Chapter 363 Poison Valley
In the ancient and dense primeval forest, there was a terrible and scorched smell in the wind, like ugly scars. The original green forest was full of traces of being ravaged by beast monsters, and huge trees fell in disorder. Underground, countless animal bones from the forest were scattered everywhere, and the peaceful atmosphere in the entire forest disappeared.

On the second day after finding the demon disciple who had gone mad, Xiao Yicai, Fa Peng and his group of seven orthodox disciples gradually approached the valley hidden in the deep mountains following the increasingly obvious traces of beast monsters.The forest they passed along the way was full of the scene they saw just now. Although they didn't see any human bones, this scene still moved people.

In the hearts of many people, they even thought at the same time, could it be that these beast monsters were really born to kill and came to this world?
At noon of the day, a group of people appeared on the dilapidated ancient road outside the Viper Valley. The traces of damage by beast monsters around here were so obvious that everyone looked at it almost without any effort. After coming out, the ancient road was trampled by countless beast monsters and widened several times. There were huge footprints and sharp claw marks left by beast monsters everywhere, and there was still a stench in the air. In addition, there seems to be a relatively meager but even more unbearable stench, but no one can tell what it is.

Looking at the entrance of the valley in front, the inside is as messy as the outside, the land forest that was ravaged by the terrible torrent is clearly visible, the ancient road is winding and winding, no one knows what else is in that valley?
For some reason, everyone looked a little nervous and fell into an awkward silence.In the end it was Xiao Yi who coughed, but after making the sound, he quietly found that his throat was dry and sore.He calmed down and said: "Everyone, it seems that the disciple of the Devil's Cult is not lying. It should be here that the beast monster and the Demon's Cult had a great battle."

He looked around, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Shall we go in and take a look?"

No one spoke, and even Li Xun's face looked very ugly at this moment. After a while, Dharma Xiang standing next to Xiao Yicai whispered a Buddha's name, saying: "Since we are here, there is no need for us to give up and go in." stop."

In fact, everyone present understands this truth, but for some reason, there seems to be something strange in that valley, which quietly affects everyone's emotions, making people fearful.The younger brother Fa Shan, who had been following Faxiang all this time, responded with a loud voice, and walked to the side of the senior brother.

"Let's go." It wasn't Xiao Yicai who said this, but Lin Jingyu. He clenched the Dragon Slaying Sword tightly in his hand, and then with a solemn expression, he walked towards the Poisonous Snake Valley first, and followed behind him. It was Lu Xueqi, and Li Xun immediately followed. Xiao Yicai and Fa looked at each other, and both could see the worry in the other's eyes, but after a while, everyone still walked in.

The huge valley, the endless forest, everyone walked in the snake valley, but there was only a dead silence around them, not to mention seeing animals, they didn't even hear the usual birdsong.The area around this valley seems to have turned into a lifeless ghost.

The stench of monsters and beasts in the air was as strong, but as the crowd went deeper, everyone's brows became more and more tightly wrinkled. At this moment, another breath blowing along with the wind in the valley almost made people The terrible smell that makes people want to vomit is getting stronger and stronger.

The mountain road was twists and turns, and everyone was concentrating on guarding their surroundings and moving forward slowly.There is a corner in front of it, which is a mountain depression. Walking here, the smell in the air is so disgusting that it is unbearable.Suddenly, Yan Hong, who was walking in the middle, rushed to the side of the road, and everyone else was taken aback. Li Xun said in surprise: "Junior Sister, what's wrong with you..." He stopped in the middle of speaking, because he and everyone saw it. Yan Hong stood in the weeds beside the road, throwing up desperately.

No one opened their mouths to laugh, because no one knew how long they could last. Although this valley hadn't revealed its true colors, it seemed to be more terrifying than most places in the world.Yan Hong gasped and stopped, her face was pale, she walked back to the crowd, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I, I really..."

Faxiang forced a smile and said, "Junior Sister Yan, it's okay."

Xiao Yicai also said: "That's right, no one can bear this smell, you don't have to worry about it, if you can't, why don't you wait for us outside the valley first."

Yan Hong hesitated for a moment, but shook her head and said, "Let's go."

