite far from where Xu Zhixie and You Ji were standing, but Youji could still see a black figure casting spells on Fulongding, but it was blurred under the cover of the red light.But even so, she still knew who it was, Mr. Human Ghost, the most mysterious figure in the Demon Cult's Ghost King School.

As one of the four great envoys of the previous generation of the Ghost King Sect, You Ji knew almost everything about the Ghost King Sect, but only Mr. Ghost was an exception.The reason is simple, this person was not originally a member of the Ghost King School.It was a mysterious figure who suddenly appeared beside him after the previous generation of ghost king ascended the throne. Qinglong, Youji and other ghost king sect masters were moved by it.

But in You Ji's heart, she has always been deeply vigilant against this person. The most important reason is that under the vigorous promotion of Mr. Ghost, the previous generation of ghost kings finally started to activate the "Four Spiritual Blood" ten years ago. Array", and after the death of the ghost king, Biguio has been in charge.

The magical treasure "Fulong Ding" handed down by the Ghost King Sect in the past has a mysterious origin, and it contains endless spiritual power, neither good nor evil, extremely weird.And on the body of Fulong Dingding, in addition to the ancient and clumsy patterns, there are also many mysterious inscriptions engraved, which cannot be penetrated by the ancestors of the ghost kings of all generations.But when it came to the previous suzerain, the Ghost King, he had everything in his chest, and he was really an incomparable genius. Just beside him, there suddenly appeared a Mr. Ghost who seemed to have a special research on this kind of mysterious characters. It was solved.

It turns out that the inscription on the body of the Fulong Ding tripod recorded a strange magic circle called "Four Spirit Blood Formation". It needed the spiritual power of four strange beasts from the ancient prehistoric era to trigger the strange magic power of the Fulong Ding itself, and then it would become a magic circle. A peerless magic circle with unparalleled power.According to the inscription on the ancient tripod, once the four spirit blood formations are formed, their power will be enough to destroy the world.

The ghost king of the previous generation was a powerful and powerful hero, so naturally he would not turn a blind eye to this powerful force. Ten years ago, in the battle of Qingyun, Qingyunmen's Zhuxian Sword Formation shook the world, invincible, and it was beyond human power to resist. He even died because of this, so in order to avenge Baguio, he felt that he had to use the four spirit blood formations to fight against it.

From then on, all the actions of the Ghost King Sect began to revolve around the four spirit blood formation.

You Ji withdrew her gaze from Mr. Ghost's blurred figure, and looked at the three spirit beasts in the blood pool.Although surrounded by blood, the Yellow Bird and the Black Water Snake, who had lived for an unknown number of years, were obviously unwilling. From time to time, they let out an angry howl, spread their wings, and immediately bulged out huge waves of blood around them.

It's just that the blood water in this blood pool seems to have a strange restraint effect on it. The spiritual power and power of the yellow bird are obviously far from comparable to that of the day, especially on its head, there is a dark red light from the Fulong cauldron covering it. with it.As soon as the yellow bird moved, the dark red light immediately brightened, and the yellow bird covered by it suddenly seemed to be suppressed by Mount Tai, and its raised body immediately seemed to be pressed back by unrivaled gravity.

After several rounds like this, the movements of the yellow bird and the black water snake gradually slowed down. Although they were still resisting, they became more and more powerless.On the other side of the blood pool, the one-legged giant Kui Niu was soaked in the blood pool, motionless, only occasionally glanced at the yellow bird and the black water snake. Trapped here for a long time, has completely given up resistance.

Seeing these three originally mighty spirit beasts end up in this fate, You Ji couldn't help frowning slightly under the black veil, feeling an inexplicable disgust in her heart.

Xu Zhixie, who was standing beside her, seemed to sense something, looked at her, and suddenly said: "The acting suzerain is planning to avenge the previous generation of ghost kings."

You Ji was startled, then calmed down, and said calmly, "I know that."

Xu Zhixie looked at her, then moved his eyes to the blood pool, and said slowly after a while: "Now the four spirit blood array is more than half completed, as long as we find two more spirit beasts as guides, our Ghost King Sect will rule the world." Day, just around the corner."

You Ji was silent for a moment, then said: "What about after that?"

Xu Zhixie stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes still did not leave the three spirit beasts in the blood pool, but he suddenly changed the subject and said, "Of course it was because of Miss Bi Yao, but then again, Miss Bi Yao is alone. Do we really not need to accompany us when we go to Shiwan Dashan?”

The black veil on You Ji's face moved slightly, and after a while, she said: "With the current master's skill and Acacia Bell, there is basically nothing she can do in this world. She has no more than ten fingers, so since she let us here Waiting is the only way to obey."

When she said this, she suddenly stopped, and Xu Zhixie sighed softly: "Hey, I don't know how Miss Bi Yao is doing now."

You Ji pondered for a moment, and said: "It must be all right, oh, by the way, Elder Xu, did you have any clues when you went to track down that monster a few days ago?"

"One Hundred Thousand Mountains." Xu Zhixie replied without thinking, "That monster should have come from Hundred Thousand Mountains."

You Ji raised her head and looked at Xu Zhixie, only to see a hint of sharpness on his lips, but against his young cheeks, there was a chill.

"Originally, I wanted to continue the investigation, but Miss Baguio's order..."

Having said that, Xu Zhixie sighed, "Hey."

You Ji lowered her head slowly, because no one could see her expression because of the black veil covering her face.After a while, she said: "Miss Baguio has her own ideas, we subordinates only need to obey orders."

"Yes." Xu Zhixie nodded, but in just a moment, the bloody aura around him suddenly became ten times and a hundred times stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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