Chapter 368
In the early morning, when the sky was barely bright, the sky around Qingyun Mountain was covered with dark clouds, and raindrops soon fell.The rain became stronger from a young age, and soon the sky and the earth turned into a gray area. The sound of pattering rain was everywhere, covering the towering mountains in a mist, appearing hazy and mysterious.

The sound of the rain hitting the emerald green bamboo leaves seems to have not changed for thousands of years, and it will always look very lonely on Qingyun Mountain.From the eaves and tile roofs that stretched out because of their age and had moss, the water drops turned into water curtains from ticks, falling down like pearls one by one, and landed on the bluestone paved ground, splashing. Form water particles like pearl crumbs.

There is wind in the rain, blowing in the rain flowers one after another, with a touch of moisture and rain powder, wandering between the window sills, as if thinking about something.

Lu Xueqi stood alone in front of the window, looking at the misty rain and mountains outside the window, which was endless. In such a cold time, only the sound of rain beating bamboo leaves in the distance echoed in the world and mountains.

As the breeze passed by, the black hair on her temples fluttered gently, and the feeling of rain powder brushing over her face seemed to feel a burst of coldness entering her skin.She pursed her lips lightly, holding the window sill with her hand, the sound of the rain seemed far and near, but in the end it seemed to fall deep in her heart.

I just don't know if there are still ripples?

Footsteps sounded outside the house, someone knocked lightly on the door, Lu Xueqi looked back silently, quietly regained consciousness from the misty rain, walked over and opened the door, standing outside the door was Senior Sister Wen Min.

The corner of Lu Xueqi's mouth smiled faintly, and said, "Senior Sister."

Wen Min looked at her ruddy face, frowned, walked in, Lu Xueqi closed the door behind her, and the two sat down in the simple room.Wen Min first looked at the bed, but saw that the bedding on the bed was in order, sighed, and said, "Did you not sleep last night?"

Lu Xueqi said quietly: "I can't sleep."

Looking at Lu Xueqi, Wen Min felt a slight pain in her heart. She entered Xiaozhufeng earlier than Lu Xueqi, and had always been friends with her. With Lu Xueqi's aloof and aloof character, apart from her teacher Shuiyue, Wen Min was the only one who had the best relationship with her on weekdays. That's it.Recently, Lu Xueqi has been in constant trouble, and Wen Min, watching from the sidelines, is quite anxious, but although she is anxious, she still has nothing to do.

There was silence in the room for a while, Wen Min didn't know what to say, but after a while, Lu Xueqi said softly, "Senior sister, congratulations."

Wen Min was startled, and said, "What?"

Lu Xueqi said: "I heard that a few days ago, Master Uncle Tian and Uncle Suru from Dazhu Peak personally brought Song Daren and Senior Brother Song to propose marriage."

Wen Min blushed, but still said: "Oh... well, that's nothing, besides, I and that wooden Gada are already..."

Having said that, Wen Min was as thin as a mosquito's silk in the end, and it was obvious that he couldn't say it anymore.

Lu Xueqi nodded and said: "Then congratulations to senior sister, I will definitely give senior sister a generous gift on the wedding day."

Wen Min smiled, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Okay, those are all secondary, but is there still no progress between you, Junior Sister, and Junior Brother Jiang?"

Lu Xueqi's face turned pale, and she remained silent.

Wen Min pondered for a long time, and said: "Junior sister, I know a little bit about your thoughts, but there is no way for you to go on like this, happiness is still in your own hands."

There was silence in the room for a long time, the rain outside the window made me feel lonely and speechless.

Finally, Wen Min said in a low voice: "Although Baguio, the patriarch of the Ghost King Sect, is your lifelong enemy, Junior Sister Lu, it does not prevent you from marrying Junior Brother Jiang, so according to Senior Sister, you still..."

"I know." This cold and beautiful woman said softly in the mist and rain: "But this is a hurdle in my heart. If I pass it, I may be able to break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, but if I can't pass it, I think I am not qualified to be with Yu Ye."

Her voice was suddenly choked up, Wen Min stood up, and was about to go up to comfort her, but Lu Xueqi suddenly turned around, her white clothes fluttered like a lonely cloud.

There seemed to be water droplets in the corners of her eyes, which were crystal clear, with a trace of sadness that had never been seen before, and said: "Senior sister, I know it all, but I just can't get over it. Even though I have been firm countless times, I still can't stop that A trace of entanglement, there is no escape."

Lu Xueqi stopped suddenly, her expression was so excited that Wen Min was a little worried, but Lu Xueqi quickly calmed down, only her eyes still had that bit of sadness: "Maybe she just It's the curse of my life."

She looked at Wen Min silently, and then her expression became weaker and weaker, and her body began to tremble slightly, saying: "Senior sister, I, you say what's wrong with me, what's wrong with me?" She suddenly threw herself into Wen Min's arms, Wen Min Holding her shoulders, I only felt her thin body trembling slightly, and her low voice came from my ears.

Wen Min was speechless, tightly hugging Lu Xueqi, who had never been so vulnerable, this cold woman who was once aloof and arrogant, now seemed to be the most annoying person in the world.


Silence covered everything again, the rain outside the window was in a hurry, and there seemed to be a low choking sound coming from the wind.Outside the hut, on the edge of the bamboo forest, Master Shuiyue stood silently, holding an oilcloth green umbrella in his hand, staring blankly at the house in the wind and rain.

Then, she slowly turned and left, disappearing into the bamboo forest.

(End of this chapter)

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