Li Xun walked over, nodded to Yan Hong, with a look of comfort in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Be careful, don't hold on."

Yan Hong nodded in agreement, Xiao Yi turned his head and said: "Okay, let's continue walking. I don't know what monsters are dangerous ahead, everyone must be careful."

Everyone nodded and walked forward again. Lin Jingyu was still walking in the forefront. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the corner of the mountain depression, cold sweat began to overflow from the palm of his hand holding the Dragon Slaying Sword.At this moment, the air was already so foul-smelling that it was hard to breathe, Lin Jingyu's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth, and strode over in one stride, rounded the corner of the mountain depression, and saw the scene in the valley.

His whole body froze instantly.

The people behind him immediately noticed Lin Jingyu's strange behavior, and couldn't help becoming nervous, Xiao Yicai called Lin Jingyu twice in a low voice, but he didn't respond at all, his eyes just stared straight ahead.Lu Xueqi was the second to go up, and then Li Xun, Yan Hong, Xiao Yicai, Fa Xiang and Fa Shan walked past the corner of the mountain depression one by one, and saw the scene in the Poisonous Snake Valley.

Then, everyone froze.

That is the tragic Shura Hell in the legend. Such a terrifying scene suddenly appeared under the clear blue sky and white sun.Countless bones fell inside and outside the house in the Snake Valley. Some were human, and there were all kinds of beasts and monsters. Some were intact, but more were broken limbs, so fragmented that they couldn't be recognized. The ground is all over, and there are almost no gaps.

After barely calming down, Xiao Yicai and the others continued to walk in with pale faces.

Horrible scenes are everywhere, and the deeper the valley is, the more tragic the scene is. The battle here is extremely tragic without imagination. The bones of countless people and the corpses of monsters and monsters are entangled. It was completely dark black, the color soaked in blood.

Walking into the courtyard, you can see the remnants of fierce battles inside and outside every room, and at the entrance of important passages. In some places, even corpses are piled up high, obviously to compete for this small entrance , the two sides fought desperately one after another, stepping on the corpses of their comrades in arms and fighting endlessly.

In the courtyard, everyone began to see the corpses of a few huge monsters, some even taller than the entire hall, but at this moment, the once ferocious monsters were just lying quietly in this hell on earth. The same place, waiting to rot.

The stench of corpses in the air has reached a terrifying level, but the disciples of the righteous way are better off than before, because of the tragedy in front of them, they are a little indifferent to the stench, but no one's expression is Good looking, from anyone's point of view, the faces of these people seem to be almost dead.

They continued to walk deep into the house, and more bones appeared in front of them. Now no one knows how many demon disciples and beast monsters died in this valley. They walked in almost subconsciously, go, go...

Everyone's face was so dull, everyone held on to their magic weapon tightly, and refused to relax at all. After crossing countless seas of bones and blood, they came to a mourning hall.

The reason why it could be seen that it was a mourning hall was because they saw a coffin in this room, and the inside and outside of this room seemed to be the place where the fighting was most intense, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain of bones.It was here that everyone found many familiar corpses from the Demon Cult: Baiduzi, Vampire Old Demon, Duanmu Patriarch...

These demon cult murderers who used to be all-powerful and powerful, are now hiding in this place with their eyes closed, and many of them still have a look of fear on their faces.

Anyone can imagine, but no one is willing to imagine, what kind of scene they were before they died!
As the investigation deepened, Xiao Yicai and other older people successively discovered more famous figures of the Demon Cult here, including the three major disciples of the Poison God and many important figures in the Hehuan Sect.
Everyone slowly gathered in front of the mourning hall, and seeing the ugly faces of the people around, Xiao Yi said shyly: "A lot of people died here, all the important figures of the Demon Sect are here, it seems that all the Wandumen are dead. "

Yan Hong next to her was frighteningly pale, and said in a low voice: "It's the same over there, the Hehuan faction also died a lot, even Mrs. Sanmiao was there..."

Lu Xueqi's face was pale, her teeth were clenched on her lower lip, her expression was complex and varied, she looked unbearable, disgusted, and for some reason, she seemed to be a little scared.

(End of this chapter)

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